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Angry Faces, War Cries, Soddball Scenarios, and More... Maggot!

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Originally posted by Shosties4th:

And the attempt to contain MasterGoodale's eruptions continues...

I think you mean the long-running, futile attempt to contain MasterGoodale's eruptions continues...

But let's not quibble. :D:D

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Oh, and Crow. I do believe this one has your name written on it. If you have the time, I'm willing to perpetrate the crimes against your pixeltruppen. What say you maggot? I'll even let you pick the side -- Russian attack or German defense. Don't delay -- offer limited.

So sorry old chap, please don't think I was deliberately ignoring you I just somehow overlooked this when going through the thread at work earlier. :( The smoke from MGs TNT chucking must have caused me to miss it! :mad:

Hmn I guess I could go from zero PBEM games to 2 in one fell swoop. :D

Which to choose... Hmn, been playing attacks and MEs so far in my few games against the AI so I'll take German Defence please just so I can really embarrass myself! tongue.gif

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Is this the new mong challenge? :confused:


Crow, watch out! Your going to lose your Junior member status by posting here, and after that you are not allowed to run around with your pants down anymore (not that there's anything wrong with that). :mad:

4thShorts, Stravinsky has more TNT in his compositions than Shostakovitsh (note Finnish spelling). tongue.gif :mad:

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Originally posted by Keke:

Is this the new mong challenge?

If it is, then you should feel right at home you non-Indo-European-speaking Asiatic refugee. ;)tongue.gif

[Pardon me if you're one of them Swedish-Chef-speaking-Finns.. "MORK MORK MORK"] tongue.gif

Originally posted by Keke:

4thShorts, Stravinsky has more TNT in his compositions than Shostakovitsh (note Finnish spelling).

Dimitri is gonna have to take you back to school for that remark, buster! :mad: No way that pampered emigree nonce could channel the psychological disturbance that DSCH could under the constraints of Socialist Realism. I propose we do battle! Don't make me break out disparaging comments about (GASP!!! :eek: ) Sibelius on yer a$$! :mad:



[ June 27, 2003, 02:43 PM: Message edited by: Shosties4th ]

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Originally posted by MasterGoodale:

You all disgust me you festering barrel of mossy scrotums!! :mad:


Who wants a piece of me!!?? :mad:

Sound off like you got a pair skunk nads!! :mad:

Send me a damn turn, you spanner.

I feel the need to complete your ritual humiliation. I look forward to owning your sig. Hoor.

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:mad: :mad: :mad:

What a grab-asstic collection of inbred, sheep-shagging reprobates!!!

Which maggot was whining about 2 PBEMS? I got 8 running and Gaywhore Talksmore just took offense to a comment I made. Looks like one more will be winging its way to me. :mad: Y'all are gonna have play with yourselves til I free up some space. :eek:

Only thing exciting in last nights turns came from none other than MAsterGoodale. After attempting to assault a forward position with infantry failed the maggot pummeling the lines with his last T-34/43 and a M17. Well the T-34 lost the duel with Unt Anglen at 41m and now the flaming wreckage is a funeral pyre for the poor Ruskies. The M17 is next and his infantry will learn why armor support is important. :mad:

[ June 27, 2003, 05:08 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Poetry? Classical music? What's next, self-indulgent pedestrian philosophy? Oh wait, you can already get that in the GF.

*Sigh* I remember the good old days when people used to get into flame fests over things like Guy Sager and GI Combat. Now the political rants make GoodAle look calm by comparision.
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Originally posted by Shosties4th:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Keke:

Is this the new mong challenge?

If it is, then you should feel right at home you non-Indo-European-speaking Asiatic refugee. ;)tongue.gif

[Pardon me if you're one of them Swedish-Chef-speaking-Finns.. "MORK MORK MORK"] tongue.gif

Originally posted by Keke:

4thShorts, Stravinsky has more TNT in his compositions than Shostakovitsh (note Finnish spelling).

Dimitri is gonna have to take you back to school for that remark, buster! :mad: No way that pampered emigree nonce could channel the psychological disturbance that DSCH could under the constraints of Socialist Realism. I propose we do battle! Don't make me break out disparaging comments about (GASP!!! :eek: ) Sibelius on yer a$$! :mad: </font>
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All right you hooring hooligans!

