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The Wheels of the Challenge Thread go "Peng, Peng, Peng".

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Right then, it has hereby been proposed by a Knight in Good Standing (granted it was MrSpkr but work with me on this) and seconded by an Olde One that Coventry[ be proclaimed in the case of The Mutha Beautiful Thread, a.k.a. The CessPool, a.k.a. The Peng Challenge Thread vs. the Squire ... oh my ... say lads it just occurred to me that we've NEVER had a policy for this situation.

Previously all invocations of Coventry were against SSNs or Serfs. Indeed the whole process of making serfs from SSNs and Squires from Serfs was designed to weed out those who might be candidates for Coventry.

In this case ... I find myself at a loss (not unusual I grant you but still). It seems to me that we have three choices:

The Taft Hartley Bill: We can STILL proclaim Coventry but ... what then? He's still a member of the CessPool.

Tippiecanoe and Tyler Too: We can, as a group, renounce his membership and THEN proclaim Coventry.

The Royal Navy is the Senior Service: We can have HIS LIEGE (who the hell is it anyway) renounce him and throw him back in the SSN pool and THEN proclaim Coventry.

Cloture: We can just proclaim Coventry and TREAT him as if he's not a member.

I think we need a committee on this one. I nominate MrSpkr as chairman ... oh wait, he'll pack the committee with Republicans and gerrymander it so no one on the committee likes Gaylord F ... ... I nominate MrSpkr for chairman and recommend that he be allowed to select his committee members.


p.s. In light of the busy lives led by some amongst us, the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread will be supplying STENOGRAPHERS to the Chairman and all committee members.

Joe, I guess you were expecting me to show up. Actually I took Gaylord as a serf....I don't know who took him as squire. I haven't been keeping track of those things.

I think he should be required to write a formal apology to the Fair Emma.

Gaylord, just apologize...what you said wasn't received the way you intended...it caused hurt...so fix or do somefink! And bring Emma and I a glass of wine! Pillock!


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Well i just finished reading the rest of the posts, though i am a bit surprised, oh well.

I'll do you all a favor since you otherwise seem like nice people by saving you the time and wasted energy on a convetry trial and instead i will just leave this thread for good since people even here continue to take me the wrong way.


Aw come on, don't be a wussy, if you truly feel that there is a misunderstanding, then make it clear, lad, state your side of the story, call your witnesses, dont take all the fun out of it all by just skulking away back to the GF. If Lady Emma , feels truly wronged, then apologize, I would apologize anyway. Sometimes words can be carried too far. We all are nice people....ummmm, maybe except Berli and Noba (dont like my rockets eh?), do the right thing. </font>
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OK, Gaylord, think about it this way. You like to get a rise out of people...fair enough....you say you don't intend to be mean about it, OK. But, what if a person, (male or female) is offended and upset , by something you've said. Do you totally disregard their feelings, because "I didnt really mean it", or do you at least attempt to understand the root of their feelings, and contemplate the thing that you said.

If you want to run out of here, go ahead, it isnt as if this is real life in here. However, consider that more often in life you have to deal with people face to face, in real time, and things said cannot be taken back so easily, nor can you always run away from unpleasantness.

In your mind, you may not have meant anything malicious, but obviously the person involved is upset, and others recognize it as well. All I am going to say is, do the right thing.

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Nidan, in real life people don't try and educate me, and in real life i don't need an education on matters such as these.

In real life i don't hang around whinny bitches, male or female.

As i stated before, if anyone wants to take something serious that is'nt serious anywhere on this message board, be my guest, it's your choice to be a drama queen.

Whenever there is a mis understanding on this forum i set it right by saying i was just joking around.

If someone for whatever reason mis interprets something i say to mean that the earth is flat, and then i say, no i was only joking, i know the earth is round, lighten up, and they don't, well that is out of my hands, i'm not a caterer.

Now i'm going to do you all a favor and leave this thread on my own, enjoy yourselves, and ciao.

