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SC2 - Chrome

Edwin P.

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SC, as is is a great game, but it lacks the chrome seen in other WWII games.

My Chrome Wish List:

1. HQ Unit Headshots - when you click on a HQ unit next to the stats at the bottom of the screen appears a headshot of the General, along with a "random" famous quote of that General.

General Patton:

"In case of doubt, attack."

"It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that insures victory."

"Lack of orders is no excuse for inaction."

"Make your plans to fit the circumstances."

"Say what you mean and mean what you say."

"Take calculated risks."

2. Ship Photos - when you click on a battleship or carrier unit - next to the stats at the bottom of the screen appears a B/W photo of the Ship. (public domain image) sc01.gif

3. During the winter, hexes in Russia/Finland/Norway and Sweden turn white.

4. Tank Photos - click on a US Tank unit and see along with the stats a picture of the Tank, Click on a German Tank unit and see a picture of a German tank (of course the picture should change along with tech level)

5. Research Advances - Not just you have reached Level 3 Jets but where possible add a picture of the plane / Tank / Rockets and more interesting copy.


Your Engineers have developed the Tiger Tank (Level 4 Armor)

6. Add Random News Pop-ups based on actual historical events occuring in the game.

Example: Fall of Low Countries

75% - Normal Low COuntries Surrenders Pop-up Box

25% - "Queen Wilhelmina and her government flee to London and began weekly broadcasts to her subjects in the Netherlands on Radio Orange to inspire them in their fight against the German occupation." Low Countries Surrender.

Example: UK Battelship Hood Sunk by Germans

95% - Nothing

5% - "HMS Hood, which was the pride of Britain's fleet was sunk in May 1941 by German ship the Bismarck, killing 1,415 men (source BBC)"

Example: German Subs Attack Merchant Convoy in the Atlantic

90% - Nothing

10% - "Twenty-four Merchant ships were sunk, along with 153 mariners and Armed Guard, 250,000 tons of war material, including 3,500 trucks, 200 aircraft and 435 tanks."

Finland Enters the War 10% for a Pop-up with a picture from Cranston Fine Art Prints: gp12.jpg
Of Course players should have the option to turn this chrome off/on.

7. Random Pop-ups with Actual Historical Radio Audio at Specific Points in the Game. The key element here is that the audio clips would play in only about 1 of 5 games and would be a welcome surprise, not an annoyance. (Requires Free RealOne Player plug-in)


20% on German Attack on Poland - Statement by Neville Chamberlin

20% on turn of French Surrender - Radio Broadcast of French Surrender

- "We have not yet begun to fight" - Churchill

20% on turn that US enters the War - "This day shall live in Infamy" -

20% on German Surrender - Radio Announcement of German Surrender

1% per turn after Italy enters the War - Mussollini's Letter to Hitler


These changes will not affect gameplay, but I think they would make the game more appealing to a wider audience.

Also, the key element in my popups is that they don't occur all the time, only some of the time. Thus they do not slow down gameplay or annoy the player. It also makes them a welcomed event.


[ October 25, 2003, 05:41 PM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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I agree, Mussolini's letter to Hitler is really campy. - It was a hit WWII Song

Personally, I would poll the distributors for their opinion on adding chrome to SC. If they told me it would help sales I conside adding some in SC knowing that the information gathered could be used in SC2.

[ July 16, 2003, 12:01 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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I have to agree with Mannerheim; great stuff and good choices but I don't think we'll see it.

These things would be a fine touch and hopefullunlike that theme music and drum roll, could be toggled on and off at the players discretion.

[ July 16, 2003, 12:44 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Edwin P ...

A very compelling and interesting take on SC, as per usual... I am hard pressed to think of many others who put so much serious thought into this excellent game... :cool:

One wonders... shouldn't you design and retail a game of your own unique conception... I would be inclined to give it a shot, for sure! smile.gif

Like Panzer39 I am in favor of ALL of your suggestions, except the audio... although, if you remember, and if you have even played it, Pacific General had a Great!

Soundtrack that included big-band sounds from the 40s and clips of radio messages... tremendous music interludes all around!

For those who only like meat & potatoes for breakfast, well, I suppose we could have a "chrome toggle" which would allow them to remain conservative in their approach...

As usual, CHOICES are ALWAYS BETTER than merely a few paths to travel, and it's true in war-gaming just like... REAL Life, true? ;)

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Johm DiFool

Now thats an excellent idea!

Visit the Gal Civ Site to view mods submitted by players that can be downloaded to update their game of Galactic Civilization.

--Also: I do agree there must be an Rules/Vairiations option to turn off the Audio Events.

[ July 17, 2003, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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Adding music to the game & new sound graphis would be cool...IF & ONLY IF there were ways to select your choices, turn off, & lots of variety. Ever play the CHESSMASTER PC-game series? You pick your music (only classical).

I have the T.V. or stereo going while I play. I websirf against the slow players...place sports bets, sell options, smack on the Forum, etc. It would be cool if speeches are inserted, graphics, musics...but lots of it. The Panzer General music has what? 1 or 2 hymns? Gets old fast.


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Clarification on the Audio Suggestion

1. I agree that players must have the option to disable this.

2. I would have at most 10/11 possible audio events for the entire game. Each event would be tied to an actual game event.

- British Response to Polish Invasion

- German Surrender

- Italian Surrender

- French Surrender

- D-Day Landing

- Norwegian Resistance Broadcast (English Dubbed)

- Report on German bombing of London

- Report on the sinking of the Bismarck

- US Enters the War

- Churchill's "We have not yet begun to Fight" broadcast

- Allied victory in North Africa

3. For those historically inclined I would also make the audio events accessible through the main menu. So you could listen to any Radio News broadcast at your leisure without having to play the game.

4. I would allow modders to add new Audio Event text files tied to

1> Surrender of a Country by a Particular Side

2> Destruction of a Particular Unit(ie Ship)

3> Conquest of a City by a Particular Side

4> Liberation of a Country by a Particular Side


Event: FallFrance

Type: Surrender(France)

By: Axis

Chance: 10 (% that audio will play upon event)

AudioFile: Parisfall.ram

Event: LibFrance

Type: Liberation(France)

By: Allies

Chance: 10

Audiofile: Parisliberation.ram

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Since i have no idea how to work that pesky offical quote thing, I'll just use the good old fashion way...

"For those historically inclined I would also make the audio events accessible through the main menu. So you could listen to any Radio News broadcast at your leisure without having to play the game."- Edwin

THIS I like. You get my approval for sound, As i was reading the list above this paragraph, I was wondering where I could hear these things since they sound interesting. Then I read that. LoL good idea, reminds me of Civil War General's 2 with it's civil war Encyclo. etc.

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Edwin P:

Great Ideas, but i like the sound-files most.

This Mussolini-Hitler song is real fun.

Maybe we could start a little list with links from where everyone here could download such classics in mp3 format?

Maybe some kind of "Lili Marleen", or "Les Préludes" from Liszt and/or those musics from Allied General and stuff like that.

Than everyone could "produce" his own soundtrack to listen while playing SC (launch mp3-player, random play).

Would at least be a little improvement to SC without a patch!?

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