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SC: Ladder AWOL List


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I want this to be a topic dealing primarily with those who start Ladder games again and again and either never finish or quit and never report. Please post all your AWOL Ladder Players here to help avoid wasted efforts by serious SC players. It will be a huge indicator if the name appears several times from different reputable players...

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Absolute refusal to continue game or report game in light of complete defeat.

Heavy Junk:

No answer via Oponent Finder, game in question very one-sided for my side. Several weeks...No absolute here...

CvM<Very very tardy but reported>

Shaka of Carthage<lost Save no argument>

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Seemingly retired names:

Cro_Panzer: never reported a Loss I had to place an argument on deaf ears no responce though I reported their win in timely fashion!

Kuniworth: Magickal missing game??? No responce, ever...

BTW: Shaka was very sporty about Our missing save. CvM was as well...

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It was a lost save Shaka, since as I remeber I lost the save... I can't blame you.

Though things were really going positive for the Axis by the Russian campaign.

Neither win nor loss was ever reported, though I wouldn't mind a draw being reported...

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Liam, I think this list is a great idea. But there has to be some kind of rules that goes with this list so it doesn't turn into something out of "The Crucible". And it should be maintained the same way Zappsweden maintians the ladder.


Shaka of Carthage: 3 Complaints

Comrade Trapp: 1 Complaint

Liam: 5 Complaints

CVM: No Complaints

Heavy Junk: No Complaints


If anyone has any suggestions please post them so we agree on the best way to handle this issue.

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That would be a precise way of conducting this as a method of rooting out members who do not conduct themselves in a responsible manner in Ladder play. I have since posting this recieved 2 responces, and many players with busy schedules unable to finish would at least be able to face the Complaint Box and find out perhaps what has been put wrong...and be able to finish games perhaps they don't even know they're part of. Though another Club Player may be bitter about because they finish several games by that time with other players, virtually ignoring or not not noticing the games completed.

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"I want this to be a topic dealing primarily with those who start Ladder games again and again and either never finish or quit and never report. Please post all your AWOL Ladder Players here to help avoid wasted efforts by serious SC players"


[ April 16, 2003, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: Kuniworth ]

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Having played less than two dozen TCP games I know how long the game can stretch out, and how hard it is to get two peoples agendas in sync to finish a game. Nevertheless is there a way to determine the winner when the game has not been completed? Could we develop one?

I really wish that the game took less time, it only takes me 4 1/2 hours to play golf, if we could develop scenarios like Barbarrosa, or Normandy, to prove who is the Big Cyber Macho Naplam Sucking Field Marshal Halfwit Neanderthal Corps Busting General of Testosterone Generals. (besides Terif that is)

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I e-mailed you after reading your reply in the opponent finder about our old game, I had no idea you had posted this ridiculous and insulting thread.

I wont go into details about who was responsible for the delay in the game, lets just say , you have a short and selective memory.

I will post the game as a win for you because I have no desire to continue.

BTW , I have an e-mail link,as I'm sure most SC players do,your above post was'nt neccesary and I'm sure was'nt appreciated.

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Kuniworth you didn't read the boasting responce to your posting on this board about being better than Rambo? When I wrote when are we going to finish our game? <if ever> Maybe you should have the honor that Heavy Junk had and just concede when you can't work it into your schedule instead of boasting to the boards insults.

Heavy Junk, You're an honorable fellow... I'm glad you come forth to do that. We should finish that game though officially because it's not a forgone conclusion...

Heavy Junk ** two stars meaning Corporal for Attendance.

Hey, in the Army there is no such thing as late!

Don't like it don't player ladder! Concede! Look at my -30 record maybe I should have taken back a few of my losses to all you people complaining??? LOL No, I'd rather not attempt to squirm my way out of a loss! If you have a schedule problem write an E-mail ;) Thanxs, how simple. Even E-mail is a 20th century creation...


"Hey buddy, busy this week get back at ya, next week later."

Woohoo, took 2 seconds ;)Busy my laurels!

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started game with him 3 months ago?

Finished the game after I chatted with him via AIM-Yahoo Messenger 15-30 times!?

He always seemed to be involved in another game, alright I will admit at some point you said to go ahead and take the victory but did you even intend to report it? I'm sorry if you're busy in the community it's not my place to bug you 24-7 to finish an game you began with me! My first ladder game ever! You finally did report a DRAW, thanxs a lot after I had to ask you if you were avoiding finishing the game... Phewwwwwww!Weeeee! Smelly Shorts tongue.gif

It's kewl CvM I like you dude just don't attack me when you know you're wrong.

