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IrishGuards (Allies) beats Rambo (Axis), bid 200 --- Biggest joke ever. The combat results I got was a felony crime. Strength-3 British ship runs into my hidden Strength-10 German sub, I take 3-hits. I send an Italian sub strength-7 into a British strength-1 & take 3 hits & do nothing. I attack Canadians who are camping in the Rhine with my Army 1.5 experience, do no damage, & take 2-hits myself; very cool! I immediatley attack the same Canadian again with Air-Fleet-10 & I do nothing & take 2-hits from the Canadian. Oh, lets not forget about the Ace-British pilots dinging my Air for 3-hits before the Canadian attack, of course the Brit flies away untouched. French ground units fight without HQ & carve my experienced German armies with leaders to pieces. What a treat: French-Air-Ace without an HQ pounding my flyers & ground units.

I've played 50+ games & this was the absolute biggest joke I've ever seen, at least since my e-mail days.

I miss the old days when somebody rolls dice in front of you. I should say this game was unbelievable, but actually in a way.....it is believable.

Before you respond...I knew this was going to happen considering our history. You've been dying to play me ever since the e-mail naming incident. Then you were a little too hyped about our pre-Ladder game (I bet you had some hidden units in store for me), so it all added up to tonights joke. I got butchered by allied air-units without HQ's.(or maybe there were HQ's added via the editor?).

I knew this was going to happen, just like those old e-mail days when you cried over the naming of the files. Save me the political correctness speech, the nice manners, & lets send the file to a 3rd party crap. I should have stuck to my gut feeling after our e-mail encounter when the game only went 2-turns. You cried like a bitch because I renamed the file, must have cramped your editor's style.

Congrats, good game, you got what you wanted & deserve...there won't be a re-match, but if there was, I'll guarantee I would host. It might add a little punch to my units, an extra HQ, or push up the Naval-tech without reinforcing might be a fun experiment.

Fool me once, your bad.

Fool me twice, my bad.

It was my bad for playing you. Should have learned from the e-mail crap.

[ February 04, 2003, 03:15 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Rambo, I am going to post a reply to this ... which is full of ... shall we say ... crap :rolleyes:

Are you going to aplolgize for ranting like a crazed lunatic ... and the accusations of cheating because I hosted ..!!!!!!!!

I have allready inquired as to someone looking at the files ... Zapp or the Moderators or all ... you should send your p/w and files ..

When you started loosing, the whining and bitching started.

Whine like a bitch, and play like one Eh...!!


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IrishGuards --- What does it matter sending the file to a 3rd party? You'll just edit it again. I've gotten my ass beat by Hueristic, ZappSweden, Archibald, etc. Nothing like this debacle.

If you're such an expert on computers, why did you complain about the naming of a file back in the e-mail days?

I will NEVER understand that! You're so smart, unbeatable on the battlefield, yet don't comprehend file saving naming conventions?

Doesn't make sense. I LOVE those no HQ-French fighters with Canadians in the Rhine strategy. That French Air-Unit was trashing me EVER turn. What a unit. Everybody else on the planet gets that piece sliced to pieces in the first engagment. You had no HQ. Plus there is NO WAY to reinforce him while reinforcing those ground units in the front lines. No MMP's, no way, too expensive.

***** And another thing. Like I told you on the message exchange BEFORE the crap began. I was warned from other players about you. They wouldn't come forward, I will *****

When you look over the edited file, just be sure not to RE-NAME it.


How can I believe anything you say or do?

[ February 04, 2003, 03:38 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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IrishGuards --- Hey hotshot. Until you answer the question about the naming of the e-mails, I will never believe anything you say.

Want to play again? I'll host & set-up.

Zapp, Hueristic, & Archie beat me when they host, no big deal, no complaints, no problems.

[ February 04, 2003, 03:44 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Another whine from Rambo when he loses. What a #$%#$ cry baby.

You truly have to be the biggest suck I have ever seen. You should probably head over to the Village People site for some names of folks that might play a game you prefer...

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YoHan --- Funny how you show up the same time as your buddy IrishGuards!!! At the same instant! This is a laugher. Where the hell (heaven) did you come from? What business has it ever been of yours? Why don't you log in another name & back IrishCheat.

Yo, Hans, do you have a problem naming files too?

Here we go again with you two weirdos coming at me.

I'm glad this is happening & you're here to back your partner. Originally I didn't want to play IrishCheat because of the "E-mail Name Scandal", BUT, others were asking me to play him for the same cheat-reasons.

So I'm doing this for a favor to the Ladder League. The real favor is to throw you IrishCheaters the hell (heaven) out.

[ February 04, 2003, 03:54 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Well how to address this.. your memory about the naval battles are wrong. The 10 Br Cruiser ran into the 10 Ger sub ... took 3 hits. the Italian sub was a 4 and suprised when he hit my 1 BB in the Med. The only one that was very strange was when your 3 Sub hit the 1BB above scapa and took 2 hits.

The losses you took in LC were mainly due to my air, pretty hard to screw up when I have 6, 3 Brits Fr and 2 CV's.

After knocking you down 2 armies, 1 armor and then killing your 1 air on the ground, and then the naval engagements all over were a bloodbath for both sides.

You initiated every engagement .. not me. I especially liked the first attack on my 10 BB in Scapa where you suprised your cruiser and got hit, then proceeded to attack w another cruiser and the sub. Nay bright, but your moves. Then I bring my CV's back from the NW coast of France and Lows, what do you expect. You had not even attacked Denmark yet

You wanted the axis and gave me 200 .. thats exactly what got edited.

In reply to the other game we still have saved, which is Tcp/ip. I will also send those files to a moderator, you were down 2 armies and 2 armor from taking France. And russia had just declared war on Ger in early 41. I was slapping you around there also, no wonder you did not want to finish it.

