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Rambo's Christmas Tour ends


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It's the time of the year ladies, Christmas, my special time for SC. I finally have some time off from being a Legend at work & a Legend in life. Unlike the rest of you who have nothing significant going on the entire 365 days of the year, I finally have time to TCB (Take Care of Business). I just spent a week in Salt Lake City, making bank, watching several hoop's games: Kings vs Jazz, Savannah St. vs Utah, USC vs BYU, listening to the Mormon dudes sing, checking out the genelogy center (Rambo's old relatives were Legends too), attending the World Luge & Ski Jump Championship's at Olympic Village & partying at the "Port 'O Call"...shooting pool, throwing darts, & snarfing foosballs. That was last week's vacation, I have another on the way. It's been a long year of work, time for some games (SC).

Now, I'm on a real vacation, watching football, playing with my new lady, visiting relatives, gambling on football, drinking brew, reading a few versers (John 3:16), & challenging people in SC.


My Christmas List of those who need beat in SC:

(In order of my preference)

1) Any former battlefield enemies want to play? BrianTheWise, IrishGuards, or Mike Anderson.

2) Kunniworth - you're my first rounder in WinterStorm. Contact me via ICQ.

3) Konstantin V. Kotelnikov - I want to play a Russian while I watch George W. on CNN smacking Saddam.

4) German dudes, where are you? I tried to post on PanzerLiga, but that raspy language is a little tough for me to read. DragonHeart & Terif come to mind first. Terif, my vacation record speaks for itself. DragonHeart, I hear your game has improved...time to prove it, because I sure didn't see it when we last played.

5) Battlefront Administrators - It's time for you guys to quit being secretaries & playing with yourselves, that is kind of incesterial. Moon, MadMatt, & Hubert...it's time you experience R.A.C.K. Every chump I've played has gotten a piece of this Legendary Strategy. Remember why you got involved in wargames, to play, drink brew, & have fun. Meet Rambo on the Battlefield.

6) Blashy - It's time you got some competition, step out of the shadows or the Saddam Spider Hole you live in, play me. You'll be giving up the snaps when I run the table. Once you log into a TCP/IP game with me, your Forum buddies can't save you.

7) Any Rookies out there (UgediBugedi)? This is your time to play the Legend, since I'll have time on vacation. Don't worry, it won't take long...

8) Finally, The HasBeens, WannaBees, NeverBeens, German Worshippers, & HistoryNuts - You know this crowd, the old men & sorry players: JerseyJohn, LesTheSarge (dude, I read your posts & get dumber), Curry, SeaMonkeySpank, etc. You know who you are...

Bottom Line: Whoever wants to play the Legend, I finally have time. Make your appointment here, I will meet all requests on the Battlefield. I'll play any scenario, long as there is a bid, or I can pick sides.

I can adjust my schedule to play starting December 20 (Day or Night). Post here for appointments or contact the Legend via ICQ. No PBEM, that's crap, I did that last Christmas, not this year.

[uPDATED] Winning side bid is posted.

Punk'd by Rambo


ZappSweden (Dec. 17) (Axis 325:3250) F.Weiss

ZappSweden (Dec. 18) (Allies 375:3750) F.Weiss

ZappSweden (Dec. 19) (Allies 380:3800) F.Weiss

WellDressedGent (Dec. 20) (Axis 150:1500)USA mod*

WellDressedGent (Dec. 20) (Axis 200:2000)USA mod*

Avatar (Dec. 22) (Axis 200:1600) F.Weiss

Lucky Zebra (Dec.22) (Axis 200:2000) F.Weiss

Brom a.k.a Dev0 (Dec.22) (Axis even) F.Weiss

Condor (Dec. 24) (Allies 300:3000) F.Weiss

ZappSweden (Dec. 24) (Axis 221:221:4420) F.Weiss

Kuniworth (Dec. 25) (Allies 230:230:4600)F.Weiss

DragonHeart (Dec. 25) (Axis 300:3000) F.Weiss

WellDressedGent (Dec. 25) (Axis 335:3350)USA mod*

*Your name could be next smile.gif

Those who have Punk'd Rambo


Iron Ranger (Dec. 21) (Allies) 1942 Scenario

ZappSweden (Dec. 22) (Axis 370:3700) F.Weiss

ZappSweden (Dec. 22) (Allies 275:275:4315) F.Weiss

Condor (Dec. 23) (Allies 300:3000) F.Weiss

Condor (Dec. 23) (Allies 300:3000) F.Weiss

Condor (Dec. 24) (Axis 360:3600) F.Weiss

Condor (Dec. 24) (Allies 370:3700) F.Weiss

Condor (Dec. 24) (Axis 400:4000) F.Weiss

Condor (Dec. 25) (Axis 240:240:4800) F.Weiss

DragonHeart (Dec. 26) (Axis 300:3000) F.Weiss

This list is too big :(


[ December 27, 2003, 04:25 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Zapp just got punk'd. I'M BAD ASS ON VACATION! I'm the best in the United States, best in the World!

