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Zappsweden seeks Championship battles in W-League and Panzerliga and look what he got


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Originally posted by zappsweden:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Terif:

Yep, I am playing everyone except one person. Like most people I dont react very positively to poor sportsmanship, blackmailing, insults and consistent slanderings...

Yes, you explained your "reasons" why you wont play me but, ppl do not seem to have heard all. When you quit Z-League, you set me AND Rambo AND Kuniworth on permanent off-line (invisible or whatever) status on ICQ. Why them? So, the questions remains justified and stick out like a sour thumb.

If this is all about me then tell us all...

What reason/reasons did you have not to play Rambo anymore and shut him down on ICQ?

Why did you "shut down" Kuniworth on ICQ?


Terif and Rambo played their latest game in August 2002. That game was called off by Terif but both Rambo and Terif have played doussins of games against OTHER players since then. Terif "shut Rambo down" on ICQ, cancelled the game with him, took a break from SC, came back shortly after and have been playing Panzerliga ever since. Terif broke the contact and never resumed it. Also, Rambo and Zappsweden are Panzerliga players and both of them have posted on PL opponent finder forum.) </font>

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Its really amazing how hard Zapp tries to throw dirt after me and damage my reputation - by all means.

A lot of half-truthes, slanderings and stories taken out of context mixed with some simple lies...obviously he thinks: throw enough dirt and something will get stuck...

To clear one thing:

Zapp has the honour to be the only one at my ignore/invisible list at ICQ. And he is the only one at the moment I have an argument with - not with Rambo and not with Kuniworth.

Kuniworth never was on my invisible list at ICQ. Rambo only some time during an argument where Zapp infected him. When he realized that he was wrong, he apologized and I removed him.

BTW, after more than 40 games both Rambo and I needed a break - it makes not much fun to play a game when you know the other one surrenders or retires within 1-3 hours, like in the last dozen games. This is a waste of time - and its my spare time. I dont play only to win, but to have fun. I really have enough victories - alone 49 vs Zapp...over 500 in total.

Anyway I dont think I will play any other player so often any more as I played Zapp in the past. This seems not to be healthy - at least if someone cant bear to loose :D .

I will not comment Zapps other slanderings - that would be senseless. We already have dozens of threads with lots of them, he obviously never stops his smear campaign.

Therefore I usually ignore him and only step in seldomly...probably my last comment to his current campaign.

[ March 03, 2004, 08:27 AM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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Originally posted by Terif:

Its really amazing how hard Zapp tries to throw dirt after me and damage my reputation - by all means.

A lot of half-truthes, slanderings and stories taken out of context mixed with some simple lies...obviously he thinks: throw enough dirt and something will get stuck...

To clear one thing:

Zapp has the honour to be the only one at my ignore/invisible list at ICQ. And he is the only one at the moment I have an argument with - not with Rambo and not with Kuniworth.

Kuniworth never was on my invisible list at ICQ. Rambo only some time during an argument where Zapp infected him. When he realized that he was wrong, he apologized and I removed him.

BTW, after more than 40 games both Rambo and I needed a break - it makes not much fun to play a game when you know the other one surrenders or retires within 1-3 hours, like in the last dozen games. This is a waste of time - and its my spare time. I dont play only to win, but to have fun. I really have enough victories - alone 49 vs Zapp...over 500 in total.

Anyway I dont think I will play any other player so often any more as I played Zapp in the past. This seems not to be healthy - at least if someone cant bear to loose :D .

I will not comment Zapps other slanderings - that would be senseless. We already have dozens of threads with lots of them, he obviously never stops his smear campaign.

Therefore I usually ignore him and only step in seldomly...probably my last comment to his current campaign.

There must be a totally different scale meisuring what YOU say and what others say.

When I say "picking weak opponents" it is such a heavy slanderings. When Terif says "It is not very difficult to beat him anyway - like a look at the records shows." that is only "TRUTH"..., with no SLANDERING purpose... :rolleyes:

It must be fantastic having a monopoly of the truth.

If winning was not so important why would you then sink one level as soon as you get the chance? After (me) saying "weak opponents", you repeat this "poor sportsmanship, blackmailing, insults and consistent slanderings..." nonesense. That is inviting to another 3-4 week debate of bringin all old **** back.

I could also sink one level and bring examples of what sportsmanship and blackmail really is, most certainly I could accuse you of the same stuff and also bring in some words like "Bug Exploiting".

