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Question [for Legends & Icons] : Is SC dead to you?


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In the words of Tony Soprano,"SC is dead to me". Life has been busy for the Legend from the Northwest. Work is always work with the Legend, I'm pressing onward in the middle of a huge project that keeps me busy between Boise & Portland. My Lady gets my quality time after that, then I got a set of golf clubs that need exercised. My handicap has slipped upto double digits, not good.


What's up with SC? Anybody playing? I've only played a few games this year with Liam & Hellraiser. I prefer playing these dudes, because it doesn't take forever to play. I will not play slow players or the shady reload types! The weather is just too nice to be inside, especially since I work all-day indoors with 80% on a computer. Oh how I miss the sales days, but not those hours.

Is SC-2 going to rock? What's the deal? All I see in that Forum is "Eddie Van Forum" requesting a new feature everyday, does that dude have game? Anybody play him TCP/IP? Speaking of new names, are there any new Icons playing SC?

Far as my reinstatment, I'm still sort of on a "double secret probation" --- Dean Wormer, Animal House. "Yeah, you got pinched, but you did good, you never talked to the police & didn't rat out your friends". --- Goodfellas.

If anybody would like a Big game against me, I will play by appointment. Because I will have a little time the next couple of weekends while watching some March Madness hoops games. Wait, Easter is taken with my Lady, & I got a dinner party, will have to be in the morning.

"SC, Yes, you know I love you" --- Bill Anderson.


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I've never played SC or any other wargame as a competitive activity. I don't care about reloads and don't even care about playing other humans. I like to set up situations and play them a while and then set up other situations and play them for a while. In other words I like to piddle around with it and don't care if I'm the worst player on earth.

So for me, SC is about as alive as it ever was.

But the SC forum isn't, of course. It was great a couple of years back when there were usually a dozen people posting at once. They've mainly gone off now but I'm sure most of them will return when SC-2 comes out.

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every game has its life cycle ;)

well, SC is not necessarily dead for me ... it's the only game I play with other human opponents though my SC sessions are rare now - several games per month. Indeed RL eats up a lot of my time and I lost a bit interest in this game as well. Let's say SC it's more like a habit now than a thrill ;)

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Yep, ditto on Cosmin's words. I still play, but it's actually out of habit. JJ, don't tell me you play the dorky AI? If I don't have to think while playing a game, then it's no game for me! The AI bites big time, as it does in almost all wargames. I played Korsun Pocket the 1st time, as Axis, and got a decisive victory against the AI. The game is awesome, like SC, but it's really meant to play against others.

Shady reload types?! Hehe. Ok, Rambo and I did play a game 2 weeks ago, and I sincerely had a communication problem, so we had to reload one turn. I played the turn different and screwed him over. Oh well, i'm bad. But, i must say, that was the first and only time i've ever even reloaded a turn! I was too lazy to email him my autosave, and he didn't care either. Whatever, doesn't make me a sneaky cheater by a long shot, but I did take advantage.

The last 3 months I've played cos almost exclusively, plus a smattering of games with Sombra and Rambo. Haven't played Terif recently, but who likes playing games they know they can't win?! Hehe... however, once SC2 comes out...

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At this point I wouldn't say I play anything. Once in a while I like to play SC but I don't like to committ myself to a real game, so I set things up with the scenario editor and go for a while against the AI. The only way to have it give any semblance of a game is to give it huge advantages -- basically it's the same with any wargame, the computer is usually pretty easy, but with SC the AI is really terrible.

We've been saying that for years now. I used to keep 16 PMEM games going at a time but after a few months of that the game became worn out for me. Playing was never my big interest, it was creating scenarios and discussing history at the board.

I created two scenario situations I was interested in, a 1939 war on the assumption that Germany accepted the Allies 1918 Brest-Litovsk recognition treaty -- it's called 1939 Brest-Litovsk Aftermath at Otto's, and the original Z-Plan scenario. After those two my interest in the game fell off.

When SC-2 comes out I'm looking forward to making more scenarios, probably those two, improved upon and for the new system. Hopefully the AI will be good enough to create an enjoyable game. I suspect that's the main reason for the delays.

Naturally human vs human is the only way to play this kind of game as a good contest. I have yet to see a war strategy game with an AI that could really keep track of everything and come up with any sort of decent plan.

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@JJ -> yes, AI is a very difficult issue for any programmer ... it's good to be human, eh? smile.gif

Avatar was talking about Korsun Pocket ... man I would like to play that game!!! Can't find it here in Romania :(

Decisive battles series is definitely worth playing. I used to play The Ardennes Offensive (to bad it ain't running under xp). I really got hooked with TAO pretty fast. It's awesome but it lacks support for direct h2h...only PBEM but I really don't have the patience to play pbem...too slow for me.

