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Peng Eye For the Challenge Guy: The Grog Makeovers

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:


Start a pbem you (choose where, what how etc.) and learn a lesson in niceness if that's a word. Come on you know you need it.

Well, PickUpSticks is right about you needing a lesson in "niceness", Noba. Here, I blast your position with arty and drill your armor with my AT rifles and STILL you try to kill my men. How nice is that?

In other war news,

SirReal whupped me good in a scenario that was called, I believe, "Beat Boo Like a Red Headed Step Child Riding A Rented Mule." Because that's pretty much how it played out.

I have yet to spot Hiram, but I know he's near because I can hear his whinging.

Leeeeeeeo is chewing up my right flank and I'm returning the favor on HIS right flank, which, oddly enough, is the same thing that's happening with

Nidan, except he and I are dying-a-lot in the snow. I hates snow.

Dalem plopped his hippy butt down in the center of the map and plunks away at me whenever I raise my head up off the ground. No doubt how this one's going to turn out.

Seanachai (when he returns moves) and I have just started our third game. Score stands one each, but so far, his mighty Panzers have turned tail at the first sight of my scary T-34's. Could be a long game.

RLeete is making excuses about why he hasn't sent me a move since early summer. He's such an annoying man, isn't he?

Pappa Kahn and his merry band of jack-booted thugs are busy annihilating my hapless green farm boys.

I really hate him a lot!

Malakovski has this one KV-1 that is just churning up the map, plinking away at anything that even remotely looks German. And I had such high hopes for this scenario.

I think that's about it. If I've forgotten anybody, rest assured that it's because i think very little of you when I think of you at all.

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Originally posted by Lars:


Hmm, me thinks Boo has been watching those kinds of cartoons again...

SSN Hint Of The Day: Let your blind date know she isn’t up to what you were told.

Now sod off.

Hey Lars , have you been drinking from the fox pee bottle again? Where is my turn?
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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

*Shakes head*

SSNs and Grogs

So different, yet.....

[from behind, the sound of the safety being released on a very large handgun]

[in a velvet smooth voice with just a trace of an unidentifiable accent]

"You were about to say something unkind about grogs, James? Or perhaps not? Yes, I think that would be the wiser choice. Now why don't you just sit over there [gestures with gun] and we'll have a nice, friendly chat about a few things I'm sure you'll want to remember. I do hope you won't try anything foolish. I would of course aim for your hip joint, but I might hit the femural artery. [smiles in a friendly, winning way] All quite by accident you understand."


[ September 25, 2003, 09:50 AM: Message edited by: Michael Emrys ]

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

Rules !! Where are the rules ??


Find a previous incarnation of this thread.

Read the RULES.

Come back with an attitude that has style, wit, venom and hate - all mixed with a dash of humour. Target some poor lowly SSN, lord knows there are a lot of targets lately, and tauntingly kick them 'til they actually notice you. When they notice you, kick'em again.

And add your e-mail to your profile - that way we won't have to scroll around looking for it.


So why don't YOU show me how to do it noba. The Faq said ask nicely, and this is the answer i get. You leave me no choice i will have to burn all your panzers!!!! Start a pbem you (choose where, what how etc.) and learn a lesson in niceness if that's a word. Come on you know you need it. </font>

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You are (of course) excluded from any negative connotations that may be inferred from the good natured kidding that I posted.

I am a disciple of your Strategy and Tactics seminar and can honestly report that the Strategy part, I have down pat.

I still need a little work on Tactics, however........oops, sorry gotta go, dressing 14 kids for school is a bit time consuming.

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Originally posted by stikkypixie:



Rules !! Where are the rules ??


Find a previous incarnation of this thread.

Read the RULES.

Come back with an attitude that has style, wit, venom and hate - all mixed with a dash of humour. Target some poor lowly SSN, lord knows there are a lot of targets lately, and tauntingly kick them 'til they actually notice you. When they notice you, kick'em again.

And add your e-mail to your profile - that way we won't have to scroll around looking for it.



So why don't YOU show me how to do it noba. The Faq said ask nicely, and this is the answer i get. You leave me no choice i will have to burn all your panzers!!!! Start a pbem you (choose where, what how etc.) and learn a lesson in niceness if that's a word. Come on you know you need it.