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This list has turned into a joke, and from the look of things, noboday wants anything to do with it. There are no rules to stop people from randomly accusing people of not finishing game, something that you are doing right now. The people you listed as "AWOL Players" I have played against most of them myself and have seen anything that suggests that they refuse to post losses of finnish games. This list is ridiculous and I want nothing to do with it.

Comrade Trapp

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Comrade Trap:

You're right and I made a mistake CvM did report the game we played as a loss! Though you're completely wrong about the rate of unfinished games making the ladder more or less a joke. Seeing I have 35 games finished and 5 pending aprox<figures> and you have 6-7? I don't think you're qualified to pass such judgement.

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"Forgive me for creating this subject, it was a can of worms obviously! Open'd up"

I was just trying to root out some potentially 'unsportsmanlike' activities that have made the ladder look rather poor. I think that I'm ultra-qualified don't I have the ultimate Loss Record? I guess it's not from playing PURELY THE INNER CIRCLE OF YOU DIEHARDS??? Hmmm, who worry of their reputation... tongue.gif Well, anways aur revoire to Ladder Cheaters subject

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I'm just judgeing what I see here, it looks like you are ramdomly accussing people of being "AWOL".

On more than one ocassion you said so-so posted but didn't post as quickly as you wanted him to. What kind of bull**** is that? You mark someone as being AWOL just because they didn't post as fast as you wanted them to???

And how the hell does the amount of games I have played have anything to do with this thread? Is that the only thing you can say in your defence?

I understand that it pisses you off when someone refuses to post a loss or finish a game. I am going through the same thing with Maximillian right now. But that doesn't give you the right to accuse anyone that doesn't agree with you of being AWOL.

Comrade Trapp

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I have a game with Max too, currently pending. I wonder if I'll ever see him again? ;)

You didn't read my posting very hard did you? If I wouldn't have pressured CvM he would have never posted anything. I wrote him 3 times a week for nearly 2-3 months asking to finish? Every time him was busy? Do you think if the game was at a point where I was winning to surrender or make some decision after that long...tech 5 indy, and jets...all minors save turkey canada...

he did however offer to post a loss a week or two before finalized...I pressed him, hey??? You're playing 10 games since me? When can you fit me in? Ever????????? That's misplaced??????

Heavy never wrote me back at all... Ever, probably too busy to be playing ladders then don't you think? Though I wrote him for 3 weeks under Oponent finder to every request he made for a "new" game.. Check the boards if you wish!

Kuniworth<still have the save, we'll see if I hear from him ever again<unlikely> and Bonanza still have that game going<I doubt he'll post a loss as Moscow is going to fall soon and this is his 4th ify incident> Cro_Panzer never answered me either although made certian I reported my loss RIGHT on time.

Defense? Can anyone come forth and say I have not reported my losses? Within a few weeks? 7 days???

Save since the first week the ladder was MADE!!!

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Originally posted by Comrade Trapp:

I understand that it pisses you off when someone refuses to post a loss or finish a game. I am going through the same thing with Maximillian right now. But that doesn't give you the right to accuse anyone that doesn't agree with you of being AWOL.

Comrade Trapp

It might be easier to finish the game if you would reply to any of the two emails I sent you or the post I put in the original bid thread on opponent finder. I'm not sure what else you would expect me to do. I assumed that you were unhappy about your progress and just didn't want to continue the game.

Liam- I haven't played any SC at all since that game. If I can't find any time in the next week or so I'll go ahead and post it as a loss, you were definitely ahead on points.


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I have left you 3 e-mails (1st: 4-12-03 2nd: 4-14-03 3rd: 4-15-03) asking you to set a date to continue our game, I also left a post on Opponent Finder Forum yet I get no reply.

You are more that welcome to look in the archived threads on the Opponent Finder Forum to find my posts and I can resend you all 3 e-mails I sent you (All my sent mail is automaticly saved). I gave you more then enough time to reply to my e-mails, I am still willing to finish the game.

Comrade Trapp

[ April 19, 2003, 05:41 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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Agreed Comrade Trap,

I'd like to say I would volunteer my time<easier said then done>, this thread has aroused much anger! Although perhaps together we can draw out a plan that is not detrimental to newbies and yet still keeps a aura sportsmanship...

Complaints are worthless

Bugging players achieves zip

a system of complete/incomplete being drawn up is a key

Win Lose or Draw must take place or an unfinished game is claimed by the only Player still present!

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How's about we start an amateur Ladder?

People that have had the game for less than a month?

At the end of that month, they move on the the new ladder (if they wish) and start with a clean record and at the bottom of the list. Now, they have a few ideas on how to play, and know what it takes to be on a ladder.

I guess I could sponsor it


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