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FOW-SNIFFER-GATE ---> Rambo figures one FOW Sniffer, BREAKING NEWS!!!

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Originally posted by Terif:


- learn to read (or is it because you like to turn around the words in someone elses mouth ?)

- stop lying/talking crap

- learn a better behaviour

Then we can talk again - until then I simply cant take you serious any more. Your only interest in the meantime seems to be to find ways to damage my reputation and to kill SC as a multiplayer game.

You are phoney, I stand for what I say and I think you again proved it today, that you only stick to the truth when it suits your cause. That 180 degrees U-turn u made today (saying first that cheating is only theoretically possible and then hours later say that there are ways to cheat undetected) is for me what "talking crap" or being phoney means.

Don't you even know what a lie is?

A lie is NOT saying "I can beat X in SC".

A lie is NOT saying "I heard from person X that person Y got a FOW sniffer from person Z" and it does not mean the teller is lying (unless the teller made it all up). Properly referring to what someone said is not a lie because the referrer is not saying whether it is true or false.

A lie is when you say that something is TRUE while you know it is FALSE or the opposite when you know something is FALSE and claim it is TRUE.

IMO you knew that cheating was possible but said openly on forum that cheating was not possible.

p.s Today I quoted not only the relevant text from a post but pretty much the whole stuff (with several sentences) so that you could not claim that I steal phrases out of context. So you can stop that "turn around words", "stealing words out of its context" or "putting words in ones mouth" vague **** you are trying to repeat everytime.

[ May 23, 2004, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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I know (and like smile.gif )your Hero Style play - thats you and thats more than ok smile.gif .

Yes, to play competitive and winning by developing the better strategies was a lot of fun smile.gif . But nevertheless for me the most important thing was always to have a good and exciting game while playing. In the meantime my main focus is in training new players. With a loss percentage of below 1% of my games, winning is really not the question for me any more or an incentive to play :D .

The first year of SC was the best one, there were a lot of things and strategies to discover (e.g. how to take neutrals, russian readiness, conquering Med/Africa etc.). To improve gameplay I also provide all necessary information. If someone wants to know the basics of SC he simply has to read my strategy guide ;) .

But obviously we have different opinions about other types of information ;) :

I still think it is not good to provide informations for everyone how to cheat or how to exploit certain bugs. It doesnt improve the game or gameplay, it doesnt increase the fun in the game, in contrary it can only harm the game and destroy the fun playing it (if you publish it cause you want it to be fixed, then better mail it to an administrator/Hubert).

It has nothing to do with ego, or to keep secrets for your own, but simply with responsibility. If someone likes SC and played it for a long time he should think about the consequences before he makes something public: e.g. there cant come any good from making cheating methods public. And If you only discovered it after over 2 years playing: be happy that it is not that easy to discover.

If you dont make it public, nobody can use it to destroy the game. Or e.g. (if you would know it) would you publish an easy method how to build - and bring to explosion - an atomic bomb in the USA, when you know there is no countermessure possible to your method ? Probably nobody would do it like all the time before, but who knows maybe someone would try it and be it only to see if it really works... ;)

[ May 23, 2004, 12:26 PM: Message edited by: Terif ]

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This is not similar to building bombs. Bombs have no good counter but Bugs have i.e to correct them. As I said before (and it is not very hard to understand), the more flaws/bugs we find the more we get fixed in patches and SC2. The AA Bug (which obviously was very hard to find while its more evil brother "interception flaw" was still alive) would have been exposed earlier if the interception flaws were fixed earlier. That interception flaw could have been revealed by YOU Terif. In that case, the AA Bug would have been found earlier too (before final patch hopefully). So again, do not come here and say we should "stay with the program" and censor information about SC.

Also, exposing cheating is good because then SC2 might become more secure. Exchanging knowledge drives the development further. If no one complained, we customers would eventually get worse software in the long-term. Why do you think that console games have no bugs? Because they cannot afford making bugs, they have no update possibilities after release and would lose HUGE bucks for ppl demanding their money back.

