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Can somebody make a Mod for FOW *off ? [I spoke 6-months ago, & nobody believed]


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Since what I saw demonstrated to me this weekend, it is time somebody created a new scenario. The FOW sniffer exists. It is a device that allows the cheater to view all the pieces on the map. I stated this belief roughtly 6-months ago, and got a chorus of crap. That's why I like being me, I think for myself & never listen to the masses. MASS = MASSACRE. Don't say what is popular just to get along with the world. "I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world." --- John 17:14, words spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Sniffergate exists, it is the truth.

I didn't start this thread to point fingers. I know the usual replies from the PBEM Reload scandal..."Just play people you trust"..."Don't be so competitive"...etc.

I'm interested in getting opinions how to make a Scenario designed to be played with FOW *off. How will FOW *off play:

1) Subs are bumming

2) Bombers extra spotting is worthless

3) Planes placed in around the map for spotting are worthless. (Gibralter, Malta, Egypt).

4) Sneak attacks aren't possible

5) Hiding your tech pieces isn't possible. (tank ICONS get bigger when you get heavy-tank for example).

What else happens with FOW *off?

Is the game any good with FOW *off?

Any ideas for a Scenario?

I like to play competitive SC, with non sniffers. It's a cultural Icon thing.

Rambo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2nd to None

[ October 20, 2003, 01:45 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Just play any campaign that exists with FOW OFF.

It simply makes the game more difficult, it becomes more of a chess match were you have to cover all angles (something people don't do with FOW ON) and you have to goad your opponent into traps.

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Iron Ranger --- The details aren't important. My purpose was to inform those out there of possible cheats. If you do want details, we can take this off line.

Actually, my purpose was to see if a good FOW *off Mode can be made & how it would play out.

[ October 20, 2003, 09:30 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Actually, my purpose was to see if a good FOW *off Mode can be made & how it would play out.

Why not play a current campaign with FOW OFF? You'll get what you are looking for.

If you are looking for one, I have one that can be played with FOW OFF and it works well.

My Rome vs. Attila mod plays well both ways. Why? Because in those days knowing your enemies movements was a virtual piece of cake, spies were rampant everywhere, especially since both had somewhat of an Alliance.

email me if you wish to have it blashy@hotmail.com

For those of you who already received it, I have a revised version that fixed 2 issues.

[ October 20, 2003, 10:10 AM: Message edited by: Blashy ]

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What was the demonstration? My TCP/IP opponent told me where my naval pieces were located which were 15 hexes away from his nearest unit (clearly outside his spotting range). That is the FOW sniffer I've been barking about for 6-months. Don't let anybody kid you, there's been something fishy going on with games.

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I think that now where its out that there is such a sniffing tool people which used it in the past won´t use it in the future.

We ain´t that stupid not to realize when a opponent forsee every move.

If this is obviously a short post in the forum will expose this cheater and nobody will play this person again.

The sad thing is that we will now have some mistrust ag each other. The only solution would be to play only people you really trust.

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Presumably when your opponent told you about your pieces 15 hexes away you asked them for an explanation. If so, what was their reply?

Did they just say "yes, I've been cheating" or did they try to explain it away?

I can imagine scenarios where I would have a reasonable idea of the position of some enemy units, but if they could tell where lots of yours were, with unit names, strengths, experience etc. then it's more than surmising.

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