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Someone please, pretty please tell me what the "Peng Challenge" is.

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Someone get the net, we have a few running around freely.

Oasis, dont worry, it does never ever make sense, so you are prolly not missing out on anything.

Mike, you really must loath Canada if you want to send the poolers over there. Were you run over by a Moose or how else is this enormous hate explanable?

I think the best purpose of the Cess Pool is that you can send the link of the MBT to the people you really, really dont like, and watch them go totally bonkers trying to understand it.

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Originally posted by Hans:

Think Monty Python meets the Young Ones in a seedy balkan bar in a city being put to the sword by fundamentalist Huns........... or look at the Peng thread like choking a rattlesnake to death with you d**k, you can do it but will you really enjoy yourself?

I like the cut of your jib. I don' t like you, of course, but I wouldn't necessarily put you in your place with a good stomping if you showed up in the 'Pool with the proper attitude.

You lost points for the whole 'd**k' reference.

In the Peng Challenge, we like to think we don't need vulgarity in order to entertain, give people ****e, nor sort out all the wrongs of the world.

Mind, we're not above vulgarity if it suits our purposes.

Of course, given that 'unity of purpose' in the Peng Challenge Thread is like looking at a 'Mission Statement' for a Daycare Center opened up by the early Communist Party, you can imagine that there's a bit of confusion. A bit of give and take. A bit of...I simply don't know what

We've got it all. Megalomaniacs. Idiots. Fools. Jolly sing-songs. Satan. Ladies. A Certain Disappointment With the State of the World. Ancient Powers. Storytelling. Sex. Death. And Bagpipes.

I particularly recommend the Bagpipes.

They're far more painful than Death, and they can carry a meaningful vibration out longer than Sex.

[ March 10, 2003, 11:59 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

It is a place where truely "gifted" people can present themselves to their peers without annoying the rest of us normal folk. By order of a Consent Decree, this high browed humor thread is to be limited to one thread at a time. Politely it is called "The Pool", and when its members get out of The Pool they have to be escorted, like the bad childeren that they are, back into it. When they have filled a thread to its capacity (roughly 13 pages), we close it up and allow another thread to be opened. This does two things... a) prevents them from crashing the Forum and causing hundreds of posts to be lost (not that THAT has ever happened before!) and B) it apparently continues to keep them from bothering the rest of us, so if it makes them happy... the less people we have to ban the better.

Now... my advice... if you have soiled your eyes by actually looking at the posts in The Pool (if you can call them posts), and still don't get it after reading the FAQ, then steer clear of it in the future. It certainly isn't for everybody. And I thank whatever Gods their might be for that too.

Oh, and I am not afraid to use:



I'm proud.

I only wish The Grammont would show up a bit more, perhaps join in a jolly sing-song, make the odd pronouncement. You know the sort of thing.

Hmm. Steve, I know you can't show any sort of preference, or favouritism, but what if we were to sacrifice an Australian in your honour?

It's not a problem, after all. We've got tons of the wankers. There're days when we can't move around for their droppings.

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i have far more important things to do,than read the dribbling peng fools waffle,like sorting my sock drawer.......

unfortunatly,it always gets in the way of far more serious discussions,from people complaining and whineing about how CM does this or doesnt do that,,,blah blah blah.......

thankfully,i have a zillion games of CMBB to play,which is far more entertaining than this forum can be at times........

and before you even think about abusing me.......

id like to say.....bugger off peng losers...haha

i win,no returns infinety+1

so there......i win...ta! :D

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by PickleHead:

no returns infinety+1


btw infinity + 1 = infinity.

btw I wish to volunteer for the Aussie sacrifice, however busy atm so if we can wait about 100 years?

Mace </font>

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Originally posted by Oasis:

hehe fellas, I still don't get it smile.gif

so I visit the Peng Challenge threads, but what a bunch of garbled, non sensical giberish. In a funny, but weird, kind of way.

You are getting it, without really knowing it. You feel kinda "funny" and in a "weird" sorta way? Hmmm... well, it does it for me every time too fella...

Especially when Seanachai starts dancing naked round the fire after we poke him with red hot pointy sticks...

Only hot, buttered Boo can top that.

An alternative theory is that the 'Pool is in fact a parallel universe to Mutha Ocean herself. What does a newbie diver into yon mother ocean espy upon digging around in her various nooks and crannies? Well, all sorts of strange, weird and funny critters and surpising behaviour, if'n I'm not mistook.

Lemme see, there's crabs for a start, nasty ol' moray eels, nippy gropers, savage sharks, playful shrimps, docile anemones. If you think about it, all the varied flora and fauna of the crustaceanic and fishoid species have their DIRECT PARALLELS in the 'Pools inhabitants.

Why, an old irascible groper would be Berli himself. Poke yer head in his dark hole and you will undoubtedly get a terse "SOD OFF". He needs to be tempted with sweetmeats.

A barnacle encrusted, ugly old lobster with a quizzical look would be Seanachai. Funny things lobsters. Playful one minute, almost inviting you into their little caves, then bitingly sarcastic the next. They do squeal when boiled though.

A dangerously slippery, sly electric moray eel would be Mr Spkr. Just when you think you can approach him safely with your chain mail armoured gloves, he will zap you with a bloody big charge. Nasty! They never let go either, once they hook their greedy teeth into you. Beware their false smiles.

So, you can sorta see the connection now, can't you?

