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I suggest a yearly tournament to be played in TCP/IP with standard z-league rules;


Team-captains of either camp will select 5 players to battle it out in a 5 matches series struggle to decide which continent that rules the SC-gaming world.

- Captains of Europe will be Zappsweden and Terif

- Camp America will be lead by John J Rambo

Every game won will give 1 point. A draw gives 0,5.

5 games - 10 players - a load of fun.

You´re up for it USA??

[ July 30, 2003, 05:19 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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I've been waiting a year for this. Maybe the European Union can't unify on this & want to represent their country instead.

"I'd be proud to lead you guys anytime, anywhere" --- General George S. Patton

Born in the USA,

Rambo-Hollywood-Vegas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IN

[ July 30, 2003, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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I furthermore suggest that the players to game 1-5 are decided like this;

Game 1 - USA decides which player to use first then Europe

Game 2 - Europe decides player first then USA

Game 3 - US first then Europe

Game 4 - Europe first then US

Game 5 - the remaining 2 players

Note! All players must be used, so 1 match per player.

Every match will be posted with AAR.

[ July 30, 2003, 05:18 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Brad T. --- That's what I thought. You're a wannabee American, then you turn & run to the Euros. YOU'RE NOT PLAYING CvM, YOU'RE PLAYING ME YOU DODGING SACK OF CRAP. You've been avoiding me for a year. Canada sucks. Did you Canucks listen to George W. Bush today? "Marriage is between a man & a woman". Why are you Canucks marrying dudes to dudes?

It's Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve,


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I would want better matchup instead of the "Europe select their #1, USA counters by selecting their #5".

This means Terif will be playing the lowest ranked in USA since they recon Terif will win anyway.

I rather want level play i.e more excitement in every matchup. Higher ranked face higher ranked, lower ranked face lower ranked.

[ August 04, 2003, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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It turned Brother against Brother and Brucie against Goosie. It was hell!

I thought all these Gay issues were taken care of decades ago and the rest only involved the St Patrick's Day Parade. Guess I was wrong.

To me it's all a bit ridiculous. Most mature people don't care much about the sexual practices of other people. I've got a gay nephew, actually he bounces back and forth, and have never held it against him. Aside from which my family breeds like rabbits and nature needs to find some way of controling it.

But it seems the more society in general tries to give that particular group some space, the space it keeps demanding. The Military, Clergy, Marriage, Adoption -- why? And what possible purpose can be served by marrying two people who are never going to have children; as for adaption in that instance, I finally draw the line. NO! If a child is somehow "gay" then I accept it and do not go nuts trying to change it. Taking a presumably hetorosexual child and planting him in such an artificial enviornment, to live with Dad & Dad or Mom & Mom -- that seems beyond absurd and grossly unfair to the child, who is only there to suit some self-serving and self-denied parental need.

Let's see tolerance balanced with common sense.

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Hm I must say that this is a very conservative postition showed by many off you. Im very surprised.

Lets throw in some facts;

- There are no proof WHATSOEVER that gay or bisexual parents are worse parents than heterosexual.

- There is no proof WHATSOEVER that children in such relationships will take damage of it. This is a common myth or arguement that plainly dont stand up to the test.

In Sweden gay- or bisexuals got the right to agree on a partnership, which got similar rights as in a regular marriage. But I would like to see a change here so they can indulce(?) in a regular marriage. In Sweden you can marry both in church and outside it(if you not believe in christianity) with the same legal rights in both cases.

Let people marry and enjoy their life as long as it dont hurts anyone.

I couldnt care less. How do you get the strength to bother if someone gay-people likes to take each other in the ass??

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"- There are no proof WHATSOEVER that gay or bisexual parents are worse parents than heterosexual."

Many, many heterosecual parents are horrible at raising children, so that's pretty much agreed upon and there's no need to go into details. On the other hand, there's no reason to believe gay couples would do any better and there's the additional handicaps -- two of them -- that the basic situation is contrived and also that the parential relationship might well be of a more transitory nature than if it were heterosexual.

If a pair of homesexual parents, male or female, can raise children to be come credits to society, then I have no problem with it.

As I said earlier, I don't care about people being homosexual, that's their own business. What sort of turns me against them is out of nowhere they've got to be treated as a special minority. I don't see Heterosexual Pride Days or Parades, and I don't see married couples being pushy about the need to have their own part of every parade. As a group they too often get like attention starved children.

At the last house I lived in, around fifteen years back, there were a pair of homesexuals living next door and they harped on being homosexual every damn time I saw either of them. After three or four years I finally asked them while they were together if I'd ever asked them what their persuasion was and they said I hadn't and I said, "Well, then it might just be a never gave a damn and would have preferred talking about other things the five hundred time you told me about your arrangement, which I never gave a damn about either."

I honestly wish they'd just become a part of society and stop making it such a big deal. Anyone who needs to worry about it hasn't got enough worries in his or her life.

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Jordy Glad we agree, I've always thought it was strange to have this issue linger so long, all through the ages.

Logan Six or seven months ago Thread Topics never lasted longer than three or four postings, after that it was anyone's guess. It's been getting better, though I've got to admit this one has really gone off the deep end.

Don't be surprised if it ends up in a debate involving sonar, killer Whales and Women's Lib in the Andes. ;)

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I believe the advocates of the gay marriages would tell you that being recognized as a married couple makes it legally easier for dealing with other issues like insurance, health care, etc.

If someone wants to get married, who happen to be the same sex, I have no problem with that.


Do we really need a "tournament" to see who is "better" than someone else? Can't we all just get along?

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Both gay and hetero-sexual persons can be good or bad parents. I agree. It got nothing to do with their sexual preferences but instead if they as individual can handle beeing a parent.

Therefor laws limiting the rights of homosexuals are discriminating. Its not a good thing to build a society upon unnecessary discrimination.

All citizens should be equal in rights.

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Originally posted by Shaka of Carthage:



Do we really need a "tournament" to see who is "better" than someone else? Can't we all just get along?

No we can not. Rambo refused to engage with me in a gay marriage so this is payback time.
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