If you don't understand why the file name should never ... never...!!!! be changed after the start then you be simple. Post on the forum for others opinion's ... I am sure you will get the general idea.

In SC the only way to know, is by how many times its been reopened. This is a fault in Pbem games and I assume that most people are honorable enough to just enjoy playing. You change it and ... who knows what you are doing.

The rambling bull that you spout about ... is exactly that ... If you cant handle it .. dont play. You spew this garbage and believe it also I bet.

And then you send back another post saying that you want another game ... are you on crack or something. Have you seen the Campaign editor, go ahead and change anything you like.

I will be sending all the files to a moderator w my p/w. They can check it out and post the results. The connection was solid from the start, no breaks from the beginning. I have 2 saves and the original campaign .. I will send all to a moderator.

You lost the game ... badly .. some bad results yes, but you compounded the mistakes you had made earlier. I even told you what my air was at and the damage that I was taking. I have nothing to hide from any game we ever played.

Giving the Allies UK USA and USSR 200 each is a huge advantage. Scrap the bomber, bring the ftr from the Med and build 1. Brits take the LC's on turn 2 and build Monty on turn 3. Poland has not even fallen, until turn 4. Italians came in Jan 7 40.

You did not even attack Denmark. You had no Mpps coming in and got butchered in the air. The fleet actions are maybe out of the norm, but I can take those losses.

Your land forces could not even get over the Dyle, I have no idea what you expected to achieve by your moves. Bitching and whining when they do not turn out as expected ... chance is a random part of the game ....

You are a poor sport and I find you and these comments from you, pathetic and childish to say the least.

At least you could truthfully post the results, too much to expect I guess. Apologize and be a man for a change..!!

Irish Guards


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Just wanted to point out that a unit running into another unit (surprise attack) makes the moving unit the defender i.e a sub running into an "fog of war" naval unit makes the sub defend at value 0. Subs have naval defence 0.

[ February 04, 2003, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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you act surpised on the sub thing? Subs have always sucked. my subs get hit all the time and hardly ever do damage :mad: I think subs should get a free shot before thay dive :D

Every one knows Rambo is a sore loser, so just ingnore him :confused:

He is fun to play though.

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I remember a game against IrishGuards long ago. I was allies and had established a strong russian front line. He attacked my units in terrain+they attacked from rivers and other bad terrains. He accused me of cheating when he got big losses.

I have also had an argument with Rambo before. It was about victory conditions because we had not pointed out exactly what "best of 3" games meant.

The point is that Rambo had something to blame but IrishGuard had nothing. He accused me of cheating, wrote something "yeah, right" on the chat line and then the connection broke just 5 seconds later...

You can always think that things are coincidental but pls learn the rules before accusing others of cheating. That sub takes hits with a 0 defence (assuming the sub was surprised) had something that caused it. Likewise, the big losses when attacking in bad terrain or with low supply has a reasonable cause. Likewise, the disconnection just seconds after a cocky reply also had something causing it.

But, you can always call it a coincidence. Remember, that the lightning never strike twice in the same place. The cheaters will lose their reputation in the long term.

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This game will never be A game as good as the rest. being that it is open to cheaters (vary easy to cheat).

why cant thay put a hanycap notice in options so every body can tell what is going on?

do something with this luck factor? let us see dice or something!

when six air (level two rockets full streanth) backed by HQ, can do nothing to ground units :eek: well I don't know what to think. got to go :D

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sorry, forgot to report cruzzer (allies) loses to DalmatiaPartisan (axis), with bid of 175

bad moves all around, lost almost entire fleet in bad battles, lost game at fall of france with 2 BEF corps and canadian army getting butchered while drinking champagne around reims, with no way to get off mainland. lousy brits - always going off to france for some vino and forgetting how to get home.

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Zapp --- Thanks for your post & keeping up the Ladder play. We've never had any problems; during our pre-Ladder competition I just wanted to know victory conditions. That issue is & was independent of combat results. Enough said. I do have a question: Why am I demoted to the ranks of the masses? I'm ranked 8th in the World now?

Irish --- You got your win posted, you got what you deserved. Remember: I've played a ton of people, you're the only one I've had an issue with regarding combat outcomes. Canadians in the Rhine, French-no-HQ-Ace head-cracking everything that moves, indestructable British Navy, etc. You'll always hold a special place in my heart as the "E-Mail Name Bitch". I never had a problem getting beat by Huersitic, Archibald, or Zapp.

Waltero --- We've played a good ~10+ games, good to see you back online. I like your take about hosting the edited game. It's a matter of trust, see you on the battlefield. Gotta watch these clowns, keep them in check.

Hans, Yo, & Punny --- I don't want to forget you. How are my follower(s) today?



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Hey Rambutt,

What a whiner. Your fleets were indestructable...waah...waah...waah

Canadians were in the Rhine...waah...waah...waah

I've never had a problem with anyone else...waah...waah...waah (biggest load of crap comment on this forum EVER!)

you might want to try snakes and ladders, cause its almost ok when babies cry while playing that

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Waltero (axis) lost to Rambo :(

One mistake and it is all over with ( Rambo does not make too many mistakes,and he sure exploits the ones you make)doing great till that one mistake( moved unit that needed to trans to cap norway)One minor mistake :rolleyes: ( turns out to be a huge mistake) :eek:

I hate this Game :mad:

I don't know why I cant stop playing it!

I guess it is becouse of you SC freaks, taking over the Combat mission opponent finder forum!

Hope Hubert comes out with SC 2 soon. I am not vary lucky in SC. Maybe I will have better Luck in SC2 :rolleyes:

[ February 05, 2003, 04:40 AM: Message edited by: waltero ]

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