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Everything posted by nanope

  1. Yes it is very useful. But I think that this sentence: When London falls, then there is a quick USSR war readiness increase starting at about 10% a turn and increasing quickly is only true after january 1941
  2. yes, the translation is almost perfect...and If I had translated it in a polite way I would have the same as you. Then your comprehension of written spanish is very good
  3. ...but the enigma machine lost the most interesting ...I was waiting to see how it decipher "ni defensor de la verdad ni leches" ...and I am disappointment with the result
  4. Thanks (again) Terif and thanks Bill Then, when you know that UK are going to fall for sure you can send the UK transport (that remain without disband) to the red arrows… After UK fall this units can be reinforce with the mpps collect in Canada. But I think I understand that the free French units surrendered because they were in Egypt and this belong to UK. Then if the Free French unit would have been in USA then they would go on in the game. Is this correct?
  5. I am playing a game in what I have lost UK. When UK fell all the british units dissapear….all? not. A UK transport travelling around good hope cape appear one or two turns after the UK falling. :confused: My question is if this is normal and happens in all the games ?. And another question. I think that when UK fall the free French could go on in the game (nex to the Americans). I though that they was going to continue in the game and I had a bad surprise . :eek:
  6. Rannug is my rival in this game ... so Terif you must wait we finish to answer him .... I was joking . I think he rannug's quetion is a relevant one (I need a lot of time to know that the URSS border was defines as three hexes)
  7. Cleared up. Thanks a lot Terif (your are almost like Hubert ). I'll try to follows your tip.
  8. Yes ...45 and stopped (we are at the end of 1940)... But the problem is important to me because for futures game. I Though that when you are desperate you could to abandon London to defend Manchester (and hoping that with the ocupation of London the russian made the DOW quickly). But now I would no recomend this tactic.
  9. Yes..and now England has fallen (and the americans are alone)and the USRR readiness do not increases (it is at 45)... And yes it is in random entry (when I read your comment I open the game and check it quicly...it coul be a way to start again ) But I think that maybe the explanation could be in one of the thing you say ("maybe this is an early sealion") although I have never read this in no guide.
  10. Now I am playing a PBEM game and LOndon have fallen 5 or 6 tuns ago. The problem is that the URSS readiness go on the same (the US are already made the DOW). My problem is that I have read in the "Strategy Guide Update and Errata" the next : "When London falls, then there is a quick USSR war readiness increase starting at about 10% a turn and increasing quickly" Obviously this has not happened in my game (unfortunately I am playing with the allies and without the russian soon I do not have hope). Could someone explain what is happening here? and more important for futures game, how really work the USSR readiness when a Sealion?
  11. Yes...It was very typical the invasion of Sicily...but always at summer. Then 1943 and 1944 when the good weather was approaching the axis player had to prepare for a landing. The engineers was specially util to made fortification along the probably landing coast.
  12. The weather was fine in COS not only for the effects of russian winter but also because of it determine the ideal moment of the allies to do landing. Also I missed the engineer units. They were able to fortied all kind of terrain and this could provoke important modification in the tactics of the players.
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