Aha!!! he is from Gent, Belgium. I happen to be very familiar with that area, due to the fact of a weekly drubbing that I apply to a chap who also lives there. I enjoy would enjoy nothing more than adding another Belgie to my list of hapless Euro opponents.

However Stickypox, or whatever you name is...you must be more creative, more witty, more venom filled in your challenge. If your command of English is the problem, no worry, we will tolerate pigeon English, (sure we will), try Dutch, or French for that matter, we will ignore all languages equally. Goede tag.

[ September 25, 2003, 09:28 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

stikkypixie slabs noba in the face with a glove and walks away arrogantly and with dignity

btw vietnamese living in gent

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

but I might hit the femural artery.

It's spelled "femoral". Put a dictionary next to your pocket copy of Chamberlain's monthly "Hot Clankety Things With Guns On Them! This month: Flat Face or Curved Mantlets - Which is Better and Why?", ya person, ya.

[ September 25, 2003, 11:32 AM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

but I might hit the femural artery.

It's spelled "femoral". Put a dictionary next to your pocket copy of Chamberlain's monthly "Hot Clankety Things With Gums On Them! This month: Flat Face or Curved Mantlets - Which is Better and Why?", ya person, ya. </font>
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Rune holds a copy of CMAK just above the reach of Boo

Come on little Boo, jump, jump Boo! Geeze, they are right, White Boos can't jump.

Berli, care to give Boo your copy then have it burn up before he gets it home?

Now back to my working on that which can almost be named.

Oh, and LOTS of evil for the crowd here in CMAK.


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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


From the Grog Survival Handbook:

It is always considered good sport to correct the spelling of a Grog, as it infuriates them no end.

However, avoid the serious error of spelling gun wrong when you point out spelling mistakes, as this tends to minimize the impact of the jibe

What? Me? Crow? (damned conference calls making me rush...)
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Originally posted by Stickypox:

btw vietnamese living in gent
If you read the rules, you will also see that your E-Mail address must be in your profile, but you also have to CHALLENGE, lad...and not that piddling Aussie Noba either, practice on me, I have a soft spot for people from Belgium, and a Vietnamese as well, this has possibilities.... and I'm one of the nicer blokes in here, as you will no doubt discover if you stick around...either that or Di di mau!!!!
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Originally posted by R Leete:

Is there anyone who is the least bit surprised that dalem has a toy phaser, or that he points it at his computer screen?

Boo, hold on to your shorts. No, not short hairs, you disgusting oaf. I'll get it to you before I leave, promise.

{you think he bought it?}

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by R Leete:

Is there anyone who is the least bit surprised that dalem has a toy phaser, or that he points it at his computer screen?

Boo, hold on to your shorts. No, not short hairs, you disgusting oaf. I'll get it to you before I leave, promise.

{you think he bought it?}

Rheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! </font>
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Originally posted by dalem:

My new toy phaser goes Rheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! when I point it at the posts of my enemies.

It'll last one night on the General Forum.

So many enemies, so little juice

By the way:

Attention Grogs!!!

If you're gonna lurk about the Thread looking all stylish, how's about ya put your collective heads (please note that Americans count as two heads) together and let me know what time period did the Russians have the Sherman, Valentine, and other Allied tanks and stuff.

Would like to do a QB and simulate North Africa. What would be a good match between German and British Tanks? PzIII's?



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Originally posted by dalem:


We can only hope that the circuitry interferes with Joe Shaw's pacemaker, or his batteries run down.

dalem, are you wearing your official Star Trek shirt? Can it please be a red one, with you just about to beam down to a strange new planet? Be sure to all face in one direction, so you won't see the inevitable ambush waiting just off the flank.

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Originally posted by R Leete:

Boo, hold on to your shorts. No, not short hairs, you disgusting oaf. I'll get it to you before I leave, promise.

{you think he bought it?}

What a grundoon you are, RLeete. You know, seeing one of those annoying pop-ups for "Classmates" made me think of you and how sad you must feel whenever you see one of them on your monitor, knowing that since you were home schooled by a band of lemurs, you never had classmates. Litter mates, sure, but not classmates.

[ September 25, 2003, 09:38 PM: Message edited by: Boo Radley ]

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