Who's next? Make an appointment. I smell DragonHeart next, bring it on. I'm taking Rambo's Christmas/NewYear Punk'd 2004 Tour World Wide.

I got a Swede, now I want a German & Russian. The Americans are a joke. IronRanger & C-Trapp are easy pickin's, a walk in the park. Hey Terif, where are you? I want you, quit hiding. You played SC for 6-straight months, must have had a jail sentence w/ a computer or something. Now, the American Cowboy Legend has time, meet me on the Battlefield.

If you haven't tasted RACK, you sure haven't played Rambo.


Rambo is Back,

Rambo is 2nd to None,

Rambo is Bad Ass.

[ December 17, 2003, 01:01 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Yes, I agree. Rambo is highly motivated and has the patience for playing good SC (remember that a game sometimes take 20-50 hours!) when he has the time for it. Very few ppl can play 40 hours a day (full time) and be fully focused.

This is like the heavyweight division in boxing. Everyone can be knocked out. Every guy hits hard so if you get caught with a hard clean shot on the chin you bite the dust. In SC and boxing, you can do a perfect game and just make one bad move and YOU ARE OUT!

Hehe, so in the rematch expect me to stick & move, stick & move i.e staying away from the Sledge hammer he uses for attack.

[ December 17, 2003, 02:15 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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Iron Ranger. Dragonheart.

Do not waste ALL your energy reserves posting and reading the forum. Join the Winter Storm Tournament. You only need to lose 2 games before you are out :rolleyes::D

Allies does LC gambit, SLAM! = Lost

Axis fail LC turn two, SLAM! = Lost again.

You are OUT! tongue.gif:D

Does not sound like a huge commitment right? ;)

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IronRanger --- Lets play, when? Name it. Get ICQ or something. How about Yahoo.messenger?

ZappSweden --- You're right about making just one bad move in a Superbout match. In our last game, I was out of position in the mid-game. I even had a bad kick-off Barbarossa. The major naval/air battle outside Brest was a turning point, along with the German counter in Romania. Once I survived that, the tide turned back to the Axis.

[ December 17, 2003, 11:17 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Hi Rambo,

I dont´t have holiday like you. I have only free on 24,25,26 th Dec and 1 st Jan and these days i have to spent with my family. All other days i have to work and with 8 hours time diff impossible to play.

But the weekend 27/28 is looking good for me....

But obviously you dont need me as you are looking for russians and germans...and i m neither of them :D

By the way ...if you are the best of the world you should have a better statistic. :D

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Saluting Rambo, Uhmerikun! Go Get Um!!!!!!!!!!!

Top Ten Signs that a redneck FROM IDAHO has been working on your computer.....

10. The monitor is up on blocks.

9. Outgoing faxes have tobacco stains on them.

8. The six front keys have rotted out.

7. The extra RAM slots have Ford truck parts stored in them.

6. The numeric keypad only goes up to six.

5. The password is "Bubba".

4. There's a gun rack mounted on the CPU.

3. There's a Skoal can in the CD-ROM drive.

2. The keyboard is painted in camoflague.

And the number #1 way to tell if a redneck has been working on your computer is....

1. The mouse is referred to as a "critter".....

(for more fun humor like this go to earlpitts.com)

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DragonHeart - Don't worry about what time it is here, I have day & night to TCB (take care of business). Since I'm on vacation, I'll play anytime you want. Just like when I waxed Terif on my last vacation...and now ZappSweden got a the first taste of My Punk'd 2004 world tour. Far as my stats...well, have you beat me? You're from Austria? That's cool, then I can cover all the Euro countries. Let me know D-Heart.

I-Ranger - Once your done blasting away some birds, I'll be here to give you a reminder of who is the Best. Let me know the day, so I can play my Football watching & have cold brew in the fridge.


[ December 18, 2003, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Rambo i will contact you via mail or icq as soon as you have signed in to the PL .. so we can make our game (s) to a league game as well.

The rules in the PL are quite different because the normal game consists of a mirrorgame without bid. But with me and with ppl which agree to the bidsystem you can still play in a way you are used to.

I need to play you as i has to suck dry your knowledge, making me a super-SC-Gamer to beat Terif :D

I consider to have our game on Friday 26th evening my time....so dont´t make an appointment for this time if you wanna play me.

Details i will let you know.

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On vacation, I'm the best SC-player in the World. It's that simple ladies. I don't give a crap who it is...Terif, ZappSweden, CodenameClone, DragonHeart, IronRanger, whoever. I don't care who you are, what your name is, where you live, or your strategy.


Rambo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LEGEND

[ December 19, 2003, 09:43 AM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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