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Kuni --

"Rambo refused to engage with me in a gay marriage so this is payback time."

Multiple personality disorder does not give you the right to marry yourself! Hell, let's draw the line somewhere, okay?


Good point on Gay marriages and legalities, forgot about that aspect completely. Put that way I have to tip my view point and agree it should be permissable. "Different strokes for different folks" and all that.

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I dont think I wanna answer any question from a guys who posts wins against himself and brings us a "Lucky zebra type of revolution" with staggering proportion. And at the same time calls himsewlf a jerk. Multiple personalities big time.

But yes it will be played when Camp RAmbo returns.

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great idea

but we from Croatia wont play for Europe since we re not part of EU yet.

So I suggest forming of third team-eastern europe or Balkans or call it what ever You want to(as I remembered there were 3 croats, 1 serb...)...

and also type of playing should be organized as chess duels-each team picks its first, second... etc players to the nr of 5. And of course the first player is considered to be the best one but not neccesaraly so each time can make combinations who to take which bench

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Instead of USA vs Europe it should be EU vs Rest of the World. That way, the Croats, Serbs, Russians, and Asians can join with the North Americans (can't forget the Canadians!) to battle those from the EU.

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New Jersey Legislators discuss the secession issue:

"Secede, what secede? The Five Families Gotta keep running things together. One nation under, uh, God: Vegas, Reno, Atlantic City -- Sanitation, Prostitution, Construction the Airports and the Docks, e puribus whatever, all for one and likewise. Everybody gets his rightful cut or somebody don't feel so well, Ka-peesh? So screw secession.

"Okay, next order of business is the new road bill. To be debated upon is who gets how much out've what parts. The Chair recognizes the representative from Trenton, you got the floor, Big Louie -- "


[ August 11, 2003, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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1) I have a proposal for opponent matching. Every player play 2-games.

The players get split into 2-player categories. #1 and #2 ranked of both teams play each other, #3 and #4 play each other, #5 and #6 ...

So, Round 1:

USA Ranked 1 vs Europe Ranked 2

USA Ranked 2 vs Europe Ranked 1

USA Ranked 3 vs Europe Ranked 4

USA Ranked 4 vs Europe Ranked 3

USA Ranked 5 vs Europe Ranked 6


Round 2:

USA Ranked 1 vs Europe Ranked 1

USA Ranked 2 vs Europe Ranked 2

USA Ranked 3 vs Europe Ranked 3

USA Ranked 4 vs Europe Ranked 4

USA Ranked 5 vs Europe Ranked 5


2) Team rank their individuals based on career highest rankings on the Z-league.

3) Bidding according to 1:8 rules (1 for UK, 8 fr Russia). Bidding is individual for each and every game.


This would add the excitement to the game and would mean cheating is less possible. Every game and evey disconnetion will be official for everyone to read.

[ August 12, 2003, 05:40 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Zapp --- Let me talk to Team-USA about this. Possible Team-USA issues:

1) Our team might be larger than 5 players. We will have to wait to see how many guys sign up.

2) We have PBEM guys, maybe there's a way to match them up or have 2 different divisions. Repeat, Team-USA has PBEM guys.

3) Question: Should matches be reported to Z-League for world rankings? At first I suggest Yes, if & only if my team members agree to this. If we are to post in Z-League & PBEM is part of Team-USA, we will need new PBEM rules for Z-League.

4) Question: What about the time of the matches? Certain people can only play at certain times. It seems that most Team-USA players fit the 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Forum time slot (weekday). This will need to be worked out.

Captain Jon J. Rambo

[ August 12, 2003, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Come on, Partisan, here isn't a political EU-or-not thing.. We are talking about the Great Clash: Europe vs. USA, the old against the new... How can our Balkanic friends desire to fight for the the Yankees?

Time to understand that we too need unity!

This obviously includes Russians, Rumenians (or Romanians?) and everyone else who cares to rally under the European Banner!

Rise Europe, RISE!

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Originally posted by disorder:

shown the correct attitude by its southern "show me state" neighbor, iowa votes to secede also. at the critical juncture of this new nation, may i offer a sketch of a new flag?

Wow that didn't even make the local news here in Cedar Rapids. :D

Since Iowa seceded, I have seceded from Iowa. Along with several friends and form the USSEIR. (union of soviet socialist ex-iowa republics)

Currently my friends are trying to convince me not to surrender our new nation to Wisconsin. Being that is my home state I will ignore them and surrender not even one day into the first 5 year plan.

No more bottle deposits! Huzzah!!!!!! :cool:


What is the nicest compliment you can say to a Missouri women?


What is the missouri state motto?


I'll quit. smile.gif

[ August 17, 2003, 09:13 PM: Message edited by: Konstatin V. Kotelnikov ]

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