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Arty bug?

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Ok for starters I did not do a forum search.Heres the deal 700 point random battle july 43 huge map

(I've seen this on smaller ones too) I get a pz4 some half tracks an some inf an an arty spotter all are elite or better small force to say the least.Well the pz4 gets wacked by an at gun in the woods at the edge of the map (whats new) any way I run up my spotter (105's) an he is crack my first salvo dusts gun number one he redirects (2mins) an then dust the second just as quick now heres the kicker there was a t34 right in the middle i.e My call down took 3 mins clear LOS an then my shells start landing to my spotters right rear...soooo has anybody seen this what gives?

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Yes,Joachim is right.

Your FO needs to be able to see the spot where the first round comes down.(check the crater with LOS tool)

If he cant see the spot than readjust the fire order.

Ussually if the target area is big the FO can see the spotting round,the smaller the area the less chance he will see the round.

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If you had called down fire on the actual T34 instead of the ground around him even a momentary loss of LOS would severely mess up targeting. And if your T-34 was I.D.'d wrong due to fog-of-war (mistaking a T34-85 for a T34-76 for instance) I'm not entirely sure a solid contact could've been made!

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

If you had called down fire on the actual T34 instead of the ground around him even a momentary loss of LOS would severely mess up targeting.

Arty spotters always target a ground point, but it's possible to see a tank in CM, but not the ground the tank is standing on. If you now target the tank with your spotter, he will target the ground under the tank. If this ground spot is out of LOS, the fire mission will count as unobserved.

Conclusion: Don't target tanks with FOs. Hit shift-V and look if the ground beneath the tank is visible and target it directly. Then you can switch on tank display again.


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