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The few times I've played with a direct connection I liked it better than PBEM as well. My problem the past year or so has been time, there's never enough of it. The six or seven months when I had all those PBEM games really cost me a lot in lost income and in other ways -- I mean, my wife moved me and the computer into the yard and it was three days before I noticed it! :eek:

Also, at heart I think I'm not a real wargamer. I enjoy the mechanics of the games (except for the pure shootemups, which I hate) and like tinkering with different situations, but the competive aspects of it all leaves me looking at the clock and wondering how I'm ever going to catch up again.

-- Romania you say! Five minutes ago, at another website, I was writing a long post about Vlad the Impaler! Literally a small world. :D

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Sc is dying partly because there is though little hope yeah SC2 somewhere, sometimes in the future, next generation ... Yeah check often for updates on teh page... How many updates regarding the game have there been? If SC2 comes out I will buy it because Sc has been a GREAt game.

Still eeven if it was said enough times already . To know what is going on in the development of SC2 would perhaps keep some more people interessted in the game. (perhaps think Stardock => GalCiv 2 in customer releations) We don´t even know if SC2 is in early Alpha, late Alpha or Beta . The game will be released when it is finished.... Is there any project planning for this game? Sc is a really nice nice game even if I am playing less and less time online.

I know my place in the rankings better then most, worse then some other players with no much hope of improvement. The Panzerliga is still quite active still 50 different players ,played games in the league this season and there are always players looking for games online. Though if I wanted there is no lack of players.

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I dont think that SC is dead...ppl come and leave the scene...and some of them do that over and over again.....like rambo,me and some other ppl still loving this game.

After my 2nd break of almost 4 mths i came back and was estonished how many new ppl are playing that game.....at least in the PL. The current ranking is full of new players...roughly 20 new active players approximately.

Like rambo i have now also restrictions concerning my opponents and the time i invest into SC. I wont play ppl from outside europe anymore as i need enough time to recover myself from my job ..except it is possible to play to my daytime.

There are no more restrictions...i play cheaters ..i play fog sniffers....shortly said everyone....wait :eek: ....i dont play ppl accusing me to be slow. ;):D

IMO ppl expect to much from SC2....its almost the same game...but its for sure that ppl who loved SC will love SC2 too.

Greetings to all

Dragonheart (Königstiger)

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@DragonSlow --- Hmmm, you testing SC-2 or something? That's good there are alot of players in Panzerliga, must be the Fritz dudes like strategy games.

Are there any American players who play TCP/IP? Good grief, there are 300,000,000 people in this country & everybody is PBEM?

Waltero, dude, you still around, I need a win to feed my Ego!!!!

[ March 26, 2005, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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I still enjoy this game as much as when I first ran into it. I've posted several times in this forum about how to get decent games against the AI--my schedule just doesn't allow me to play HvH games (too irregular to be responsible about sending moves back and forth)--but I do enjoy re-enacting/changing historical scenarios with SC.

I've never got into the idea of things like the Allies invading Belgium or attacking Ireland--or any of the weird things that happen when SC becomes just a game.

My most enjoyable times have been discussing historical stuff in this forum with some of the more veteran SC'ers. I think the SC community for me has been folks who are more interested in the history of WWII than in wargames per se.

So, as I said earlier, SC is very much alive and well for me. I'm looking forward to SCII when it comes out, but until then I can still try to hold off the Allies in the Overlord scenario.

Anyone who says that it's "easy" to beat AI while playing Overlord as Axis must know something about this game that has escaped me.

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Waltero, dude, you still around, I need a win to feed my Ego!!!!

Guess this rules me out.. har har har har. Well I think I might come back, though with my play style I think the PL would be where I look for a game.

I personally left due to time and lack of desire for another bid game. I tried several different sets of house rules to make the game more 'historical', and I thank the people that gave it a go.. but more of the 'France fell too fast so Im done' (I did it too) games made me leave.

Wild to see so many of the same people still posting after how long have we been playing this game... 2 years?

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Yes I do play PBEM on occassion. Though I tend to change my strategy every game. With one player I used the Turkish gambit (land a corps to seize the straits to the Black Sea and send through a horde of Italians) to great effect then I switched to the Syrian Ambush (let the enemy close in, don't attack right away, and then when you see his HQ sink it) and then to the Norwegian Liberation Campaign on game three with a surprise landing near Berlin coordinated with an invasion of France. I guess that I win about 50% of the time, lose 50% of the time as I play without a bid.

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