Shosties4th's cable connection has made my destruction of not one, not two, but three of his PzIV's in two turns happen that much quicker.

Nippy continues to rain woe and death on my troops. 'nuf said.

Teddy and I are about to embark on a tipple as soon as I get my act together later today.

Prinz Eugen and I are kind of back on track. The wily Finn must still be removing the shrapnel out of his body with a pair of rusty tweezers which is, incidentally, the most popular hobby in Finland.

Keke is starting to feel the wrath of my TNT and we're still in the recon stage. He must be wetting himself thinking of the carnage yet to come.

Mike_the_let's_wait_in_the_wood_for_the_whole_game_as_some_kind_of_a_sick_joke continues to live up to his name.

That "draw" MasterGoodale was predicting looks less and less likely as I turn his troops into a fine paste. I can assume that as his losses mount I can expect a proportional drop in his turn rate.

Let's see, did I forget anyone?

Oh, Dave H lives in Indiana, Soddball that lunatic has me seeing fire in my sleep, Crow is a reprobate, samba_liten likes goats, Kurt Panzer Meyer has a growling impediment and Snarker can't tie his own shoes.

If I missed anyone, that's because you're too much a waste of precious brain resources to even contemplate.


Jas :mad: n

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:mad: Early Afternoon Sports Update :mad:

Axe2121 was able to put some hurt on me with the refuse he has remaining in his OOB when I got a bit overconfident... but let's see if you can keep this run of good fortune up for long, maggot!

Prinz Eugen is either busy in RL or sulking due to my ability to frighten the yella-livered crew out of a T-43/85 with some 250/8 HTs he had been disparaging.

Nippy has his infantry camping in woods while his tracks scuttle around wondering what to do.

Which brings us to the second Finno-Urgic on the list... Keke, whose setup I have accepted and whose Magyar Stravinsky-loving Fascists (hunh? :confused: ) are playing "Rite of Spring" in the oh-so-appropriate time of Decemeber 1944. No doubt wishing to deny the brisk wind of Socialist Realism which will soon blow through their ranks to the strains of DSCH's 4th and 5th symphonies.


[ June 28, 2003, 05:21 PM: Message edited by: Shosties4th ]

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Turns are out, my little Waffles, and here's the score so far:

Axe2121 - He has all ready lost two AFV to a flamethrower, now he's going for three. Elsewhere a tank of his got a 100mm enema for its troubles.

Robohn - Is getting is tanks pwned by my Marders. Why he brought a gaggle of immobile towed guns as well, I will never know.

Shosties4th - His commie hords just got slathered in nice hot TNT. My SP TNT dispensory is on the way to dish out more high explosive fun.

"GARRARGARAGAG Napalm is still the r0x0r! GARARGARARGARG" - :mad:

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Congratulations to UXcva_ for his 73-27 major victory in our meeting engagement. His collection of German "assault guns" killed six T-34/85s and 2 SU-100s to the loss of only two Hetzers. My veteran Russians were unable to identify a single vehicle, even when they were less than 100 meters away. Are all of the Russians in CMBB blind or something, or has BFC given the Axis stealth technology? Ted's Pz IV/70 (or something like that) personally killed 3 T-34s, 1 SU-100, and 17 infantry. GRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:

I also made the mistake of selecting SMG armed infantry, which didn't help on the large open map. They were able to hold two flags even after their armor support collapsed. However, any Germans over 100 meters away could run around in complete safety. redface.gif

In other news updates, Stalin's Organ and I are having a mutual traffic jam in the scenario we are playing. Truck drivers are really unpredictable, and far too concerned with saving their own necks.

Prinz Eugen sent one turn and has disappeared again. The Russian railroad station remains safely in Soviet hands.

WallyBob has a Tiger immobilized and surrounded by my Russian pioneers. I hope he's not expecting his crew to return home any time soon. Unfortunately, that still leaves him at least two more Tigers on the prowl.

Crow and I have just started our scenario, which is named Counter Intelligence. My German commandos are attacking his Russians. Unlike Soddball's Kneiber Dam, this takes place in daylight.

The dashingly urbane Teddy Windsor and I are slugging it out in Cheery Waffle. His Russian guns keep hitting Germans, my guns keep plowing up the dirt. I think the current standings are Teddy in first place, the dirt a close second, and me a distant third. :D:D

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