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When should I brave my first PBEM?

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Well, I have played a couple missions against the A.I. Losing some, winning some. I had one recent one, like a 2000 pointer battle in a medium sized city, which was actually quite dense and large. I was germans and had all infantry with a bunch of 50mm on map mortar teams(which were pretty useless for me for the entire game). I also only had 3 of the towing halftracks, with 2 105mm howitzers, and 1 quad flak thing.

The enemy had a bunch, and I mean a BUNCH of powerful tanks and vehicles, seemingly with more points than I had to spend. Though with their vehicles they had less infantry, and although it was a bloody battle in the town, I was proud to win a total victory(which I thought was hopeless for me with all those tanks and armored cars etc).

So after that one mission i'm feeling pretty confident, and was wondering when most people would try their first PBEM multiplayer game. I'm kinda interested in one, but not sure if i'm ready to handle it. How would I go about finding a partner to play with anyways?

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Go to "Opponent Finder Forum" !!!!

which is another forum on this web-site !!

I have played a relative newby at Deadly Affair which is nice and short and on your CD. You will find that you can play it against the AI but put a human in and everything becomes different. A good chance to practice but without investing huge amounts of time.

Do point out your are a newbie. You could also register here


Good luck, have fun

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In general, everyone has to decide for himself when he´s ready for a human opponent.

I wouldn´t fix that only on how good you fare against the AI. Humans often play very different.

You should know how to use which unit and what orders are available. That´s basically it.

Then IMHO there are two ways of beginning PBEMing:

look for an equal opponent so you both learn by each others actions

look for an experienced opponent who can give you some hints how to improve your way of playing

You can find opponents either in the BFC Opponent Finder Forums (just scroll down the forum main page a bit) or by joining a wargamer club (for example www.theblitz.org).

[ August 11, 2003, 01:37 PM: Message edited by: Brightblade ]

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Originally posted by Raziaar:

...So after that one mission i'm feeling pretty confident, and was wondering when most people would try their first PBEM multiplayer game. I'm kinda interested in one, but not sure if i'm ready to handle it. How would I go about finding a partner to play with anyways?

The very best way to find a friendly PBEM is to ask one of the astoundingly civilized gentlemen in the famous "Cheery Waffle" thread. You will find that we are CMBB afficianados who play for the fun of playing. We don't get our bowels in an uproar when our brilliantly conceived plans go flying out the window because a tank bogged or hit a mine.

If you're interested, I'll be glad to provide you with a set-up. Send me an e-mail if you're interested.

The real plus about the Cheery Waffle thread is then you too can heap abuse on MasterGoodale (the maggot) where he will see it!! :D:D

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i found the proving grounds to be very helpful. players are rated by the type of battle they want, side they play, experiance etc.

give it a go & good luck.

BTW, i wouldn't rely too much on what you have learnt playing the AI. i don't wish to sound discouraging but you are much better just keeping in mind sound tactics. the AI is easily fooled and easily beaten. mostly.

one error i made when i started playing humans, about 2 months ago, was to second guess myself too much. i'd think myself in circles "ahh, that's what he'd expect me to do" kind of thing.

don't bother doing that.

just do what you think is right. at least you'll make the right mistakes that way.

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The most important skill is to be able to face a defeat. There's nothing as bad as having to play against someone who, once his first tank gets blown away, quits. Too Cartman-esque for most of us...

For that and some other reasons I think you could say that if you like playing Chess (or such) against human opponents, then CM multiplay isn't going to hurt you. You may lose, but you will learn. Have fun with your opponent! smile.gif

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