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Aaarg, I can't wait !


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I'm loosing my mind waiting for this game. I understand that it have to take its time to be good and so what to do? Are there any similar computer game out there to help me get through the wait (I now about High Command but there have to be more than that)???


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Originally posted by Swift:

I'm loosing my mind waiting for this game. I understand that it have to take its time to be good and so what to do? Are there any similar computer game out there to help me get through the wait (I now about High Command but there have to be more than that)???


The Operational Art of War: Century of Warfare combined with the Europe Aflame scenario.


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Mr. Clark: I've got something for you to read while we wait for SC. smile.gif

Harry Turtledove's "World War"+"Colonisation" series (together 7 books). It's basically an alternate history of WW2 and the Cold War (but not of the "what if the Axis had won" type). In there you will find out about Straha, ginger and everything. smile.gif It is really important, though, to read the books in the correct order, so if you're curious, be sure to start out with the first installment "World War: In the Balance".


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I have read all 7 books, and they are a great read. I highly recommend them. As an alternate, Harry Turtledove's "Great War: American Front" series is also very good. It consists of 4 books that are an alternate history of WWI (They cover WWI as it was fought in North America between the United States, The Confederate States of America, and Canada. They are all fighting each other as allies of the opposing European alliances).

The series is a continuation of his book "How Few Remain" which is a novel about the SECOND american civil war between the North and South in the 1880's (It assumes that the South won the first one.)

This series is a great read, but you really should read them in order, starting with "How few Remain", then read the 4-book WWI "Great War: American Front"

[ May 10, 2002, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: wbs ]

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Good books always help pass the time. "The Hitler Options" is a pretty good one-volume read.

Of course, a constructive way to pass the time waiting for SC to arrive is to tell your gaming buddies about it, and let them know that if there are features that they would like they should get active on this forum. smile.gif

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Straha, my family and I are heading to the public library today, so I shall look for that series! Thanks man!

I'll also look for the Hitler Options!

BB... I'm going to be telling friends about it, no worries! I agree that we all should! We should also send a link to the website to any Strategy or Wargaming websites/clubs that we know of or find on the net!

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Originally posted by Mr. Clark:

BB... I'm going to be telling friends about it, no worries! I agree that we all should! We should also send a link to the website to any Strategy or Wargaming websites/clubs that we know of or find on the net!

Mr. C,

I started doing that weeks ago. :D

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