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Return of Hombre

Hombre Plin

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I have just read the forum and i am really astonished.

First, i´m no hacker (unfortunately), second i have just accused one person (and i maintain that) and third, only Mr Cater had the common sense to e-mail me and ask me about the cheats.

Nobody gave me nothing i even did not gave even the name of the program (is german-made by the way).

I play to win, but not at any cost. When I lost i post and thats all. But i dont like to lose my time struggling against prescient gamers nor i believe in MPP miracles so I retired. Just hope SC2 should correct that flairs. See you. Soon. ;)

[ November 04, 2003, 03:35 PM: Message edited by: Hombre Plin ]

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So at last. U create all this havoc in the community and u think this pathetic post is enough? Forum has been flooded with stupid messages, rumours, attacks and the only 1 that could say anything just runs away. People would like answers. I just dont care if u r a hacker, a hacker at least works to get a thing done, maybe that question, if he is good enogh to do it could be enough for him. Problem is people that looks for cheats programs out there.


Where did u get that program? Did u use it? Those are the questions i want an answer to.


U r not a newbie, but almost. How can u say Zapp, one of the best players, has been cheating?

First, of all there are lots of things that people dont take into account. Units have a unique movement value, u can use transports, carriers, see where fleet is going, LR, bombers... to guess where is the enemy fleet. NO freaking FOW-program needed.

U can disband units, save, call for the chits in tech,... so u can increase MMPs if desired.

U have incriminated terif. U see, one german guy with his record and u say the program is german...What did u tell rambo et al to back his acusations?. And u just post this post??

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Dear Mr Condor defender of truth:

I did´t create any havoc. I did´t run away, just i´m no longer interested in playing v/ humans since one of them cheated me.

If you were smart enought to read my first post on this theme you will find that was Mr. Z. caught like a schoolboy who posted about cheats and so on. I would have retired with no further commentary.

Newbie or not( and n2 in Z-league is not) cheating is cheating, here and in Alaska.

If the panzers are in the vicinity of Manchester and Us and Ussr are still out of the war, wouldn´t you sell ALL your chits? They are inutile if you lose Manchester remember. Mr. Z managed even to research air lvl-1 in his last english turn, and managed to have their carriers in safety. And the units kept pouring just to be destroyed by my air. I know what happened, you dont, so better stay out. And this reputed programmer kept on saying that cheating was impossible. Here you have then!!!.

Finally i have not even mentioned Terif. But the fact is that the program is German (Btw).

I hope you find better causes to support.

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Ok, here is the long one...

Hombre (Axis) vs Zapp (Allies):

France fell at normal time.

Brest+Port was held very long by allies (10 UK MPP per turn for allies).

Bergen+Port was held by UK all the way from Axis Norway invasion to UK surrender (10 UK MPP per turn).

Malta held until mid Sea-Lion (when UK sold the french Malta air) i.e 5 UK MPP per turn.

Allies bought only 2 corps in the entire french war (1939-1940) and used the money for air battles and air research.

France escaped with one air fleet to malta, UK sold it in the middle of sea-lion.

UK sold bomber during the Axis invasion.

UK bought 3 chits during the game, 2 of them were sold before UK surrendered.

UK had 3 air fleets at most, I think I sold 2 and 1 was on Ireland badly beaten up.

Why did I not sell my last chit? Why did I not buy one extra corps in the end battles in UK?

I had untouched Monty HQ and 5 HQ supported corps in the end of the Sea-Lion. Had I bought more corps, I would have robbed some of my entrenched corps of their HQ bonus. I had no use for more units, I held Manchester and as many hexes around it I could. I was expecting to hold UK longer than I actually did, that is why I sold of just to keep a front line and being able to reinforce it too. When sea-lion started I let my air sink down below strength 5 since I knew I would be ruined if I reinforced them. During sea-lion, I only bought corps plus reinforced some of them.

There were other stuff in that game indicating Hombre did not know exactly what he was doing (how some factors influcence the game). He attacked both London port and sometimes my London air fleet, who was entrenched to level 6 and HQ supported, directly!

We were both on L0 Jet so attacks were weak but he

still complained and was surprised I did take 0 points in some of those attacks.


After sea-lion started, Allies sold bomber (200 MPP), air (80 MPP), 2 chits (250 MPP) and french air (100 MPP). That is 630 extra MPP (5 extra corps) in addition to the UK 100-120 MPP UK got every turn.