[ May 23, 2004, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Has anyone actually answered my question (not sure a lot of dialogue flowing here).

Is it possible to play TCP/IP, and carry on a conversation, and cheat effectively?

By that I mean, be either playing your turn, or the other person playing their AND maintain a conversation (which requires the games interface be active I assume).

Because hmmm, that would be a daunting task I would think. Very impressive if a person can play there turn support lighthearted smack and actually be physically capable of doing anything else.

I talk a lot in my games, I like the social element and the ability to add humour when a move just doesn't go right for my opponent.

I am basically a board gamer. During all those hours of playing A3R, I certainly didn't just sit there doing nothing during my friend's turn eh.

PBEM is fine. But life being what it is, and confidence levels appear to be all but buggered to hell now, I can understand if no one really trusts the security of the game any longer. That's a human response.

It has taken a lot of the fire out of my interest in PBEM.

I like TCP/IP though. I suspect people able to and willing to play a dishonest game under TCP/IP will be a lot harder to find.

I am confident I won't have trouble getting in a good game under these conditions.

I don't have a lot of them under my belt though. But I am thinking more and more, that TCP/IP is liklely going to become my SC preference.

Besides, I find 6+ hours on a fri or sat is nothing to find, but finding time just about any other day seems elusive.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Hey Zapp, buddy, you better not be FOW-Sniffing my pieces. I know you always wanted to beat me very badly, because deep down inside, your jealous of me, hehe...

I'll tell you what, I'm going to get a laptop to play our next game of SC. Since our games take 20+ hours, I'll be able to play you while I fly a plane to Stockholm, Sweeden. By the time I physically land in Sweden, if will 1942 in SC game time. Then I'm going to look thru your window & watch you reload & sniff my pieces!

hehe, NO!

I will sniff your location from now on so when I see your location getting closer and closer to Europe I will try to stop you already at the air port. Men in uniforms will be waiting at the airport once you arrive, lol. :D;)

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Originally posted by Les the Sarge 9-1:

Has anyone actually answered my question (not sure a lot of dialogue flowing here).

Is it possible to play TCP/IP, and carry on a conversation, and cheat effectively?

Yes. if the cheater has 2 computers in same room. One for the main game and one for loading saves with this newly discovered PBEM load cheat.

[ May 23, 2004, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Originally posted by kurt88:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Yes. if the cheater has 2 computers in same room. One for the main game and one for loading saves with this newly discovered PBEM load cheat.

One computer is enough. </font>
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ROFL, I'd like to fly to Spain to check out Hombre Plin. To recall we played a game once where the guy after losing Russia did too damned good. Couldn't figure out what he had on his side, now I know.

I wonder if Plin is back under a new Alias?

or who else is using this little Hack?

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Originally posted by Liam:

ROFL, I'd like to fly to Spain to check out Hombre Plin. To recall we played a game once where the guy after losing Russia did too damned good. Couldn't figure out what he had on his side, now I know.

I wonder if Plin is back under a new Alias?

or who else is using this little Hack?

Only my two cents about Hombre Plin.....i played him only once...to a time where i was much weaker than now......and had not the impression he is cheating........btw......i won ;) .
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Perhaps sometimes its more easy to say that the opponent was cheating than to believe that he was just the better one...isn't it?

For example a person like Terif knows nearly every single aspect of the game. So he doesn't make any failures. A new player could get the feeling, that Terif is cheating, but he isn't. He only plays from memory I think.

I believe that the most of the community are not cheaters. But there are many new players and sometimes they know not enough about the game.

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Cobra commander;

Hombre may have been from deutschland no one really knows. Besides der wehrmacht was german and fow sniffer was german. Of course Terif did not cheat but others may have fallen to the blot und boden mentality and think that german are/should be uber alles. Cheating is a bad thing. World war 2 even worse.

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