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[AAR] Royal Rumble Summer Slam --- YodaTerif vs RamboLegend


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November 16, 1941:

Barbarossa starts relatively weak since a lot of units are still in Yugoslavia and Germany has neither LR nor jets. So a tank and 2 russian AFs survive the initial attack. Portugal surrenders, Greece continues fighting without capital, Baghdad under siege.

US transports outside Brest. Airbattles between several allied-german AFs over France.

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December 14, 1941:

German scientists discover their first jet tech. Russia built 9 AFs, USA 3, UK 4.

Germany at 9 AFs.

Due to the huge amount of russian mpps spent for air, it is very weak on the ground. Odessa, Kiev and Minsk captured. Riga survives at str 1 - will fall next turn after additional air moves closer.

Airbattles in the west - US army transport under attack.

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February 8, 1942:

- Riga conquered, mine near Sevastopol under attack. Strong russian forces behind all rivers, airbattles in southern Russia.

Russia shows AT lv 1.

- US army in France destroyed, another one heavily damaged. Additional german air arrives in southern France to support the defenders - intensity of the airbattles increases.

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Ok, I have arrived at the keyboard after a workout at the gym and a good meal. smile.gif

Rambo, what u doing? 9 air fleets??? :eek:

I think I am gonna play some Poker tonight and make me some dough. Yoda, I recon u are rich. Join my poker table and I will gamble your ass off, lol ;)

[ April 23, 2005, 10:29 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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March 22, 1942:

- Sevastopol under attack by 2 armies and a tank. Russian mine in the vicinity conquered. Russian army near Minsk survives at str 1 - german army exposed to a potential counterattack.

- Heavy airbattles in France, US ground troops retreat towards Brest to consolidate their lines.

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April 19, 1942:

- Russia starts a full offensive in southern and middle Russia with a dozen tanks+armies. 9 AFs positioned near Kharkov kill an italian corps protecting the supply lines to Sevastopol. Heavy battles, russian corps killed, supply lines reestablished.

- 2 russian armies and a corps killed near Minsk/Leningrad. German tanks and corps move fast deep into enemy territory and cut of a russian tank and 3 corps near the swamps of Riga.


Heavy airbattles continue, allied forces seem to evacuate from Brest.

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May 17, 1942:

- Russian forces in the south retreat behind the river. Sevastopol siege successful: fortress conquered.

- near Leningrad russian corps and a tank destroyed, russian soldiers in panic, trying to escape the slaughter...


Only 1-2 corps lost each turn to the allied air bombardement. Now german forces start an offensive to liberate the last territories near Brest: US army destroyed, another one heavily damaged. Last call to get an evacuation transport... :D .

Germany reaches AT 3 - still no air tech except one jet level. Allied air superior in Tech and numbers: 16 allied AFs + 3 carriers vs 9 german AF.

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June 14, 1942:

- Heavy battles for the russian mine near Sevastopol. Russian AFs kill the occupying german army. In return Axis kills the russian army that liberated the mine and reconquer it smile.gif .

- Leningrad in the north gets surounded, russian forces defend in the open terrain near Smolensk and suffer heavy losses.

- russia developed AT 2


The last battle has begun...US forces return together with a HQ, allied ships move south to bombard axis forces near Bordeaux - and disvover the italian fleet ;) . A huge naval battle starts: 2 full strength allied ships destroyed.

US armies at Brest under pressure...shells raining down on them every day and night. Additional german air sent to help in the battle smile.gif .

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Russians hold Dnieper, barely. Lots of action at the 2-Southern Russian mines. One of the mines has been changing hands for a couple of turns. Germans lose a couple of Armies, but the Russians are losing more. Russians have been throwing Jets +0 into the war, that's not good.

Italian Navy fights the RN & USN off the Western Coast of France, both sides exchange ships. US has 2-Armies, Patton, 1-Canadian Army bottled up in Brest. RAF & USAF battle each turn against LF in Southern France.

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June 28, 1942:

- another german army lost in the killing fields/mines. Russian AF killed by an intercepting german air...russian army killed north of Smolensk. Russia uses HQs to block Axis forces. 3 german tanks damage Chuikov and another HQ heavily.

Russia at AT lv 3.


- 2 italian ships lost, UK ship killed in return. All 3 carriers in the middle of the battle since 2 turns - taking damages.

England obviously reinforced all damaged ships from the 1st french campaign. The last 3 allied armies in Brest barely survive this turn at str 3-5.

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Allied forces continue to fight, taking heavy damage. Italian Navy down to one-ship & one-escaped at strength-2 (or something?). I'm swinging like a madman. The Russian front is a disorderly conducted mess!

Not good, Nazis have Jets+2, Russia Air Force hasn't been seen with no tech. Allies do kill 2-LF units in France, but there always seem to be more.

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July 12, 1942:

- russian defence lines have broken...Leningrad conquered, northern Russia open. Only 3 russian armies, one tank and around 10 corps left. Soon Russia will own more HQs than ground units... :D . Russian AFs retreat since there are not enough ground units left to protect them against the advancing german tanks...


Italian sub lost - the remaining 2 italian ships retreat, UK battleship survives the german airstrikes - again AF-carrier battles.

Germany researches Jets 2.

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Allies surrender :(

- Germans got Jet+2, had MMP advantage & a damn powerful army in Russia. AT+3 for both sides, but the experience, I was getting chowed.

- Bottom line, YodaTerif played "nip & tuck", meaning he played his ground fronts very tight, went for conservative kills. Meanwhile, I played way too agressive with Russian ground forces. I had a ton of MMPs on the bid, bought a boatload of planes that never got tech! I had gotten good luck early in tech, but the worm turned for YodaTerif.

Overall, a very "ground" game. YodaTerif nickel & dimed his way thru my forces. I tried to fight, hoping to swing the tide, but did it prematurely!

YodaTerif #1

RamboLegend #2

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In the east, Russia is doomed.


Allies attack with everything they have left and kill 2 german AFs during the last turns. All carriers heavily damaged, UK battleship sunk by an italian cruiser. US army destroyed, another one cut off, several axis units break through to the US HQ...

Allies surrender unconditionally smile.gif .

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