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1 shot, 2 kills!

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Situation: enemy Arty Spotter riding shotgun on an AFV. Crack sharpshooter with clear LOS. One shot, one Arty Spotter team eliminated.

This was confirmed by my opponent. I have the file as it was PBEM. One two man Arty Spotter team gone with one shot.

Question: Bug or what? Anybody EVER see this?


Jeff Abbott

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Originally posted by Juardis:

Situation: enemy Arty Spotter riding shotgun on an AFV. Crack sharpshooter with clear LOS. One shot, one Arty Spotter team eliminated.

This was confirmed by my opponent. I have the file as it was PBEM. One two man Arty Spotter team gone with one shot.

Question: Bug or what? Anybody EVER see this?

In CM, one shot does not = one bullet. One shot = one "burst" of firing. This is not a bug, just a crack sharpshooter doing his job. smile.gif



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Guest wwb_99

I had a crack sharpshooter take 3 in one shot, the 3 being a crew fleeing down a road at 100m.



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Originally posted by DanE:

In CM, one shot does not = one bullet. One shot = one "burst" of firing. This is not a bug, just a crack sharpshooter doing his job. smile.gif

Well I'll be damned. Seems kinda silly to me for a sharpshooter to be putting bursts into opponents and even then, that it would take more than one bullet each and every time he fired before he killed something. But, if he can take out 2 or 3 at a time (which I had never seen before until recently) then perhaps it's worthwhile to fire bursts. Does the chance to kill one unit get doubled or tripled since he's firing bursts?

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Maybe "burst" isn't the best word...salvo might be better. The sniper only shoots one BULLET at a time, but w/ several bullets in a salvo, he can potentialy kill several men w/ 1 ammo point.

Notices how it says "ammo" and not "shots". The only time 1 to 1 ammo is represented is in ordinance.


Ah scheist.

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It is best not to think of the ammunition expenditure in CM as shots, bursts or salvos (except when you've got naval support smile.gif ). They are just units of ammunition, just like HMGs carry a fair bit more than 80 rounds. A sharpshooter takes multiple shots for each unit expended.

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Guest captain,ro

so what were saying is a sharpshooter who has a bolt action rifle takes A shot at a target and he is shooting more than once? maybe im missing something here...if a sharpshooter takes a shot...thats what it is...A shot...now i can see a shot taking out two people at the same time...two guys riding on the back of a vehicle side by side...one gets shot thru the neck and the bullet goes thru and takes out the second also...now i understand this, but for a sharpshooter to fire a burst or multipule shots....dont figger


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Exactly what are you getting at ro?

Are you talking about real life (ie reality) or CM (ie a simulation)?

In CM if a sharpshooter expends a unit of ammmunition that is more than one bullet.

As I have already said a burst is a bit of a misnomer, on reflection fusillade might be better.

If both casualties occur in the same instant in CM it is because it is a simulation.

I am not sure if this is the case. Is it one bang per unit or multiple?

Even so it is a simulation of him having a few shots.

It may not be exactly as in real life since the results of the multiple shots is seen in the same instant instead of spread out over a few seconds but it is a close approximation to it.

I would suggest that they probably did it this way to make it consistent with the way other small arms fire is treated in the game (ie individual bullets are not tracked).


"Stand to your glasses steady,

This world is a world of lies,

Here's a toast to the dead already,

And here's to the next man to die."

-hymn of the "Double Reds"

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I've been thinking on this, and here's what bothers me. Perhaps this has been posted already in the thread I never saw and don't feel like searching for, but...Most of the time I let my sharps pick their targets and most of the time they fire at AFVs to button them up. Very effective, but an AFV will button up way before the 2nd shot would have ever been fired. So in CM, my sharp is wasting ammo and possibly giving away his position needlessly by firing several shots in rapid succession (modeled in CM as one shot with multiple bullets).

I don't understand why BTS chose to do it this way. Why not give them 40-50 rounds like they would have in real life and why not let them fire in rapid succession like in real life? One ammo point equals one bullet. I mean, it's a lot like a tank in this regard. This just does not seem like it would be difficult to code, but what do I know, I just play the game...

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I may be wrong, Juardis, but I thing the answer is computing power. Existing system calculates infantry units firing bursts and does not calculate every bullet fired (wich would require significantly more computing power).

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Originally posted by Juardis:

I don't understand why BTS chose to do it this way. Why not give them 40-50 rounds like they would have in real life and why not let them fire in rapid succession like in real life?

Well as Simon says (hey...) they probably did it this way so that snipers would work like other infantry units. I can only assume that it would indeed have been a pain in the ass to write special code for that one unit. Maybe they just ran out of time like with the M16.

I disagree that a TC would necessarily button up after the first shot. During the noise and confusion of battle it is quite possible, maybe even probable, that he would not notice a single bullet buzz past. Or he may assume it a stray shot not intended for him.

In any case I think the end result is fairly realistic.


What a bunch of horsecrap. -Steve

[This message has been edited by Vanir (edited 03-09-2001).]

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