Blackmailing? Does Blackmailing mean "You will lose your crown if you do not defend it against top ranked seeking Championship fights. I have increased it so u have 24 days to complete a challenge" ? or does it mean "If u use the default Myleague challenge system I will quit the league and contact the administrators" ? :rolleyes:

I could also tell the truth about how the noble Terif made a mockery of Leopards 5-14 record and temporary #2 ranked position in Z-League (plus the many -> :D:D smilies in that PL post) and later took it back and deleted that post offering a "truce" to silence things down. Because at that time (when he had quit the Z-League), Z-League was the enemy and he accidently slipped and brough in an innocent person (Leopard) in it. By the way, I will never ever ask you for a game again, that is TRUTH. I could also sink one level... OOPS already did. :D

Now it sanked one level again so I guess you now have another of your so called "proofs" to add to your list of why you are always right, never wrong. I would NOT have brought this old **** back again if you had not repeated those words (sportmanship, blackmail, slanderings, ...whatever) again.

I have no further questions. I rest my case. :cool:


- Because I remembered what you said. You said "because he was in danger". I said "great danger?" and you said "Is there any other kind?". I can have them read back to you what you said.

- I know what I said! I do not need to have it read back to me. :mad:

A Few Good Men - the movie



[ March 03, 2004, 08:26 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by zappsweden:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Terif:

probably my last comment to his current campaign.

I have no further questions. I rest my case. </font>
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Zappsweden - W-League World Champion

seeks Championship fights with top ranked W-League opponents. Also, I seek championship fights in the Panzerliga against the green yoda Terif (who has a tendency of picking on weak players to gain fast and easy victories).


I don´t know but I get an impression that there should be a warning on SC : "Beware SC leads to overblown Ego trips eventually madness"

Zap from all I read here you are a very good player and Terif doesn´t want to play with you anymore ... What do you want? Do you need to prove to yourself that you are the best player of SC in the World? (At least Rambo: "The LEGEND" will battle this claim, looking at the Panzerliga statiscs Dragonheart although claims some victories against you.... ) Though I can´t believe that this is what is really behind all this. What do you really want? If you want to repair your realtionsship with Terif I think your first post without the last phrase could have worked... Though let it rest and perhaps make a new start when SC2 comes out and both of you are in better mood.

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Originally posted by Sombra:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Zappsweden - W-League World Champion

seeks Championship fights with top ranked W-League opponents. Also, I seek championship fights in the Panzerliga against the green yoda Terif (who has a tendency of picking on weak players to gain fast and easy victories).


I don´t know but I get an impression that there should be a warning on SC : "Beware SC leads to overblown Ego trips eventually madness"

Zap from all I read here you are a very good player and Terif doesn´t want to play with you anymore ... What do you want? Do you need to prove to yourself that you are the best player of SC in the World? (At least Rambo: "The LEGEND" will battle this claim, looking at the Panzerliga statiscs Dragonheart although claims some victories against you.... ) Though I can´t believe that this is what is really behind all this. What do you really want? If you want to repair your realtionsship with Terif I think your first post without the last phrase could have worked... Though let it rest and perhaps make a new start when SC2 comes out and both of you are in better mood. </font>

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I think that the dispute between Terif and Zapp arised due to this stupid Myleague.com system where the lower ranked player has to play the higher ranked players to climb in ranks.

Zapp wanted to be no one and for that purpose he had no other choice but to play Terif. They played numerous games for the no one until Terif came to a point where he did not want to play zapp every day. This is a undertandable point for me as i like to play as many opponents as possible too. But also understandable from zapps view to get a chance for the no 1. But like you can have a burnout form SC you can have a burnout with an opponent and this is a thing zapp.. you never realized you were just hot to be no 1.

But i dont wanna accuse you, IMO this system was the main factor which contributed alot to your argument....and then one word came after the other.....the rest of the story everybody knows well.

I think that in a system like the Panzerliga you would have had a friendly coexistence, playing from time to time ag each other to find out who is better but the first rank is determined by points and every group of points is honored with a certain rank. In this league you dont need to challange the no one......leader is that one with the most wins, played games....but there is no reason to start a rally for it.

I try to get a game with Terif every month to see if i m meanwhile strong enough for him ...i dont need more thats enough for me.

I can only say what i did numerous time so far....calm down.....and respect each other.....you dont need to be frieds.....but stop that behavior making you to two kids....all others will honour that.