[ June 12, 2003, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Nidan, in real life people don't try and educate me, and in real life i don't need an education on matters such as these.

In real life i don't hang around whinny bitches, male or female.

As i stated before, if anyone wants to take something serious that is'nt serious anywhere on this message board, be my guest, it's your choice to be a drama queen.

Whenever there is a mis understanding on this forum i set it right by saying i was just joking around.

If someone for whatever reason mis interprets something i say to mean that the earth is flat, and then i say, no i was only joking, i know the earth is round, lighten up, and they don't, well that is out of my hands, i'm not a caterer.

Now i'm going to do you all a favor and leave this thread on my own, enjoy yourselves, and ciao.

All right Gaylord you have made your point, if you are not willing to take advice, then fine, run away, but the "poor little misunderstood me" act doesn't suit you, you obviously know everything there is to know, and far be it for me to try to tell you anything. Bye Bye.
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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

[... and from a dim and distant paddock enclave, the sound of scribbled crayon can be heard amid various snorts, mutterings and the odd scratching noise]

*sniff* Fockup... fockuped... peerless prat.


Who is this jamoke? Here have a tampon the show is over.
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

You and your little friend set me up gaylord..

or at least you tried to......


Please believe me when I say that in no way whatsoever was my tribute to you an attempt to set you up for gaylord's despicable postings.

During the recent dark time in my life your attitude of always seeing the brighter side of life was much appreciated and served to bolster my spirits during this time.

I am truly pained by the hurt that was the unintended outcome of my posting.

I cannot remove the post, but you have my sincerest apologies for having been the source of what transpired. </font>

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Originally posted by Persephone:

I think he should be required to write a formal apology to the Fair Emma.

Gaylord, just apologize...what you said wasn't received the way you intended...it caused hurt...so fix or do somefink! And bring Emma and I a glass of wine! Pillock!

Persephone thanks for your concern, but really there is no need.. I neither want or expect an apology.

I will have some of that precious wine Jim was talking about though, as long as the bottle hasn't been tampered with and you pour it..


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Looks like I missed something. Or something missed me - thank God, you can get messy in the 'cess.

Hortlund, you shameless Scandinavian scamp! Did you get the Kursk file back? Hiding in the vaste wastelands of Russia won't work for you, even though France proved it would in the 1800s and Germany proved it again in World War II.

We'll never see ifRune melts our computers if you don't send the file back, lad.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hmmmm ... I STILL think we need a Committee ... and stenographers.



Hmmm. How 'bout a Committee of Stenographers? Of course they need to be kept away from the Mormon wives or it's scotched.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Hmmmm ... I STILL think we need a Committee ... and stenographers.



Joe, you promised me that if I wore the getup, you'd never show the picture to anyone else.

So am I a little turned on right now? Sure, of course. But I'm a little turned on and upset, all at the same time.

No more Atomic Persiflage for you, old man.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Well, so then Coventry by default, I presume?

Good enough.

Mind you, we could still make a go at interviewing the stenographers -- for next time, you know?


Seems so, just to make it official though ...

It is hereby proclaimed and declared that the Squire known as Gaylord Focker is hereby and shall henceforth be ... SENT TO COVENTRY.

Let no true Lady, Knight, Squire or Serf of the CessPool respond to any of his posts made within this the Mutha Beautiful Thread.

Now ... a Committee should be formed, it seems to me, to decide the future of such cases in which a current member of the CessPool be sent to Coventry ... think of it MrSpkr ... hearings, interviews, transcripts ... stenographers.



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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

] ... I nominate MrSpkr for chairman and recommend that he be allowed to select his committee members.


Liberum veto.
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So ... who would like to volunteer for the Committee on Coventry. I have to warn you lads, there's lots of work, pages and pages and pages of transcripts to pour over, memos to be written and rewritten and revised yet again, requests for witnesses to be completed and filed and notarized ... long hours to be sure, but WORTH it.


p.s. I have managed to retain the first of our Stenographers, it seems only fair to me she be assigned to the first volunteer:


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