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Work is progressing pretty fast on my terrain and I wanted to get some general feedback on how people felt about it. I decided to lighten the ocean and darken the land tones, using more earthy colors. Keep in mind, neither the unit counters nor the resources have been adjusted to stand out against the backgrounds (especially Russia) so disregard that. I'm doing that next after I finish the terrain itself. Right now I've finished UK, Germany, Russia, and the ocean tiles. Seriously considering toning down the Russian red but it's a hard color to work with, either too dark or too pink. Here are some screens:




Please leave comments if you have them because I'm going to try to wrap this project up this weekend.


[ December 13, 2002, 11:21 AM: Message edited by: jmbunnelle ]

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Is it possible to Draw in Roads or Railroads, connecting the cities and ports?

I know they would have no effect on play but could give the map something it is missing.

I really like the "dirty" look u are giving the landscape. Keep it up! You are quite the Artist!

thx for the work you are putting in on the mod.

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Great work -- especially on the cities. You've made it all look more alive and active.

No doubt someone will suggest crumbling ruins for bombed cities and cadavers strewn among burning wreckage on battle depleted ground units, but it won't be me!

[ December 13, 2002, 05:38 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Great Work! I hope that SC2 can do half as good a job with there new graphics.

One thing, would it be possible to have the smudge like effect on Russian square to be white on the red? This would give the frozen look to those Russian battlefields.

Only other thing is an option set of icons that are 'simple' black silhouettes, like those found in spotter books. I do like the colors you have though. What if the corps units were represented as mounted units since they move further. Either a half track unit or horses depending on tech...

Whatever you do I am sure I will upgrade to it, especially at your rock bottom prices... ;)

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Sorry, guys, not a lot of room for creativity with these bitmap files, as far as adding roads, ruins, etc. The map file is not comprised of one huge space to paint across, but individual hexes (56 per nation) linked up to create the shape itself. Due to this, the hexes are made to mix and match and must interconnect through dozens of different combinations. Therefore, anything that leaves the edge of the hex and must continue through another hex is difficult to pull off. It ultimately looks like an "X" across each hex (all roads must enter and exit at the center of a hexside). Adding any kind of purely cosmetic terrain features is tricky too because they would not figure into any offense/defense modifiers. Otherwise I would have added more foliage. Still, I might try to add some greenery.


Excellent idea about the snow, Panzer Cmdr, I hadn't thought of that. Thanks, I will toy with it tonight. Of course, that means if by some odd fluke the Soviets sweep down through Turkey or North Africa, every hex will have snow. But what the hell, it would look good on the map and also help lighten up the dark Russian landscape. As the Germans advance on Moscow, it will thaw automatically under their boots. ;)

I like the idea about the halftrack and horses. I'll mess around with it when I start revising the units. I'm not much on the black silhouettes, although I know a lot of people prefer that look. Some differences between aircraft, at this miniscule scale, are only only possible through color identification. I have agreed to darken and give more contrast between the icon and the background. I tested it last night and that really gets rid of a lot of the blurriness factor. However, due to this, all of the counter backgrounds are going to be a lighter shade.

[ December 13, 2002, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: jmbunnelle ]

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Check out the cities and capitals that I've been toying with. I haven't quite finished them yet but it makes them look like more then just factories.


If you notice I am already using your unit icons. Except for the German tanks which I've changed around some.

Thanks for providing everyone with these cool enhancements. Maybe Hubert will use some of your graphics in SC2.

The new stuff is looking good. Can't wait to add them to my games!

[ December 14, 2002, 02:41 AM: Message edited by: Der Panzinator ]

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I very much like what you are doing with the cities; but, it does not look very European. Possibly a more European skyline (whatever that means) would work even better?

Even so, I like the city skyline icon better than a simple factory and it is a good idea to implement.

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I like what you have done with it all except the Cities, they dont look of the era! Factories look better unless you can make towns that build up to a major city in the middle like they were. Dingy and old I believe would be the look! Who am I im no artist great job anyway, keep up the great work!!!! ;)

Longtom is correct about the water it should be darker to lighter water.....

[ December 13, 2002, 06:46 PM: Message edited by: 82ndReady ]

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Thanks for the comments. A lot of suggestions have been made but I will try to modify the mod accordingly. As far as shallow vs. deep water, there are not different hexes for this except for the coastal hexes. I'm going to try a gradual darkening of the blue as it reaches the outside of the hex.

As for the cities, mountains, fortifications, etc., that is a seperate mod of mine altogether and available somewhere via an old thread on this forum. I think I still have it posted on my server. I have an alternate version that has skylines instead of factories. It should still be on my computer in my SC workfile. I'll hunt around for it.

Thanks again!

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