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Real time World War II, Axis & Allies: RTS


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TimeGate developed Kohan, the only RT game I can actually play(not a clickfest).

Atari, Inc. (Nasdaq: ATAR) and TimeGate Studios, Inc. announced today a partnership to develop a new PC installment of Axis & Allies®, the popular World War II game franchise. Axis & Allies®: RTS (working title) is inspired by the game of war, strategy and economics found in the best-selling Axis & Allies board game, but features unique elements that allow players to change the course of history in new ways. Axis & Allies: RTS is being developed for the PC by TimeGate Studios, creators of the award-winning Kohan series, and is scheduled for release in fall 2004.

In Axis & Allies: RTS, players will relive and experience the most epic struggle in the history of mankind, World War II. Players will be able to direct the military and economic destiny of any one of the world's most powerful countries - United States, England, Germany, The Soviet Union or Japan. Axis & Allies: RTS will not only capture the intensity of war but will also allow players to change the outcome of the major battles and campaigns of World War II. Confronted with the strategic and tactical situations experienced by the top generals and national leaders of the period, players will have to make critical decisions that determine the fate and the destiny of the world.

"We are thrilled to extend our relationship with TimeGate Studios to develop a new interactive Axis & Allies experience," said Nancy MacIntyre, Vice President of Marketing, Atari's Beverly studio. "Axis & Allies: RTS will give gamers and World War II enthusiasts a chance to change the course of history as they haven't been able to previously."

"We are very excited to be working on this project with one of the leading publishers in the industry, " said Adel Chaveleh, President of TimeGate Studios. "We have been fans and players of the Axis & Allies franchise for years and our commitment to innovation combined with the popularity of the brand is a definite recipe for a killer title."

Axis & Allies: RTS will feature gameplay elements such as unique organization of units; command of land, sea, and air units in real-time; dynamic fronts and supply lines; interaction with Generals and Leaders of the era; and intense online play with a powerful random scenario generator.

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"...and is scheduled for release in fall 2004."


Yeah, but tough luck for them that SC2 will be anounced next week!

Ain't that right Hubert? ...

... Hubert? ...

Thanks for the info, it will be interesting to see how it stands up to SC2; I'm sure it will be out long before that. Well, okay, pretty sure! ;)

Basically two different game concepts. I don't see how all those things can be placed in a Global game, but who knows, maybe they'll have some sort of multi-level system. We were talking along very similar lines in an old thread at this forum. Click on Territory, Click again and it's the whole map, click on a specific section and that's the whole map ... right down to some poor guy using the latrine! But somehow that doesn't sound like Axis and Allies.

[ December 05, 2003, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Sterilize sterilise streilize.

Quick purge all data.

Throw up the firewall.

Sheesh don't some people learn anything at all?

Axis & Allies, the game with the dumbest AI I have ever met in a computer game. A program with no worth at all unless you play it online with 5 humans and no AI player.

If it wasn't for hotseat, it would not be worth the cd it was burned on.

And now they want to match it with RTS, the most worthless form of computer wargaming?

It is to laugh.

Oh well I am sure some 6 year old girl out there will find it stimulating.

I might finally be able to take HoI off the bottom most rung of the ladder for junk if this comes out to replace it.

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Originally posted by Moon:

RTS?! HOI didn't teach "them" anything...


While I am no fan of HOI, fair is fair...from what I have read, HOI has sold very well (unfortunately including a purchase from me)....since it boils down to dollars and cents, sometimes the true sence of what a strategic WWII sim should be, is lost....
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I put in my thoughts at Wargamer.

I pity the reviewer that gets this one, because I plan on countering any comment made remotely in favour of this offense to real wargaming.

Oh gee lets get little johnny novice wargamer to buy A&A RTS, he is too stupid to know and we will have his money before he knows it.

These people likely hang out with people like the director of Windtalkers.

I mean this actually really angers me.

This last year has seen some valiant efforts to bring non turn based wargames out to the public. Airborne Assault HTTR is perhaps a good example.

A&A RTS is only going to ruin sales of board games bearing the same name, because the name will end up being associated with a total fraud.

Just Hasbro selling a name it owns for cash value and screw the consumer.

Now it makes sense why they reworked the board game...slightly, they want money and that's all they want.

I am planning on pushing for Attack! and to hell with anything Hasbro offers.

Bloody traitorous scum.

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"RTS will not only capture the intensity of war..."

They clearly don't know thing one about war or the credible simulation of it either.

"Confronted with the strategic and tactical situations experienced by the top generals and national leaders of the period"

Who fought the war over 6 years I might add, and not 6 hours, thus invalidating the comment they made and thus you won't be experiencing anything those generals or leaders experienced at all.

"players will relive and experience the most epic struggle in the history of mankind, World War II"

No you will get to indulge a farce and under conditions that will ensure you gain nothing equally as well.

"Players will be able to direct the military and economic destiny of any one of the world's most powerful countries"

Under conditions that none of those countries had to deal with as well, maybe they forgot to mention that part.

"We are thrilled to extend our relationship with TimeGate Studios to develop a new interactive Axis & Allies experience"

No they are just looking forward to your money, and if you give it to them, I am expecting to lower your IQ immediately by 50 points. Here's your sign.

I don't care how many other games they have done or how well they might have done them. If this game was offered by Matrix Games for instance, I would tell David he was crazy too.

