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posted June 18, 2004 02:49 PM


The problem is, "Put Jesus in your heart," is followed by "Burn Satan's Minions!"

only if they are from New Jersey. Like the New Jersey Devils.


If you move Jersey you wont have anything to worry about.

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Jersey --- Your post is crap. I'm tired of you trying to make me out (Christains) as murdereres. I've never harmed a soul. If you can't handle the scriptures & are a Christ rejector, that's your problem. You continue to post Christains as those who burn people alive at the stake. I'm not a Catholic, we've gone over this a million times, both here & at Firestone/Writing Club.

Just admit the truth, you reject Jesus Christ as Lord & personal Savior. Don't blame me or accuse me of being a murderer.

Far as the rest of you Communist lovers.....My family fought in the US Civil War (The North), WW1, WW2, Korea, Nam, Panama, Storm I, Storm II, etc. We believe in Jesus Christ & will defend our way of life. We will defend Israel according to the Bible, that's just the way it is.

If you want to reject the Lord Jesus Christ, that is your choice. The Baptist & AnaBaptists had nothing to do with the Catholic Spanish Inquisition, so don't accuse me of burning people at the stake.

[ June 19, 2004, 12:19 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Thank You Rambo

I didn't say a thing about you or about Catholics or about any sect.

What I said was that religious fanatics go off and start killing people they identify as being in league with the devil -- which very quickly becomes a form of behavior.

If you happen to be a religious zealot fanatic whatever then go ahead and identify with it.

As far as the Catholics go, the Protestants have killed just as many people for the same reasons so it's you who are spouting crap here.

Thanks Again.

Who and What I believe in is my own damn business. What I DON'T believe in is ramming it down someone else's throat.


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Funny things guys I can understand german quit well. Norweigan and swedish languages are very similar and easy to understand. Danish I can also understand if they talk slowly and many german words is easy to understand so I can figure out yout conversations.

Besides this dutch got many similarites to swedish as well.

Anyway Comrade read this;

What is socialdemocracy

It's a PDF-file so you'll need acrobat-reader to view it. In it you will find the ideology of socialdemocracy explained as well as how they(in the nordic countires) organized the society. It explain why we propose a well functioning market but says no to capitalism and communism etc. Enjoy!

[ June 19, 2004, 06:13 AM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

If you want to reject the Lord Jesus Christ, that is your choice. The Baptist & AnaBaptists had nothing to do with the Catholic Spanish Inquisition, so don't accuse me of burning people at the stake.

No one is rejecting anything. We only try to figure out who are the communists in the forum. So far you, Boninza and Seacrow clearly lacks the capitalistic mentallity. Im so upset I could eat a ton of snacks.

Go home to Gulag.

[ June 19, 2004, 07:29 AM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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The Master of the Misquote! :D

I believe what I actually said was:

"Who and What I believe in is my own damn business. What I DON'T believe in is ramming it down someone else's throat."

But thanks for the thought -- uh, mis-thought? ;)

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Hi Folks,

Jersey trys to slant & misrepresent Christians. Christianity has thousands of Rescue Missions, Hospitals, Missionaries, Red Cross help, Salvation Army, & many more things, not murder. Take the tour of the Portland, Oregon, USA to see "Truth in Action". Get involved, become a factor in your communities.

Preach the Gospel


Feed those without


Place to sleep


Time to study up


Rebounding people off the street into jobs, study, & other goals, here's a graduation


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Wonderful, so now I'm the antichrist. There are charitable organizations that have nothing at all to do with Christianity.

As for slandering, YOU ARE SLANDERING ME.

You're pushing your own personal beliefs, both political and religious on everybody and a lot of us don't want it. You can say the same exact things without acting like you're the voice of God -- that's ridiculous.

As for what other people have in their hearts, how the hell do you know?

Nobody does but nobody else is claiming to, only you! And you don't.

The problem with your philosphy is it's only that, your personal philosophy and you keep trying to act as though anyone who isn't serving as your puppet is rolling off a cliff.

You're idea of salvation seems to only include you and those of your faith. The same old bull****. The world is full of Hindus, Moslems, Jews, Budhists and yes, Catholics, not to mention numerous other Protestant sects and way over 99.99999% of them would not fall into your extremely narrow dogma.

Your soup kitchen photos only reinforce what Kuniworth was saying earlier. These things should be done by the government and not by some private group preaching the gospel. No doubt those who doen't chime in with sufficient enthusiasm are thrown out on their ass. That's the problem with these things. The Catholics and Jews and every other religion also has them, but sooner or later they want you to chime in and be converted.

You offer the same tired old intolerance for anyone who doesn't think exactly the same way you do. Which isn't the way you were even a few months ago. Very sad, you used to have a sense of humor and do things in a positive manner, now you're becoming an insane self-serving zealot.

Anyway, stop slandering me. Do your Bible thumping if that's your big crusade but leave my name out of it. I have no desire to be saved! :mad:

[ June 19, 2004, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Next issue which we must clean up due to Commieworth's & Jersey's crying about the life in America...Lets do some fact finding about GETTING A JOB!

Step #1: http://hotjobs.yahoo.com/jobseeker/jobsearch/search.html?advancedsearch=1

Step #2:

Click in where you live. I did New Jersey area & found all kind of jobs.

Conclusion: There is plenty of work in the United States. Work hard & good things happen. If you live in the United States, quit crying about opportunity. Be happy & glad for the United States of America, enjoy the freedom. Commieworth would rather steal your money with Big Unions, Big Government, tax you to death, control you, etc.

Rambo preaches Jesus Saves (He's Alive)

Rambo preaches Get a Job (They are out there)

Rambo preaches America Rocks (Greatest Country)

"Freedom" --- Mel Gibson in the movie Braveheart

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One more remark of any kind that involves me personally will result in a formal complaint.

I'm serious. I didn't feel this way about you two days ago, but you're wearing thin very quickly. Bring back all that crap about me not having character, fine, but this is the end, do not mention me again.

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