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Hi Smack Fans:

Jersey says

You're idea of salvation seems to only include you and those of your faith. The same old bull****. The world is full of Hindus, Moslems, Jews, Budhists and yes, Catholics, not to mention numerous other Protestant sects and way over 99.99999% of them would not fall into your extremely narrow dogma.
The Bible Says, read it yourself
Jesus Christ is the ONLY way according to the Bible. Hmmm....wonder who I should trust?
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Originally posted by JerseyJohn:

Your soup kitchen photos only reinforce what Kuniworth was saying earlier. These things should be done by the government and not by some private group preaching the gospel.

I'm not saying those soup-kitchen is a bad thing. On the contrary I believe those people to do a fantastic effort. But the state should provide an extensive welfare and volontary-work should be considered unnecessary.
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So I was right, you (Rambo) believe every word that "someone" wrote in the bible.

I´m pretty sure you have faith in Jesus, you feel that He is with you and that ,perfect ;but taking the Bible specially the old testament as ultimate TRUTH I think is very dangerous.

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EEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHh!!!!!! I can't stand it anymore! Can't we all just get along? Come on all you Pinko, Commie, Fags, Zealots, Zio-Nazis, Socio-demogogs, Capitalistic pigs, etc., etc. just make a little compromise, for the sake of the species. Can't we set an example here, for the rest of the world. I mean if we can't get along in this forum, how do you expect the rest of the world to? We all have our beliefs, we should all respect each others opinions, because the bottom line is "No man Knows". I think that covers everybody. Now come on and lighten up, take a chill pill, or whatever that jargon is, "Be Cool", or someone will pull the plug and the lights will go out on humanity.

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Someone please tell me why communism is hated so much...If in principle it worked and Nobdy was any better than anybody else....then the world would be perfect....surly....i know that communism CANNOT WORK in practice....and i think i am talking about communism....and not socialism...(but i do get cofused....so i apologise if i get it wrong). Surly it is much better than facism...which clearly promotes above others purly on race.

Also....cuba is a dump because the americans made it so

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Rambo I agree with you 110% The Holy Bible is the truth and the only way. Like the Bible says if you don't have the son you don't have the father either. You can not claim to know and worship God and not bieleve in his son Jesus Christ. Like the Bible says many walk the wide road that leads to desruction but few walk the road that leads to salvation. Jesus Christ himseld said I am the way, the Thruth, and the life. If you don't bieleve in Jesus Christ as your savior and Son of God you don't bieleve in God either and can not be saved. God has given us a choice to choose which we want you don't have to bieleve but remeber your life will end one day and then you will see the thruth but it will be to late.

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Also forgot to mention people think the Holy Bible is a book written by some people. The Holy Bible was written by God using apostoles, prophets, and people that worshipped him as tools. Many tried to destroy the Holy Bible and never could, the Holy Bible will remain as a testimony to all of us that God and his Son Jesus Christ is real and all the words written in the Holy Bible will be fullfilled. Even time the calendar and all times point to Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Like I said bieleve what you want but one day you will stand before the judgment seat of God and on his right hand will be his son Jesus Christ.

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What the hell are y'all still doing alive. I sent you all to the gas chambers ages ago and this thread keeps going. Beat ya to it Yagg. Must have been the "Anti-Christ" that neutralized my Cyclon B recipe. Happy now JJ, I mentioned you.

And what's with Kumby, he wants us all to be the same, how boring, what do want Kumby "Stepford World"? And I agree with him, we did make Cuba a dump, Havana used to be a fun place, isn't that where Desi Arnez came from?

And Sabre...engage your brain, reason, think. Hypothetically now, ask yourself, if there really wasn't a God, would man create one? And if he did create God, then would that make God any less real in man's own mind?

And the rest of y'all....Your Animals....Animals do you here me ....now behave. tongue.gif

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das ich hier in eine bibelgruppe geraten bin, erschüttert mich doch sehr.sie sind erfüllt von gottes geist und holen sich abends unter der bettdecke einen runter und das schlechte gewissen plagt sie. befreit euch von diesem blödsinn. eine jungfrau bekommt keine kinder und das rote meer hat sich auch nicht geteilt. niemand kann gott für sich allein beanspruchen.

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Posted by Rambo:

Just admit the truth, you reject Jesus Christ as Lord & personal Savior.

Posted by Rambo:

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way according to the Bible.

Rambo, I like you, but your beginning to sound like a religious fanatic. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem if someone has strong religious beliefs.

But do you feel you have the right to push your religious beliefs on others?

And another thing, why do you feel that anyone who believes in social democracy or anything else other than laissez-faire capitalism is either anti-American or a Communist?

What would you say if I told you I believed in social democacy? Would that make me anti-American or a Communist?

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C-Trapp ---

Issue #1: If I stated there were muliple paths to God (in addition or without the Lord Jesus Chrsit), I'd be a liar. What is so strange about believing the Bible?

Issue #2: Economics. Yes, I'm a Capitalist. I love the stock market, I play "puts", "calls", "shorts", "longs"....you name it. Capitalism offers the common man a chance to make coin, it's that simple. The market determines outcomes, not some Union Commie.

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If I stated there were muliple paths to God (in addition or without the Lord Jesus Chrsit), I'd be a liar.
Ok, so hypothetically:

If I was in general a good person all my life (worked hard, raised a good family, never harmed anyone, ect). But..... I didn't believe in God or Jesus Christ, would that make me a bad person going by your beliefs?

What is so strange about believing the Bible?
Absolutely nothing, I believe everyone has a right to believe in any religion they choose.

Issue #2: Economics. Yes, I'm a Capitalist. I love the stock market, I play "puts", "calls", "shorts", "longs"....you name it. Capitalism offers the common man a chance to make coin, it's that simple. The market determines outcomes, not some Union Commie.
I know your a Capitalist.

You still didn't answer my questions:

"But do you feel you have the right to push your religious beliefs on others?

And another thing, why do you feel that anyone who believes in social democracy or anything else other than laissez-faire capitalism is either anti-American or a Communist?

What would you say if I told you I believed in social democacy? Would that make me anti-American or a Communist?"

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