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The Turkey Option before Barbarossa


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Normally Turkey stands Neutral in most games. What about if Axis after France fall, and Norway/Sweden come directly to Seainvasion of Turkey, Normally the USSR enrty is by 80-87% while Attacing Turkey. With 2 HQ, 2 Army, 2 Korps, and 4 Tank you can affrod a fall of Turkey in 3 Rounds: landing 1 Army 1 Korps and 1 HQ to cut off Istanbul and give a Beat with the Army to the only Turkish Army. The 4 Tanks with HQ move from southpart direct to Ankara (3 Turns). one Korps moves to the Eastern city, in case the Allies move the army to the capital. in 2 More turns you can have 4 Tanks on Russian Border and 2 Armys in the Black sea for direct landing on the double Mines. By starting Barbarossa, the Tanks can take all 3 Oilfields, as well as Grozny. DOnt forget to move 2-4 Airfleets to the Eastern City of Turkey. THis early Invasion takes USSR from 480 MPP to 340 MPP in one turn. With Italian Force it is possible to get Irak, leaving Egypt to the allies, trying not to get in touch with the fleet.

What arte the Professionals thinking of this option?

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i wrote a similar but more detailed post some months ago ... ppl decided it is too risky to try it in H2H combat ... vs AI it surely works...but what don't work vs AI ;)

Humans are treacherous and would DoW spain just to deny romania, hungary and bulgaria to axis.

If turkey option succeeds, Russia's economy is badly hurt - the reds are open to a caucasus strike. But germans have to invest massively in buying air to bomb out of order caucasus cities so they can't be reinforced. Because of a lower MPP base than in standard cookie cutter strategy, axis will be forced to go on defence from koenigsberg to the Black Sea (corps defence) and if allies are strong enough to launch a powerful D day early , axis lose the game.

It depends very much of the experience of the allied player - against the big names here it wouldn't be advisable IMHO.

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The other way round for Rusia it is much more worthwhile to attack Turkey and having a direct route to IRak.

It can work if you are able to cut of the capital to prevent reinforcements for turkey. Unfortunatly the only way to do it early is via massive landing with ships. If the other player looks at the reports he will see what you are up to and prevent it with AF sitting near the southern end of the front.

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Originally posted by hellraiser:

yep, because terif's interest is in iraq not turkey necessarily ...

as of late, i always use LW (s) based in romania for scouting for commies' transports approaching istanbul ... i think SomeTits speaks from his own experience ;)

My little necromancer, we will see if Rusia is first knocked out or Berlin. Race against the time... Still a very nice game. I know I started to roll in the West a little bit to late.

See you on teh battlefield soon.

Still yeah of course you can attack Turkey to get to Iraq but if you want Turkey too, you need a opponent without a tendency to leave behind an AF just to look for transports. tongue.gif

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our ongoing game went very well for axis as well as for allies.

Yes you were a little bit late with the D-day, my troops did a fine job halting you in france for a lot of turns but they couldn't prevent me doing the usual stupidities (out of negligence) like allowing partisans to pop up in russia ... i did it twice, enough to delay the conquest of russia for several precious turns.

I maybe forced now to abandon Russia and move all the crack troops to destroy the allies.

Anyway the game is a bit downhill for me because of not paying attn to details - I never learn to focus although as general strategy i feel like i improved myself a lot.

Sooner or later I will become a tough opponent ... I have to :D:D:D

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what i love about this sombra-guy is that he's a fighter...he had the worst combat rolls ever imagined in our new game (me allies) but refused my proposal to restart the game...the man has quite a fighting spirit ;)

After I lost 2 RAFs in France, the game is even again anyway ;)

Anyway, Sombra is the author of the newest axis strategy in Poland - 6 turns campaign with only losing one tank :D:D:D

nevertheless Sombra is a very good opponent and I enjoy a lot playing with him.

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Yeah, DH I don´t need a depressing lesson right now.

Against Hellraiser a lot of stupid mistakes from my side. Forgot to move my baltic fleet back into the baltic sea and it got sunk....

Some misclicks delayed the conquest of Egypt and Vichy.

And in Poland every single attack was minimum damage sometimes combined with max damage for the germans. In counterattacks my stupid tank gets killed and worst of all, after 4 rounds finally I conquered Warschaw and only 2 stupid polish defender survived, since I needed to make progress in the West I transfered the HQ to the West . Bad mistake the little demons fought on until mid. March 1940.

Now the Uk has an advantage in JT and LR but still hey at least my minors joined in the nomal (early) time frame in March /April my minors were complete.

Spain is now conquered and Gibraltar will take 1-2 turn max to throw the defenders out.

Egypt still heavy fighting going on and Bergen is still not liberated.

But on the positive side. I think the brits are missing 4 ships and 2 AFs. Paris fell quite early July 1940 since Hellraiser tried the Zap doctrine unsucessfully. Still a 2nd tank and corps met their fate in France.

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