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I believe the fall of France is all in how the allied player uses air power. I performed a successful Dutch gambit but my opponent moved the two Italian air fleets into Germany to attack my position. Them along with his 4 German planes and 1 tac bomber sealed France's Fate. BTW John, I am trying this tactic on you in our PBEM game!

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I show that the Russians get a 650 MPP bonus. You mentioned 850. Please clarify(I think it should be 850).

I also think the Russian and U.S. readiness should have been started at around 20%(We are starting 2 years later, thus each country would be slightly more ready for war as they watch other countries build up their armies).

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I got the different versions mixed up. An earlier version had 850 Russian MPPs with a neutral Italy. Then I added Greece with the British HQ and French air fleet and compensated by reducing the Soviet MPPs down to 650.

disorder and myself have been playing a pair of games on this version (one game on each side) where the Balkan countries never kick in as Axis Allies, so we added the historical setting for minor allies.

Your suggestion sounds good. The Soviets do seem to have a hard time even in our games where the Axis is missing three countries!

Also, a little additional American and Soviet entry pressure might be what the game is missing.

Thanks for pointing it out, I'm adapting it into my own copy an alternate version.

I don't know if we'll use those changes in Round Two; the Tournament Committee would need to be consulted and also the other members of the Tournament, including those who lost in the First Round.

The odd thing is, I'm playing the Allies in several games of the present scenario and haven't felt overly cramped, but at this point I'm probably more accostomed to the Allies than most so it's difficult for me to tell.

Maestro disorder, -- when you've got a chance, your thoughts on this would help greatly.

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committee has voted---

2-2 tie, and chicken has a mutilated ballot.

IMHO,i dont believe in all fairness we should change our horse in midstream here.

having been tested, and fixed, etc.,before hand, i would say that we should use the same exact scenario to the end. this may be a bad precedent, if we react and make changes during a tourney.

that having been said, reccomendations have been freely sought and given to jerseyjohn regarding the scenario and it's playability.

it would not be surprising to see JJ come out with another "fix" after the tourney. even the greatest programs need a fix now and then.

when the goumet chef is starving,and sits down to eat the meal he has slaved all day over, he realizes that his radishes that are supposed to be cut into rosettes are actualy just quartered and loose in a tray. does he stop and go to the store for more radishes, or go ahead and enjoy the hot,fully prepared meal that is available?

those going into the 2nd round who are fully expecting to have a possible shot at playing the allies, would certainly not want to say that they won or lost with the "better" russians, now would they?

now for the easy-going part :D . if all 8 ,1st round finishers(before being assigned opponents, and sides for round 2) unanimously post and agree, i say, let the chips fly, eh? what are they going to do, sue us?

this would have to be coordinated and sent out in a very short period of time, prior to round 2.

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Agreed -- I don't mind my radishes quartered, though I really prefer them being in someone else's meal. smile.gif

Another thing to consider, regarding the Axis, is they're supposed to conquer Canada and the United States to win (assuming the don't take the UK out completely before either U. S. or USSR entry; so perhaps they haven't got a great edge after all. What it probably ammounts to is the Allies can't win if the USSR doesn't hold out long and hard. Can they do so with the scenario as it is now? Going by the games I've already played with these settings I think they definitely can.

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I second the question, what are victory conditions?

Another suggestion/comment/question:

England, France, Italy, Germany were given extra chits for research, I assume because the game is starting 2 years later.

Did you give bonus chits to the U.S. and to Russia? In the normal game they get 3 chits(USSR) and 2 chits(U.S.) I would suggest that Russia get 5 chits and U.S. get 4 chits(both countries get +1 chit bonus per year).


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Stalemate as I understand it is a draw.

If a total victory isn't achieved, the following would seem reasonable to me:

End of Game in 1947

Axis holds Berlin = tactical defeat

Axis holds Berlin + Rome = marginal defeat

Axis holds Berlin, Rome and Warsaw = minimal Draw

Axis holds Berlin, Rome, Paris and Warsaw. = Draw.

Axis holds above cities and has conquered either the UK, USA or USSR. = Marginal Victory

Axis holds above cities and has conquered two of the following, UK, USA or USSR. = Tactical Victory.

These are general ideas not intended for direct application in this tournament, where I don't know, off hand, if there any special victory conditions.

[ June 12, 2003, 07:24 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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A good suggestion. The U. S. has tech levels raised in several areas, such as radar and sonar, bombers and long range aircraft.