[ November 04, 2003, 07:00 PM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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HombrePlin --- Bro, you're a Spanish guy. Far as I know, Spanish dudes, speak Spainish. So where does the German part fit in? Second, you came clean, haven't racked any victories & suddenly you're going to bolt? Why are you running since you haven't done anything wrong? Now these accusations against Zapp bust out. What's up? Why the sudden swing?

I understand, you are your own person. You have game, you came clean, etc. What is up?

Thing that pisses me off is in our game (before this FOW Sniffer stuff broke), I was going to give you a good dose of RACK. If you haven't experienced RACK, you haven't played SC.

I respect HombrePlin, because he broke the story. Whether he completes the investigation, that is his choice.

I just want a competitve fair game, that is all.

Legend in Boise >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

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Not selling all your research chits is fair enough. If that's all the evidence against Zapp then it's pretty weak. In fact, non-existent.

I recently lost a game where I kept my Russian chits almost to the last turn (and I'm talking about until Russia actually surrendered, not when Moscow fell). I was still hoping for some benefit from them, and I'm not the quitting type.

So, I think that either more evidence is required, or an apology for the accusations against Zapp.

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u didnt run away? Well, just a post explaining what happened before u dissapear is all people wanted, u didnt do it---> u ran away (call it as u want to). That left Zapp, rambo and others to post rumours and accusing people tho creating havoc.

I dont care about nº2 in ZL, this game isnt as simple as it looks like, and it takes a lot of time/games even tests to find out all the things. U started attacking with ships ports and cities and taking damage, I hope ud learned what was wrong there, u learn things game to game. The way u accuse Zapp in Sealion shows me u absolutely havent leart enough things of the game, so u see something weird (weird for u) and u got pissed off and start accusing.

The fun part. U got pissed off (Sealion can be fustrating i know the feeling), u accuse Zapp,so game suks, im not gonna play anymore. The fun part is that game doesnt sucks, there are more things in the game u havent found out so game is more interesting but u are not gonna find it out cos u have left.


Esta claro que sencillamente no aceptaste una op. Sealion fallida/retrasada, yo he tenido montones de ellas, es frustante ver aparecer corps de la nada cuando crees que UK esta desprotegida. Calculaste mal, actuaste mal, es lo que digo. Debido a cosas que no tienen que ver con tu partida la gente se volvio loca por aqui con rumores y demas, diciendo acusaciones que tu habias dicho, pero tu no estabas aqui para aclararlas.

Ni defensor de la verdad ni leches solo digo lo que pienso.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

HombrePlin --- Bro, you're a Spanish guy. Far as I know, Spanish dudes, speak Spainish. So where does the German part fit in? Second, you came clean, haven't racked any victories & suddenly you're going to bolt? Why are you running since you haven't done anything wrong? Now these accusations against Zapp bust out. What's up? Why the sudden swing?

I understand, you are your own person. You have game, you came clean, etc. What is up?

Thing that pisses me off is in our game (before this FOW Sniffer stuff broke), I was going to give you a good dose of RACK. If you haven't experienced RACK, you haven't played SC.

I respect HombrePlin, because he broke the story. Whether he completes the investigation, that is his choice.

I just want a competitve fair game, that is all.

Legend in Boise >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

Can anyone explain to me what RACK is? Royal Airforce ....... ...... - or am I barking up the wrong tree there, too?

[ November 06, 2003, 07:34 AM: Message edited by: Nero's Cat ]

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Codename Condor said encripted: "Esta claro que sencillamente no aceptaste una op. Sealion fallida/retrasada, yo he tenido montones de ellas, es frustante ver aparecer corps de la nada cuando crees que UK esta desprotegida. Calculaste mal, actuaste mal, es lo que digo. Debido a cosas que no tienen que ver con tu partida la gente se volvio loca por aqui con rumores y demas, diciendo acusaciones que tu habias dicho, pero tu no estabas aqui para aclararlas.

Ni defensor de la verdad ni leches solo digo lo que pienso."

Since i don't believe it's fair to speak in a matter many can't understand in a public forum, here's a short translation:

It's clear that u have not accepted a failed\prolonged op. SeaLion, it's frustrating to see UK corps pop up out of nowhere when u believe UK is undefended. U misjudged, u fared bad, that's what I say. Now people here speak about accusations that u have done, and u are not here to explain them. I'm no truth-defender, i just say what i think.

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