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FAO MikeyD - mod request

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MikeyD is back from holiday (and still managed to get a couple mods in ;) ).

I've lost count of the number of times I've placed a 'Panther mods' folder on my desktop, added all the Panthers to a 'test' scenario to check my work... then hesitated. The Panther SCARES me for some reason!

I've certainly got enough reference material to do the job and have my own ideas on what a Panther camou scheme should consist of. All I've got to do is work up the nerve to tackle the project. My last batch of mods - M3 Scout Cars or CMAK - were a cop-out. Revised versions of the Russian Lend-Lease Scout Car I did three-ish years ago. An embarrassingly easy mod project.

But all is not lost on the Panther mod front - I was scared of touching the Tiger I too!

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Originally posted by David I:

Panther! Panther! Panther! Brumbar! Brumbar! Oops. Panther! Panther!

So "screw your courage to the sticking place" and get on it.



I don't think you should be allowed Brummbars - look what you do to em? Paintwork all dirty and black and flames coming out their tops. Bad David!

Cheers fur noo


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