Bonus research chits would be a good idea but instead I'm leaving them at 3 each and raising the tech levels on anti-tank and Jet to Lv=1 each for the Soviets as they were not progressing at the same technological rate as the Western nations. US will receive AT & HT Lv=1.

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I must be PBEM hell. We are still on turn 9 in our game. My oppisate is haveing problems in downloading (?) the turns to me, I'm not sure if it's a technical issue or a compadibality problem with our internet servers. Is anyone else getting e-mail's where there is no file but the other person says one is attached?

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IronRanger --- I'm not a PBEM guy since TCP/IP came out & I'm not in this tourney, but I experienced problems with e-mail attachments in the past. For a long time Yahoo would never work, couldn't support the size or something. I also had two other e-mail services that wouldn't work. First thing I suggest is using Win.zip.


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ive also right-clicked and saved a ".sav" file as "all files",put it in the directory, and somehow, someway, it changes it to a pbem.sav.txt file, which cant be read by SC.

you need to go in and delete the ".txt" off the end.

but rambo's right, less problems with a zip file.

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I vote to use the existing mod in the second round. I'm hoping to play the Allied side, and have several ideas on how I want to proceed if I do so. I'm sure my opponent will also have ideas he wants to test out, now that we've both been through it.

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Thanks for the advise guys, recived turn #9 (May 1940) today. The file has been getting Ziped, maybe its something else.

Anyway, Allies rule the waves and Germany is takeing a break from beating up on all those farmers.

I see two of the games have finished, who won (axis, allies)? I'm not sure what the deadline is but this game will have to go to Terif at our present pace. I don't think USSR will even enter the game before we need to call it quits (45 days makes it, July 1st?).

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original 45 days make it july 15.

take your time and enjoy the game! if you're only half-way, big deal. we have some high-priced help willing to adjucate the games! :D

45 days was just a number for me. some would think that a tourney that takes 90 days per round would be way too long!

4 rounds of 90 days would be a year!

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Scenario Decision:


There have been a number of opinions offered so far on the scenario, the prevailing theme being that the Axis has an insurmountable advantage. As stated earlier, having played both sides against several credible adversaries, I haven’t found that to be the case. I’ve been having some of my better games with the Allies and my only real disaster came with the Axis!

We’ve reached the conclusion that neither altering the scenario for the remaining rounds, nor starting over with major changes are acceptable courses of action.

Jollyguy, who won his first round with the Axis, has stated flat out that he thinks the Allies are a bit stronger; an opinion I lean toward myself. No scenario ever pleases everybody in every way and this one is not an exception.

What has to be kept in mind is it’s easy to lose quickly with the Allies. Both sides are stronger than would be the case in most scenarios so there’s a tendency to get into a quick pile-up. As in all of the 1939-based scenarios, this nearly always favors the Axis. The bywords for the Allies are patience and long term planning.

My thanks to Jollyguy, KDG, Rannug, Panzer39, SteveC and disorder for their valuable input, feedback and advice on this matter.

[ June 13, 2003, 11:47 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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original 45 days make it july 15.

take your time and enjoy the game! if you're only half-way, big deal. we have some high-priced help willing to adjucate the games!

If a hard date of 45 days was set it should be kept, other players will be waiting for the next step on the ladder. It also stops people from draging on games that are past 'due'.

None of this should reflect on the person I'm playing, he had a hard time getting the senerio (maybe add one week for us due to this).

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october 13,1940... all except the front-line germans received a must-needed resting and refitting round.

the push was made by a small group of dedicated ss panzer men, unwilling to see the cream of germanies manhood be shamed.


while landing unannounced to their own commanders, and unprotected by the kreigsmarine, they were shelled by a british cruiser as they landed. rushing ashore east of brest at breakneck speed, they quickly found use for their inherent combat skills.

this proved to be the morale booster necessary for the stalwarts who had been attacking the northernmost defence of the maginolt line. frenchmen retreat, and germans advance, blowing up the remnants of the huge underground complexes. in other spots it appears we are advancing around the frenchmens crafty defences.

on the southernmost tip of greece,italian troops were resting and refitting from previos action last month which included the difficult freeing of athens from it's yoke of bondage. instead of wasting their time at leisure, the industrious italians began constructing bathouses for the local grecian youth.

a secret off-shore "reprisal" attack was evidently ordered by the criminal british admiralty, and many of our unarmed italian troops were killed by this insidious unseen killer. later italians and young greeks were instructed on the standard operating procedure of the allied troops.


we will not be caught unprepared for these thugs again!

usa 27% readiness russia 19% readiness

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