NO 1 of W_league if the settings would have allowed the former no3 to get the crown smile.gif

Calm down zapp just kidding.........but you thought it too LOL

[ March 03, 2004, 10:37 AM: Message edited by: Dragonheart ]

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Originally posted by Dragonheart:


NO 1 of W_league if the settings would have allowed the former no3 to get the crown smile.gif

Calm down zapp just kidding.........but you thought it too LOL

LOL, no problemo. You know I have no problems with you Dragon. Whenever you want a Championship fight in W-League, just let me know.

It takes much longer to know ppl when on the Internet. Communication flow is much smaller than in real life. I did suspect that Terif was a "Mr.Perfect" long way back but I did not know to what extent until the day he went wild shouting at me for fooooorcing him to play. :D

Truly, I was surprised that day. Terif, evidently, is the guy who can only be nice as long as he calls the shots and come out on top. His self image is so high so he will step on toes or use tricks to get there. Gets irritating in the end and I will never accept that Schmaug behaviour. No one here on forum can preach me what is allowed to discuss and what is an allowed opinion. Those that unconditionally defend such person must really look up to him. I can tell you, I have seen the type before, the mr.Perfect type exist around the world. It is typical for someone who was stubborn enough and had circumstances that made that their always got their ways when they grew up and none. Such person will always think they are right, never wrong. I have heard so many statements enforcing my assumption.

When he wrote Rambo this: "We gotta stop this discussion, especially since this is making me angry!"

It is such a strong indication of Super-EGO.

Also, this "I will not waste time", "I will stop this discussion now", "This is the final thing I will say about this" is also so typical of that mr.Perfect type i.e DICTATING terms. It is also so typical that their only care about THEIR say, then they leave.

It is not just me who says it, some SC players have said it to me too but most of them would not dare to battle the Terif Worshippers here (Lynch Mob) and keep silent instead.

Terif has a reputation of winning and being nice to newbies and all that stuff, so I know some ppl will worship and support him just for that. People will often take the winning side, that is why some weak individuals are hacking on me whenever I say something not fitting the Terif high image. But this is just a virtual world, an experimental playground, so losing here is not the end of the world (unless you really play SC full-time :D ).

If Administrators had found me to be abusive, they would have banned me long time ago. I am not a sinner nor a saint (and I wont act like one). :D

[ March 03, 2004, 07:52 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Man Zapp you really can't take that Terif whooped your ass a gazzillion times in the pass and he's just bored of playing you.

Not too mention your constant whining that he won't play you, that's reason alone not to play you.

I don't blame him for putting himself invisible.

And I'm sure many new players he's beaten might beat you once in a while. I mean it's not like you have this great record, you've won many times but you've also lost quite a lot of matches.

[ March 03, 2004, 11:48 AM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

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Originally posted by Terif:

Kuniworth never was on my invisible list at ICQ. Rambo only some time during an argument where Zapp infected him.


LMAO :D You sure take the prize!

Ramboooo! You are from now on not longer responsible for you own actions. "Someone" has taken away your authorities as a person and you are considered a very big CHILD.


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Originally posted by Dragonheart:

I think that the dispute between Terif and Zapp arised due to this stupid Myleague.com system where the lower ranked player has to play the higher ranked players to climb in ranks.

Zapp wanted to be no one and for that purpose he had no other choice but to play Terif.

Here comes the discussion that never has been shown before. It was the day Terif first agreed to try the Challenge system but next day he took it back saying "I vote with my feet, I quit the Z-League".

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:06 the challenge system wont be aborted at this

early stage, sorry.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:07 everyone that posted voted against it and you

want still keep it...

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:08 I am just writing a reply and it is something

personal, you only activated this system to force

ME to play and nobody else

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:09 I swore to myself that I will never accept a

blackmail, this is not the same but very similar

for me

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:09 You do not have to reduce it to a personal level.

See it rather on a league level. You are champ, I

am one of the challengers.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:09 therefore I take this very personnel and

therefore I react so extreme

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:10 But noone wanted a challenge system, nor is there

any need for such a system for SC

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:11 It was only activated for your personnel

advantage and because I refused to play you

immediately and you had no priority in my play


zappsweden 2003-09- 00:11 we played 3 games since 21/8, hardly too much

time consuming for a champ. I have also said it,

I changed challenge to 24 days. If u think

everyone will go out producing fake challenges

you are just thinking the worst case scenario.

Every player in the league is known. NO ONE can

do trucky things without being revealed.

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:11 tricky

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:13 Theoretically, any champ could avoid a player

(not saying someone has done it so far) unlimited

time just playing once every 24 days.

