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Ever lost a battle to AI?

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OK, now I'm SURE I'm crap. However, I have got 1000 pt meeting engagements down good against the AI, and when I need an ego boost, I'll play that. I'm pretty much sure to win. And when I'm feeling confident, I'll try an attack. I really suck at attacks, but I guess I win 50% of the time. And when I'm feeling REALLY good about myself, I'll try a defense. Now get this. I have won ONE TIME playing defense against the AI, and the AI is supposed to be better on defense than on offense. I don't get it. It's gotten to the point that I've stopped buying those field guns, since I have never, EVER, yet put one in a good place AFAIK. Usually they either die on turn 1 in a shameful manner, or they spend 25 turns getting pushed 170m to a place where they die in a shameful manner. I can't bear the humiliation of it all, so I've stopped playing defense. Sorry, I'm rambling, aren't I? What was the topic again?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Itchy:

[QB]Anyway, I said i've lost to humans but I think I could take you on Guy hehehe...[QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now that you put ot that way, no thank you. I have nothing to prove, and it seems that you have everything to prove. I have already asked uhduck and Terence.

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Take the AI for what it is...a very good opponent for newbies/rookies that has a few tricks up its sleeve and will on many occasions surprise you. Think of it as a good tutor that allows you to hone your battlefield skills before you go out and enter the big bad world that is TCP/IP & PBEM. Coming up against a human foe is a completely different proposition entirely!.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Usually they either die on turn 1 in a shameful manner, or they spend 25 turns getting pushed 170m to a place where they die in a shameful manner. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I like that one deanco, it sounds so familiar.

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I guess I'll throw in a few pointers of defending against AI.

I almost always win against an assault with autopurchasing, and

win most of the time against an assault +100% when I shop for myself.

Things AI does:

She moves her infantry in an woods hopping style, from one patch

to another. Study the map carefully and you can usually predict

where she is going to come from. Then set a strong ambush on a

good spot.

She tends to mass all her infantry into a great big pile,

a force like this can overrun almost any defense, but is higly

vulnerable to arty. Be patient and have something big around.

155mm or 150mm is fine.

If you show her a big tank, she'll smoke it. I've seen her spend all

her arty trying to smoke a Panther or a Tiger.

She can't handle a reverse slope defense. Put a couple of platoons

behind a hill, and she'll try rushing it with all she has, infantry,

hmg's, arty spotters, mortars, everything..

This works better if she has another target for her arty, so show

your big tank first if you got one.

She has a real short attention span. If you ambush a tank at one

point, she'll forget right away that's a dangerous spot, and

will send another tank for you to kill.

She likes to lead with her tanks. Usually just cruising in down the

road. Have a zook waiting, and after the kill you can still salvage it.

To not sound too boastful, I retried the "cance encounter"

today as the axis and barely got a tactical victory out of it. redface.gif

I set my stugs in a perfect hulldown ambush, they all engaged a

single Sherman 75W, the sherman gunned them all down, having

three hits ricochet off it's hull. :mad:

[ 04-22-2001: Message edited by: Jarmo ]

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I lost regularly vs the AI. And that's very good. This forces me learn more about tactics. Read my Sun-Zi or my tank encyclopedia again and again...

And one thing I see again and again: it's not always tactics, it's often enough simple luck...my shell hit the enemy tank one moment earlier. Save a turn before calculation, then run the calculation three times for your turn, you have always another movie.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Terence:

My attacks are short advances from cover to cover, and I'm always unprepared for the eventual ambush. I don't use any recon. This also means that in areas with no cover, I don't know what to do.

My defenses are static and never in depth.

I say this is because of shortages in resources, but in truth its because Im, well..., I don't know why I can't do this.

On the small scale, Im always so eager to see the next turn that I don't always consider all lines of site, attack and advance for individual units. I forget the enemy is making plans as I do. I don't use view #1 enough to plan moves. I focus on one side of the battle and forget the other side.

I shell areas where no enemies are and waste ammo because I forget the target line was set.

I adjust the target line for the FO so often that the poor guy spends the entire battle firing spotting rounds.

I forget about smoke.

And because of all that, Im amazed I ever win anything at all.

[ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: Terence ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


Now that was a post I can relate to!!! smile.gif

I'd use it as a sig if it wasn't so long!!!

But it doesn't stop me from playing.

Scott Karch

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Just lost one yesterday; here's how it happened. I was doing Chance Encounter, and really wiping out the Germans (as the Americans). I've got control of 2/3 of the map and knocked out both StuG's with the loss of only 2 tanks (lost another to a Panzerschrek later), and advancing with 2 rifle squads, an HQ and an MG in the woods to the right (from the American side.) They encountered some infantry sounds, and so, feeling sure it was nothing, went to investigate with my HQ unit and another small unit (I think an MG.) It turned out to be 2 rifle squads and an HQ unit; they eliminated ALL my units in that force, and started a big offensive with alot more men. It turned out that what I'd whipped was half, not all the German force. That new force whiped out my other 2 tanks and eventually, almost all of the rest of me. I got soundly thrashed! Rrrrrrrrrr :( !

The Major

[ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: Major Belles ]

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Play and lose against the AI 50% of the time. Mostly when AI is defending. Granted the defeats are listed as minor ones, but the AI will wax my ass if I don`t think about every move I make. Just turned a friend on to Combat mission last week. He has become discouraged because the AI humiliates him every time!

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Yeah, I got one for whoever out there who has never been beaten by the a/i. It's on the Der Kessell site and the name of the file is blackshear.cmb. That should humble a few folks. Play blind as allies. No restarting the battle or nothing. No need to give bonus to computer.


[ 04-24-2001: Message edited by: Agua ]

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