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practicing misinformation/disinformation during TCP/IP

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How many of you, when playing a TCP/IP game (or even PBEM) practice some good natured deception talk using the Radio Toggle key?

I've noticed that in almost all of my TCP/IP games there is a subtle game of guess work going on whenever info is passed back and forth during the game.

It usually adds another excellent level of interest to an already stimulating match up.

I played a TCP/IP game recently where my opponent kept me guessing in a masterful display of hidden troop movements and casual banter about game mechanics.

For instance, he'd ask if 150mm HE could knock out a tank. (Heh heh. Does that mean he's got arty? Or is he pushing up an Infantry gun?)

Then, when I told him that his 150mm I.G. (just guessing he had one) could most certainly knock out my tank if it had some "H" (Hollow) rounds, he acted like he had "blown" some info. Thus revealing to me a protion of his forces.

Turns out he never did have an I.G., but I was fooled into taking it into consideration during my advance. Certain that I'd gotten an intel coup. smile.gif

Heh heh

Have you been duped? Have you duped someone?

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Introducing a new player to CMBO in a PBEM game, he mentioned how cool it was that he could hear his troops giving orders, and suggested that I check it out, even giving me the location.

I replied that the game was so sophisticated that I couldn't hear his troops unless I had units nearby. He then proceeded to thank me for letting him know that I didn't have any troops in that area. Duh! Suckered by a noobie.

[ February 25, 2003, 04:31 PM: Message edited by: Hat Trick ]

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I generally try to sound a bit defeatist, so that it sounds like I have already lost the game, that usually makes the opponent more willing to do mistakes due to over confidence so I think it's working pretty well.

'Ouch, that really messed up my pans. How will I be able to take on those big and ugly tanks?' Probably with my big and ugly tanks, but I'll keep that a secret so he can go on and do something stupid to make things easier for me.

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I never listen to an opponent in TCP/IP. I don't play that way very often, but I usually will not believe whatever they say relating to the game or what they might have.

The vast majority of my TCP/IP games are against my brother. I remember a game of CMBO when I talked him into thinking he had me beat, he had knocked out all of my Tigers and had 4 Shermans going strong.

Earlier in the game, using smoke as a cover, I rushed one platoon of split squads into this village in the middle of the map. He rushed his entire force into the same village. He thought that this wasmost of my force, but in reality, it was just one platoon of almost 3 companies of infantry.

I was able to sneak one platoon onto each flank, which forced him to spread out his shermans, he wasted his arty pounding the platoon in the village, who would be mangled in savage fighing against what amounted to reinforced company of American infantry. Once he had dispensed his shells, I had my platoon on his right flank firing into his support weapons on the rear. shreks were used to take out his tanks and a couple were destroyed by close infantry assault after he panicked and moved them too close.

Once his tanks were dead, I laid more smoke and sent the rest of my infantry, over an infantry company and a pioneer platoon, racing into the town. My brother would later dub it a "chinese horde."

His company of infantry had to this point been bloodied fighting the street battle against my first platoon and he had recieved a beating from my platoons overrunning his flanks and attacking into his rear.

I had destroyed what mortars and MG's he had sitting in the rear and had him effectively cut off.

My infantry pouring into the village quickly pushed him back, house by house, until what remained of his units were bottled up into a church, in the rear of the village.

I put a tight ring around the church and fired on him from all angles. I ordered him to surrender now or die.

He refused. I called for the 300mm rocket artillery, which I had been saving for just such an occasion, and proceeded to blast his silly little soldiers to bits.

The church explodes after a couple of direct hits and what remained of his infantry spilled onto the lawn, to be brutally cut down by rifle and machine gun fire.

The few who remained in one piece surrendered on the spot.

In CMBO, it was my finest hour.

But, using smoke and a few well placed words when things were going well for him, made him overconfident. he got wreckless with his tanks and paid the price!

P.S. My brother is the king of the gamey tactics, so its no holds barred against him. In the real world, I ****e upon gamey tactics and units such as 300mm rockets!


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Spoony.....well coming from someone who i know does NOT use mods...any comment you make in regards to how nice it looks is just a wee lil pure poke eyed white lie :D

So anybody who gets to play Jeff in the future..discount his bravado and just concentrate on beating his socks off tongue.gif

Best regards to a Highly Regarded Friend...who is still looking for THAT scenario.



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I think my favorite double whammy is one game in which my opponent started complaining about my arty. Sure enough, I found some heavy arty falling and really trashing my opponent's forces. The problem was, I wasn't dropping any. He was nuking his own men, and the rounds were so far off target it had not occurred to him yet that it was friendly fire.


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Originally posted by LightningWar:

I always love playing the mind game. When arty is falling harmlessly into some woods Ill give the "Ouchy, what is that 150mm?". Then they continue to pound and area and waste valuable arty.

Fine! I admit it! I've also done that. There's nothing more pleasing than watching the fireworks fall on empty trenches some 100 meters ahead.
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Originally posted by Other Means:

my favorite is to get my mate really involved in the game, offer a few split squad stalking horses. then, when he's jumping all over them, i sneak over & hit him on the back of the head with a candle stick.

ah the meaty thud.

I figure your friend doesn't play LAN games with you anymore?..
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