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:13 So every system has a risk.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:13 You know there were and will be several players

that loose interest in SC. There is no way to

penalize them if they think it would be fun to

challenge some players before they leave. Thats

the worst case and may never happen, but still it


zappsweden 2003-09- 00:14 challenge is only for top-5 players. They are

pretty well known by this stage. No black boxes,

no surprises.

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:16 There is no voting about the ruleset options,

only personal views.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:22 Playing SC is fun and I dont want it to be a

duty. Besides after a while it simply doesnt make

fun playing the same person again and again if

the games are pretty much the same and nothing

changes... If it doesnt make fun any more to play

a specific person, then I need a break to

recover. After a while it will make fun again,

but I cant find the fun again if I have to play

constantly again and again. As you also

mentioned, there are phases where you play

intensily and phases where you have to recover.

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:23 so, that theoretically means I could wait 100

days or 1000 days to play you. I aint gonna beg

for games. In the current system, the champ can

play once in 24 days and also play whoever.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:24 In the challenge system I cant see any advantage:

it is only useful to force someone to play

against his will. And this is SC with a small

community where you really dont need someone to

force to play..

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:24 One challenge in 24 days is not too much. If u

cannot cope with taking challenges on that basis

you are not defending the crown.

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:24 So, basically you would rather prefer that the

champ can avoid someone unlimited time?

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:25 Theoretically

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:26 it is not a question of right or wrong. It is the

RULES. Any player in the league stick to the

rules even if that player has an own opinion on a

optimum ruleset.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:26 You know we sometimes played 3 games or more in

a row, we also had some weeks break sometimes. If

I dont want to play then I dont want to be

forced to play. You know you always got your

chance to get the "Crown"

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:27 yes, but i do wanna know when. Waiting for weeks

for a "shot at the title" is not my style. The

champ cannot call the shots anymore. The champ is

called out. Fair and simple. Honour. In this

system no one can duck anyone.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:27 you always talk about the RULES... there are many

optional rules and it is up to the SC community

which one will be used and which ones not

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:27 which ones comes to mind?

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:28 you cant hide behind the myleague rules.. you

activated or deactivated them

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:28 they are default activated. Challenge is part of

the starting rules.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:28 You want to know when ? I told you last week all

the time when we can play again: after October 1


zappsweden 2003-09- 00:29 You may feel you are forced to play, in the other

system challengers feel they are forced to wait.

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:29 Why should the champ decide exactly who and when

to play?

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:30 the challenges cannot be removed unfortunately.

They are 24 days now but started at 10.

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:31 Why do u say hide behind myleague rules???

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:31 You know: in SC a player posts when he wants to

play. It is not seldom that you have to wait

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:32 It sounds as if this only concerns you. If rambo,

me and anyone else becomes chap we follow the

same rules.

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:33 The fact is still, if anyone in the top-5 is in

an intense period they should be able to post a

challenge and be granted a shot. Once in 24 days

aint much.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:33 This only concerns me, cause the rule was only

made against me..

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:34 That is because there is only one champ-

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:39 You had many many chances to beat me and if you

had not activated the challenge system, you

surely would have had many more in the future.

Nobody else played so much like I did and most of

the games against the challengers. Since it is

not possible to remove the challenge, we can play

it after October 1. But then I hope you will

deactivate the challenge system or it will really

be the last game we played. I play SC because it

is fun and it should stay this way.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:40 You should know that you will get enough games

against me, I proofed it in the past

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:41 Yes, but the games before 22/8 (i.e before spain

gambit invention) were not me forcing you to


Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:41 But I also want the possibility to make a break

for some weeks... I never abused it to avoid a

challenge, nor will I

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:41 after spain gambit, game rate soured to 3 games

in one month.

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:43 I never said you avoided anyone. That is why

there should be no problem for you completing a

game. Also, the 24-day limit is same for games

and challenges now. I bet you wont be inactive 24

days, you have not been that before ;)

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:43 Yes because I got bored. I tried something new

and you surrendered nearly immediately, only the

standard game is boring after a while if played

against the same person...as I mentioned: we

could have loaded also a save from a game before,

would have been exactly the same situation...