Just think of the 'Poolers as strange, funny, weird denizens of the Mutha Battlefront Forum and expect to get the same sort of responses you might if you were poking around in the big briny. It's a bit scary at first, and always has some surpises no matter how long you are immersed, but once you get the hang of it, in time you will become an old salt.

Clear as hot boiling mud....

[ March 11, 2003, 04:58 AM: Message edited by: AUSSIEJEFF ]

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Thank you for your review of my comments on the alleged pool.

As you didn't reply in Breton you are beneath my notice - however had you replied in Breton I wouldn't have been able to read it and considered you a poser.

Remember the important words of some dead Greek guy

"Self importance is only meaningful to those lacking it"

My Benito Mussolini have mercy on your soul

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Originally posted by Oasis:

I see that the Peng Challenge threads receive like 500 replies and such, so it must be important.

It is not wise to inquire about the Peng thread. Or within it. I attempted a mildly inquisitive foray into its heart and I returnded burned and shaken. Its heart is full of lye!

It is a secret society and the language is a highly encoded and encrypted set of symbols used to obfuscate the writer's true intentions through misdirection. Disinformation serves supreme on the Peng thread.

It is nothing at all like Seinfeld. Seinfeld was a tedious, poorly-acted and overwritten sitcom that required a laugh track to tell you when the jokes were being made because without it you would never know. Such is ever the case for American TV comedies: the producers realize their audiences are not bright enough to have a sense of humour, thus they have to provide the cues for them.

Peng is more like, well not Monty Python because that made ineffable sense in comparison. Peng is more like, well imagine Jean Paul Sartre waking up in a cold sweat and realizing that there really is something else than being and nothingness and it is a double-chocolate glazed doughnuts and ice cappaccino. And those little wasabi peas they sometimes sell in the supermarket and you just can't stop eating them even when the wasabi gets right up your nose.

Old Jean might have given some serious second thought to the matter of existence had he beheld a copy of Victoria's Secret. But he was French and they invented the bra and he died, so that bascially closes the matter. Not so for Peng. With Peng, there is no lingerie, although there are bagpipes.

Never, ever trust a man wearing a skirt and hoisting a bladder stuck full of pipes that sounds like a cat with its testicles in a vise.

nota bene: Victoria's Secret essentially cancels out all the evils that American sitcoms have foisted on the world. That's what I like about karma. It really does work. However, that doesn't explain the dangling karmic participle called a bagpipe or why no one has ben punished for it, aside from its audience.

But for Peng, we were discussing Peng so stay with me here, if there were no Peng, we would have to invent him. In the mode of Nietzsche, we would have to create an uberPeng to give us that yardstick against which we must measure our angst.

Am I making myself clear? Is this your bar of soap? Please look at it carefully. Just as we thought.

Hope that clears it all up. Now go back to those little tanks and soldiers and trouble yourself not one whit more over the matter.

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Originally posted by Hans:


Thank you for your review of my comments on the alleged pool.

As you didn't reply in Breton you are beneath my notice - however had you replied in Breton I wouldn't have been able to read it and considered you a poser.

Remember the important words of some dead Greek guy

"Self importance is only meaningful to those lacking it"

My Benito Mussolini have mercy on your soul

Whooofaaa!!!! your first mistake was acknowledging that anyone would ever take notice of what you wrote, Ego can be a dangerous influence, the only reason I reply in this case is due to the fact that I have a vestigial Ego, and nothing anyone could ever say or do to me would effect my self-esteem.

Seanachai is out on a recruiting mission, trying to find anyone with a modicum of skill with the English language, you might qualify...however be warned...he has multiple personality disorder and changes like a hot desert wind.

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Dear Pudlians/Pooligans?

This thread deserves a place of honor *snickers* on the General Forum and yet for some unknown reason you refuse to let it go. I realize that there are the immature and insecure among you who still cling to the childhood utopia ("MINE!!!! MINE!!! MINE!!!! WHINE!!!! WHINE!!! WHINE!!!).

However, it would behoove you to spread your good works to the further reaches of this esteemed forum in order for the unwashed to feel your pain and realize that no matter what horrific scenario life or quickbattle has dealt them, there are those whose pitiful existence can only serve as an inspiration.

Many times I have been asked "Boggs, you dumbass, why do you care about these misanthropes?" I can only shake my head at their lack of perception. The puddle thread serves a valuable function in a modern society. It is a place where the dregs, the castoffs, the misfits can gather and be among "their own kind". Many times I have observed the goings on of this bizarro world and have come to appreciate the reduced crime rate that it has spawned simply by allowing life's losers a place to congregate.

So I would ask once again: In the name of all that is disgusting and perverse, let this thread go.

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Many thanks for your warning.

It would seen I have been noticed by the blue green algae of "the pit". Egads

Hmmm I feel unclean, I must seek nirvana and purge myself with a sauna, a dodgy paella and a grosse gin and tonic or a dash of drano.

Perhaps then, hopefully, I can begin to live again.

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Many thanks for your warning.

It would seen I have been noticed by the blue green algae of "the pit". Egads

Hmmm I feel unclean, I must seek nirvana and purge myself with a sauna, a dodgy paella and a grosse gin and tonic or a dash of drano.

Perhaps then, hopefully, I can begin to live again.

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Many thanks for your warning.

It would seen I have been noticed by the blue green algae of "the pit". Egads

Hmmm I feel unclean, I must seek nirvana and purge myself with a sauna, a dodgy paella and a grosse gin and tonic or a dash of drano.

Perhaps then, hopefully, I can begin to live again.

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