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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

"Just Hasbro selling a name it owns for cash value and screw the consumer."



My sentiments exactly, Hasbro ruins every game it touches.

AHHH...fond memories of Hasbro's Squad Leader game...so much profanity...so little time...
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Well Sarge I'm glad you at least acknowledged the Airborne Assault series. I to believe that turn based is best for grand strategy format, but with HttR and the Battlegrounds concept, that lock on operational and grand tactical games is about to be pushed and I for one believe RTS has merit at that level.

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Wow, brought out some hostilities from this group.

It should be noted that TimeGate has developed two awesome games, with very good AI's(that can be edited), that don't require a ton of clicks to play.

This game would never replace SC or SC2. The hope would be that we might actually have a good Axis & Allies for the computer.

I'd also recommend players that might be interested in RTS but didn't didn't enjoy clicking 100's of times to try Kohan(Walmart has a package with it and 4 or 5 other games available for $20). They also have a demo availalbe. This is the way RTS should be.

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Anyone that likes the Axis and Allies experience, would do well to buy a copy of the recent game Attack! or check into this new offering by Neppagames that is dscussed at Wargamer.

Both are board games, and both will require actual intelligence. But they won't go out of favour 5 minutes after it is finished being set up to play.

[ December 05, 2003, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: Les the Sarge 9-1 ]

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I should mention KDG, that making a lousy game might doom a publisher, but making a success doesn't automatically make a publisher incapable of making garbage either.

I have no plans on ever buying a game solely based on a publisher having done it right once before without a lot of other factors contributing.

Every game should have to stand on it's own two feet individually. There is no free lunch when you are talking about my gaming dollar.

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God you guys are awful tongue.gif

Axis & Allies isn't that bad. If you have a good team of 2v2 on RogerWilco it can be a blast.<it's just like any other game it last a few months and you get bored of it> Of course it's not at all realistic or historical. It's a pure board game. Kind of advanced Risk.

I think that any title they release with WW2 on it is gonna sell.

I restarted my HOI up with the new 105 patch she's got some qualities to her. Some of the things we'd like implemented in SC are right there. Aircraft for instance are a huge Role in the game, but...they do not destroy units singlehandedly... they're only worthwhile used in conjuction with land units...and costly as well...

Armor kicks butt and in the right terrain eats infantry. as it should be.

You can mantain a real front but you end up having to retreat in the face of greater numbers..you get to appoint historical leaders to division level armies. Oil/Military supplies are all a factor...even the dissent popularity of the war is a factor tongue.gif There is a way to bring up reserves but the readiness system is quite advanced. You don't get endless combat out of the same troops, you've gotta retreat them and rest them or you're gonna just colaspe so in this respect you've gotta pay attention to your front. The political system is a true masterpiece in consideration with other WW2 Simulators.. It's the most advanced WW2 game of it's kind in existence sorry to say nothing I've seen would compare on a tactical detailed level..the whole combat engine is very evolved, years ahead of it's time. A little bit superflous is all. The Makers of HOI have released a title called Victoria I hear that solves some of these overly detailed issues<but is still much more detailed than HOI> and it leads from the 1830s-40s to 1920... I'm much more interested in that title than any re-release of Axis & Allies. You'd really have to blow my soaks off to make an A&A worth buying..

Only reason HOI isn't my cup of tea it's too detailed...and not in the right places. I miss a little bit of the hex warfare. The problem with Axis & Allies it's not detailed enough and you mine as well leave the whole thing up to chance with that redicilious dice system. One starts with A&A though and the other games like SC for instance grow on them. ;)

[ December 06, 2003, 03:42 AM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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I'm glad that I'm not the only fan of Kohan on this forum. I probably play it as much as SC!

It's a great game, by far the simplest and easiest to play RTS game I've ever come across, and it knocks Age of Empires and Cossacks for six.

It can also give a very good game whereby winning against the AI is an achievement to be proud of (set 3 AIs against yourself on hard level and you have got a corking game).

However, making a WWII RTS is a completely different matter. I think that turn based, SC style, is the way to go, unless someone develops a workable strategic level Combat Mission style game (i.e. where you issue the orders, then watch a video to see what happens).

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ohh, okay, I like the random map generator idea and wish SC had one in it's scenario editor.

I like the idea of having units smaller than a corps to work with.

I like the idea of having places like Iceland and the Azores and the Canary Islands and having the Western Hemisphere more than a short swim away from Europe.

But I'd also like it if Hasbro dismembered itself and stopped inflicting it's corrupted games on the world. tongue.gif

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RTS, has become a bit predictable is the problem. A few guys repeat the same thing a dozen times and expect us all to, WOW! Neato! Blah Blah Blah

Bahhhhhhhhh, turn-based is because of the limitation of programming. Noone can make a real time WW2, HOI is what people consider to RTS? I don't consider it that way at all. It may give you some of that feel of a RTS but has a quality that is more idealy suited to Turn-based cause you have to go extremely slow when things matter. One relieving fact is that you don't have to wait for your oponent to finish his turn, that's extremely annoying... <that's one of the biggest complaints about RTS games too tongue.gif , DON'T PAUSE> you'd need a lot of cash, and about 1000 times the processor to have true RTS WW2 on the detail we'd want it.

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