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Rambo's Christmas Tour ends


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*** updated, Decemeber 23

Condor punk'd Legend. Game #2 was a marathon, see AAR for details. Bid 300:3000. This game was action packed, went a long time, until the Germans got low on units in the Russian front.

1) Axis were too slow taking minors

2) MAJOR air/naval battle near Brest cost the Germans too much. Destroyed all the ships, except the important ones.

[ December 24, 2003, 07:03 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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I can't believe we just played for the last 2-days, and instantly you attack my character. I've posted nothing but the truth my entire SC carreer. If you had ICQ, you could communicate instead of trashing my character.

I honestly pushed the wrong button. Kind of like you in Poland, but I didn't question your integrity.

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Just read this: Game is over, i was going to quit as u were whining for a long time and didnt move. So yer mouse slips just after the biggest disaster attack, well i cant tell u how many times my mouse sklipped or i operate units in the other part of the world cos my mouse is ****ed up, but i dont whine, i keep on playing.

IM sure u can live with yer "trashed character".

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I don't understand? I'm not upset at all. Why are you making me out to be a hothead just because of a computer game? I'm on my vacation...so I attacked Boch, big deal? Boch is a computer image on a screen.

Honestly Condor, I've known you for a year, I made a God Honest one button push & you go off the deep end?

Terif beat me 30 times to 2 times.

You have beaten me 65% of the time in the last year. Zapp & I are about even. Iron Ranger & I are about even.

You think I have an ego ever since playing all those guys?

Sorry friend, I pushed the wrong button.


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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

I can't believe we just played for the last 2-days, and instantly you attack my character. I've posted nothing but the truth my entire SC carreer. If you had ICQ, you could communicate instead of trashing my character.

I honestly pushed the wrong button. Kind of like you in Poland, but I didn't question your integrity.

I once accidently DOW LC on turn one instead of Denmark.
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*** updated December 24

Bottom line: Everything is updated. See top thread.

Challenge matches against Condor, KEYS:

1) Condor plays a good Allied France, Legend takes too many hits as Germans. Not good with big bids :(

Rambo is getting punk'd

Rambo posts results

Rambo has integrity

[ December 24, 2003, 07:09 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Yes, im thinkin about installing Icq or something like that im posting in two threads and just saying the same...

I told u its ok, but i just thought u were really whining cos u didnt move and because of what u wrote, and then a disconnetion. So i got really pissed!!! cos after playing u for 2 days i didnt expect something like that. i cant see u nor talk to u, if u complain about something i dont know if u r or not smiling.

And as i told u it happened anotehr time with i dont remember who: the same disconnection just after a very bad turn and he told me the same: he hit the wrong bottom so i believe u.

i think i was also pissed cos i ran out of tabacco, i need to smoke whilst i play !! tongue.gif

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*** updated December 24

Legend regroups against a strong player in Zappsweden, stops the bleeding with an Axis win with an interesting bid system 1:1:20 ------> 221:221:4420


1) France went well for Axis.

2) Got Jet tech slightly before the enemy.

3) Used R.A.C.K strategy, took UK in 1943.

[ December 24, 2003, 06:59 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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General Rambo

Thanks for remembering me in your list, I'm writing this after leaving a meeting of German Worshippers and enroute to a History Nut Rally. I'd like to play but you've convinced me the right thing to do is go back to school and study medicine.

Healing is so much better than Heiling.

Good Luck in your latest tour and A Merry Christmas to You and your adversaries. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Codename Condor:

Yes, im thinkin about installing Icq or something like that im posting in two threads and just saying the same...

I told u its ok, but i just thought u were really whining cos u didnt move and because of what u wrote, and then a disconnetion. So i got really pissed!!! cos after playing u for 2 days i didnt expect something like that. i cant see u nor talk to u, if u complain about something i dont know if u r or not smiling.

And as i told u it happened anotehr time with i dont remember who: the same disconnection just after a very bad turn and he told me the same: he hit the wrong bottom so i believe u.

i think i was also pissed cos i ran out of tabacco, i need to smoke whilst i play !! tongue.gif

As long as u guys sort things out. There are some players (ones name start with the letter T) that have some sort of foolish pride that make them never give up an inch. I hope you play again, I hope you play in the tourney, I hope you play like legends. :cool: smile.gif
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*** updated December 25

Rambo (Axis 300:3000) punk'd DragonHeart (Allies) in the first of two mirrored games.


1) Legend elimated French HQ w/ 4-Luftwaffen to break the Western Wall.

2) UK got overextended in the MedFront. Rambo took England. I was a little sloppy & took a lot of causalties, but it was a winner.

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*** updated December 26

DragonHeart (Axis 300:3000) punk'd Rambo (Allies) in our mirrored game. DragonHeart will report a draw in PanzerLiga. (PanzerLiga uses a 2-games to equal a match in their league system). Legend surrendered in Late 1942.


1) The game was very, very, typical. France fell in June/July. Nothing spectacular there.

2) The quiet period was cookie cutter, nothing special here either.

3) Germans got Jets +4 & absolutely mauled the UK. UK had only Jets +1, what a joke. I had 4-carriers, 3-RAF...nothing I could do. USA & Russia were behind in technology also. Frustrating, to play "the Allies correctly" & lose to technology. UK had 3-chits in Fall of 1940 & got 2-years of crap luck. Unbelievable.

4) Russians held the Dnieper & put a good fight up in Northern Russia. But with no Western help, it was pointless to fight with 420 MMPs against 800 MMPs.

5) Heck UK, never got LongRanger either, not good.

[ December 26, 2003, 06:01 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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