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:44 yep, but you see. If u wanna play for fun, you

have no right to claim the throne. Throne is

prestige, honour and competition. Do not mix the


zappsweden 2003-09- 00:45 I mean you cannot start looking at the #1 spot as

being "rightfully mine, I deserved it" so to


Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:46 With the 24 days you are right, it is no problem

to play some games within this period, but it can

be difficult to find a certain person within this

time frame to play with. I see the danger that

both cant find each other until some days before

the deadline, then the game takes to long and

bump: penalty for both. For the challenger this

is not important since he is lower ranked


zappsweden 2003-09- 00:47 sending mails work fine for setting up

appointments. If a challenger makes a challenge

and appears unavailable he is punished.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:48 yes, but the challenged one will be punished too


zappsweden 2003-09- 00:48 It is all in the forum. Ppl see it easily. As I

said, the top-5 players are well known. There is

no moron that would join Z-League, working his

way to top-5 and then fake challenger. Who doe

sthat for a living?

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:49 Not necessarily. The challenger can be excluded

from the league i.e the challenge then disappears

(i guess). Let us not hope we will be in that

position though.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:49 A challenge system is simply not needed and has

only disadvantages

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:51 Maybe, maybe not. It is beside the point. If ppl

start ignoring the rules we have a problem.

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:52 There is no evidence the system will cause


Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:52 but you usually only see it after the penalty

took place, then you can exclude him, but this

doesnt remove the penalty I guess...

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:52 Just have a look in the forum.. it causes

problems, especially with me ;)

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:52 nope, it will be posted on the forum like "where

the hell are you? you have challenged me and

isappeared". It will work out i am sure.

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:53 The challenge disppears certainly.

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:54 We cannot have player putting ultimatums

everytime some rule works against them.

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:54 Experience and time will tell.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:56 As I said: you only need to challenge someone if

you cant find him, otherwise you would have

played the normal way. But If you cant find

someone, then he is probably away or busy. Its

simply bad style to force someone to play when he

has no time or dont want to play at the moment

the challenger want to. SC is a game and we all

play because it makes fun. Otherwise we wouldnt


zappsweden 2003-09- 00:58 Without challenge system there is no guaranti to

play the higher ranked players. As happened

recently, I have tried get title shots and only

got 3 games in one month.

zappsweden 2003-09- 00:58 So, why should the champion call the shots?

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 00:59 you had much more "shots" than everyone else.

zappsweden 2003-09- 01:00 That is history. You cannot bring old games to

the table.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 01:00 call the shots: its also the spare time of the

champion he sacrifices to play a game, instead of

sleeping, working or doing other things

zappsweden 2003-09- 01:01 Hmm, you played 30 games in the last month?

zappsweden 2003-09- 01:01 so, you should not have any problems...

zappsweden 2003-09- 01:01 Hmm, quite funny. the most frequent player

complains about a system that force him to play.

zappsweden 2003-09- 01:02 (btw u had 28 games in a month)

zappsweden 2003-09- 01:03 yes you offered me a 10-day system as a peace

offer. Now you do not even accept a 24-day

system. I think it is just pride...

zappsweden 2003-09- 01:03 yet (not yes)

zappsweden 2003-09- 01:03 yet you ...

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 01:03 seems you dont understand: It is no fun playing

only against the same player again and again, day

for day. Its a bit too much repetition

zappsweden 2003-09- 01:04 so that means without this system i could wait

3-4 weeks or even more before playing you


zappsweden 2003-09- 01:04 I mean, nothing prevents it.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 01:05 Yes, could be, but then I am pretty sure we would

play 3-6 games again in a row... ;)

zappsweden 2003-09- 01:05 yes, but I cannot stand be put on hold for

indefinate time. I want something to aim at, not

somethng to wait for.

zappsweden 2003-09- 01:07 If u (and others) cannot accept something to be

less than perfect then I am afraid this league is

heading for trouble.

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 01:09 ok, I think you are right with the pride (it WAS

a personnel thing after you challenged me ~40

minutes after I refused to play you immediately

when you asked.. I will jump over my shadow (or

how this expression works in english.. ;) ), I will

live with the challenge system as long as it has

at least the 24 days period.

zappsweden 2003-09- 01:09 sounds great!

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 01:12 Dont be happy to early ;) Since I hate it to be

forced to play, If someone challenges me, he wont

get a game until a week or so before the

deadline....Only a little measure, so this wont

happen too often ;)

Terif(SC) 2003-09- 01:13 I am pretty sure you will get more games/shots

without challenging me..

zappsweden 2003-09- 01:13 it is a matter of principle. It is not just about

us. Anyone is free to use it.

zappsweden 2003-09- 01:15 I am available in late afternoons and evenings

this week PLUS whole weekend.

zappsweden 2003-09- 01:16 gotta sleep, cu.

[ March 03, 2004, 09:09 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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