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Terif - Dragonheart GAME 3 + GAME 4 (1:1)


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Dragon, that's a joke isn't it?

"Early May to late June" with the double HQ defence? From where do you get your results?

I held Paris until August against the best SC player in the world and would have held it longer without my silly counter (Yes, he had chance of taking empty Paris in May if he had broke through but Yes I also had a chance to hold very long if I had not gambled on counters). Believe me, against less experienced opponents I would not have gambled at all. Ask Cosmin. He got Paris in November when I introduced him to my Allied show. Ask Rambo who was stopped in France several times. smile.gif

Zapp knows SC -> Zapp knows his strategies -> Zapp >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

p.s I could run a test against you using the double HQ and we will see about when Paris falls. I expect ppl to back up their statements. :cool:


[ December 15, 2004, 02:43 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Originally posted by zappsweden:

Dragon, that's a joke isn't it?

"Early May to late June" with the double HQ defence? From where do you get your results?

I held Paris until August against the best SC player in the world and would have held it longer without my silly counter. Yes, he had chance of taking empty Paris in May if he had broke through but Yes I also had a chance to hold very long if I had not gambled on counters. Believe me, against less experienced opponents I would not have gambled at all. Ask Cosmin. He got Paris in November when I introduced him to my Allied show. Ask Rambo who was stopped in France several times.

I read some AAR's between you and Yoda and sometimes you lose Paris in June. The double HQ is June-August.

Zapp knows SC -> Zapp knows his strategies -> Zapp >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

p.s I could run a test against you using the double HQ and we will see about when Paris falls. I expect ppl to back up their statements.


Typing error it´s late May to late June not early may. In our last games it proved to be that time i mentioned so there is no need for a test. It can be later for sure when the axis player chooses the save way and does not risk units...but anyway its a killer either for axis or for the allies..so let´s call it zapp´s airgambit. ;)

Edit: I´m talking about when i will take France with these different strategies ..the performance of other players is another thing.

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Hmm, it is not a game killer. Normally the games continue to long games. For instance I only got a draw against Cosmin despite holding paris until November. I got lazy, what else can I say.

Anyhow, my stats against the best player (Terif) using this strategy was:

Game #1: Held Paris until Late March

Game #2: Held Paris until Late July

Game #3: Held Paris until Early August

And that was against EXPERT opposition (Terif)!

Both game #2 and game #3 went on after France. The strategy is not a game killer or a gambit because only occasionally Allies lose Paris way too early or Axis gets stopped in France.

"In our last games it proved to be that time i mentioned so there is no need for a test." That is exactly what IS needed if you want a descent result. I used this strategy about 10-12 times now and would say that Paris normally falls in June-July using this strategy.

[ December 15, 2004, 02:57 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Zapp first read then post :rolleyes:

I was not talking about a gamekiller but about a killer for either axis or allies. Killer with the sense of deciding the game early. I dont critizize your tactic.

And then i was talking how i perform ag these strategies and when other players play more cautious there will be another result for sure.

Maybe you did not catch my edit in time concerning the 2nd point.

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"Its quite simple there are 3 possibilities to defend france"

To me it looked like descriptions and expected outcomes of different strategies in a general way. That is why I gave my personal view, I did not think it was a description of only your own games.

- Thats not what you said, you said Santiago was in Danger, I asked "Great Danger" and you said "is there any other kind?". I can have them read it back to you...

- I KNOW WHAT I SAID, I do not need to have it read back to me

(A Few Good Men)

By the way, you seem to be very much "alive" on forum the last days. I do not even have time to do my correcting edit before you quote me. :D

[ December 15, 2004, 03:08 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Yup , Zapp is right, I took France vs him in November 40. It was the first time i experienced such a savage defence of France ;)

But even at my level of experience it didn't prove fatal to my axis.

The main problem of the aggressive air strategy is how you will fare in the later stages of the game. Forcing intercepts means a huge mpp drain for axis but also for UK. UK will have less cash to invest in tech and buy additional AFs, not to mention UK is unable to intervene anywhere else until barbarossa. Thus UK will be weaker for the D-Day and US alone cannot do much.

Yes, I agree, axis will be delayed and maybe forced to postpone capturing some minors, like I was - I started barbie vs Zapp without Spain.

Without having to fear for an early powerful D-Day, Axis can commit almost everything in Russia.

So, long term wise, Zapp's strategy boils down to how well you can play the russians.

Axis is able to flood France with cheap corps AND, due to a weaker UK air power to keep airfleets in France to mess with your invasion force/carriers/etc.

Some minors will come a bit later, maybe the barbarossa will be weaker but this is, by all means, no game breaker for axis.

The main problem is if axis can be stopped in France, which i seriously doubt. You need at least 3 UK RAFs or maybe 4. So you will probably need Ireland for that. Going for Ireland could mean no air fights over LC/France for quite some turns which are enough for Axis to gain a strong foothold on France soil. I have high doubts if even I can be stopped in France and I am not a perfect Axis player.

Again, ZAS has its pros and cons. It is no sure winner, it is no sure loser. What it is for sure, it prolongs a game till the UK is able to cope with the task of air supporting the D-Day. This means you have to be a damn Russian player to win the game ;)

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Hey...you have your fun with me? ;)

Originally posted by zappsweden:

Dragonheart, you should read my topic about the Allied Air Strategy. Ireland and Malta is explained there.

How can you discuss a stragegy you do not even know?

Obviously i only know how to counter it ;) but i know one persion who thanks god that you retired. :D
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I thought your recap of the 3 general strategies for the defense of France was well done. Of course its only general and depends on who you play. But its very good reading for any new players. These three options are the three major options and Dragon gives in my view a good recap on the advantages and weaknesses of each.

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@Zapp --- Hmmm, please add that Poland didn't surrender TWICE. LC failed! You think I really cared when I kitchen sinked Poland? These 20+ hour games of SC aren't in my system programming anymore. I'm large in life in my community, family, & job. Don't have the time to wait for DragonSlow to calculate how he can save 10% in operand costs with his corps.

"I need a new drug" --- Huey Lewis in one sorry ass song.

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do you play utopia by any chance?

NW stands for province's networth

and TPA should be Thieves Per Acre :D

anyway, is that for good or bad?

I'll do you a favour and add to my WAJSDFGUIR list ... now, decipher that ... :D

if that should be 'not worthy to play anymore/pay attn' - really I could care less smile.gif

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Honestly said....i had christmasparty yesterday with my collegues.....and i was together with another one the first one in the office ....but not coming from home ;)

So i slept no minute and its a long time ago i did this before....and now i feel so ooooooold. :D

So today it should read Dragonsleep. ;)

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