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I Started A New Peng Thread And All I got Was This Lousy Hunk Of Cess.....

Guest Madmatt

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Originally posted by Croda:

Just thought I'd highlight that gross spelling error.

That's not a spelling error, you uncultured toad. One of the lads from the Commonwealth nations can probably help confirm your unworldly view.

As to your feeble attempts to justify the Dreamteam force you've pulled together to defend "Croda Hill" (a hideous place that I'm having a great deal of trouble convincing my lads is worth capturing given that Croda's visage seems to be sculpted into the top), well, of course these AFVs were all in historical use. Whatever was I thinking. In fact, they were invariably found in formations just like yours (no doubt the classic OOB for all German armoured units).

[posted in a disparagingly satirical vein in order to goad Croda into foolish mistakes and ill-advised, anger inspired attempts at revenge. No gamey unit purchases were actually made in the harming of Croda]

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Gratuitously plagiarized from dictionary.com:

No entry found for "whinging" in the dictionary.












Now let's get something straight, the sun set on the British Empire a long, long time ago. It is now two islands and a rock. Being as how you are in America the beautiful, land of the free and home of the brave, let's start showing some respect for the culture that kept your teeth in order and your accent from getting out of hand (You betcha!). May we recommend the use of the word 'whanging' from now on? Though it means, 'To beat or whip with a thong.', at least it is a real word.

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by DekeFentle:

Germanboy: You are apparently trying to fool everyone into believing you truly reside in the Rhienland. Although you may share a cardboard box with the other erstwhile emigrants outside the Berlin zoo it should be noted that it takes more than that to achieve citizenship. Do you even own the game? Did the librarian allow you to load it on one of their PC’s? Given that you do indeed have access to play and are not just a surfing pretender allow me to join the long, long, long line of opponents who crush your feeble attempts to maneuver on the silicon battlefield. Stop staring into the bottom of that empty fest mug and answer the challenge you fauler Hund von dem Ost.

Err, why would residing in a card-board box outside Berlin Zoo get me UK citizenship (assuming I actually wanted that)...

I am thoroughly confused now (what else is new).

As far as wannabe taunts go, you seem to fighting with Mensch for posting incomprehensible gibberish. Now if you stopped drooling and explain to me what you are on about, maybe we can make some way towards explaining the following to you:

- My English is better than that of 99% of native speakers although I am German

- I live in London

- No, I don't want to be a citizen of some nobility schmucks who were kicked out of Germany 250 years ago for being simply unstomacheable.

- Your taunts don't bother me.

- Not only do I look better, I am also more intelligent than you are and possess a larger vocabulary.

- My ego beats yours anyday

- I stopped to play with the Schmuddelkinder when you wer e not even a twinkle in your dad's eye, why would I want to play with you now.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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This thread has finally taught me something, even though I should already have known it.

Gratuitously plagiarised from Dictionary.com

Cultured: A high degree of taste and refinement formed by aesthetic and intellectual training

Educated: Showing evidence of schooling, training, or experience

Gratuitously plagiarised from mine own head:

Cultured: Knowing something that someone else doesn't regardless of how insignificant.

Educated: See Cultured

A life lesson, learned by moi.

As for the gainful employment of said ubertanks (to which I assume you are referring to the 88mm Tank Destroyers): Well they were left over from a party I was throwing and asked if they could come along for the ride, so I let them. I hope you don't mind. If it's any consolation...they haven't done any damage to you...yet.


Woot! - Maximus2k

The New CessPool

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Kitty It is time. You are overdue for being 'sploded. I will 'splode you on the beaches. I will 'splode you in the hills...

Something in the 1500 point range would be ideal. Small enough to enjoy, large enough to draw out your demise and let you think you have a chance.

I await your set-up.


"Za Rodentia!

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Originally posted by Forever Babra:

Kitty It is time. You are overdue for being 'sploded. I will 'splode you on the beaches. I will 'splode you in the hills...

Something in the 1500 point range would be ideal. Small enough to enjoy, large enough to draw out your demise and let you think you have a chance.

I await your set-up.

Hey, Babra...

I challenged you a little while back but I have been too busy to get a setup out. If I don't have one from you when I get home I will spoil myself and send you out one.

And I will buy many invincible half-tracks. Muahahahahaha!



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

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Originally posted by jshandorf:

Hey, Babra...

I challenged you a little while back but I have been too busy to get a setup out.

In fact, you said you would have one too me that very evening, but, since you didn't, I just assumed you were blowing wind as usual.


"Za Rodentia!"

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Originally posted by Forever Babra:

In fact, you said you would have one too me that very evening, but, since you didn't, I just assumed you were blowing wind as usual.

blowing wind? Did you say blowing wind?

Oh... You're gonna die. My little digital Hamster truppen are gonna goose-step all over your ass.

Just ask, Berli. He has recoiled in fear and refuses to send me a return file.

Prepare to meet his fate.



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 03-07-2001).]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

That's not a spelling error, you uncultured toad. One of the lads from the Commonwealth nations can probably help confirm your unworldly view.

According to our own Macquirie Dictionary, it's Whingeing. (aside: I am surprised to find that Australia's own Dictionary has more than just slang or swear words - and thus IMHO is not worth referring to any longer)

btw DorkFentle (may I call you Dork?), Kitty is correct. I am in fact the Aussie version of the Porn God Ron Jeremy, albut better built, better looking, and far better equipped!


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Originally posted by Germanboy:

As far as wannabe taunts go, you seem to fighting with Mensch for posting incomprehensible gibberish. Now if you stopped drooling and explain to me what you are on about, maybe we can make some way towards explaining the following to you:

My gibberish is sui generis. It is far superior to Mensch in both it’s inexplicable meandering and its oblique references. Any presumption that you could possibly explain anything to me is preposterous. Send me a set-up and I will do the explaining.

- My English is better than that of 99% of native speakers although I am German

From which South seas island did you derive your sample?

- I live in London

My bag, substitute London for Berlin in my last reference.

- No, I don't want to be a citizen of some nobility schmucks who were kicked out of Germany 250 years ago for being simply unstomacheable.

There's that claim to Germanic decent again. Please subside from boring us with your false diatribe. The use of un as a prefix to denote the opposite of a colloquialism or proper word, although generally acceptable is rather poor English. Referencing your stated desire to reach the 99th percentile I assume you want all the help you can get. I add that although it is not a proper word, stomacheable might be a little less nauseating to the eye spelled “stomachable”.

- Your taunts don't bother me.

Then I pray your response was not too sudoriferous on your mental faculties. Let me check… Nope just blathering platitudes.

- Not only do I look better, I am also more intelligent than you are possess a larger vocabulary.

Relativity is obviously the issue here, when querying the inhabitants of your shared cardboard domicile they might indeed believe your appearance is more appealing. Then again maybe they’re just looking at that bottle of ripple you have in your coat pocket. They are sure to declaim your superior intelligence in hopes of gaining access to the afore mentioned beverage. As far as vocabulary, I did not need the dictionary that you are holding in your hand to understand what you penned.

- My ego beats yours anyday

Most submoronic cretins do develop coping mechanisms.

- I stopped to play with the Schmuddelkinder when you wer e not even a twinkle in your dad's eye, why would I want to play with you now.

Son I would be willing to wager that I could of put a twinkle in your mothers eye before she even met your father. Perhaps I did, Wo wohnte Ihre Mutter in Deutschland?

Setzen Sie oben oder schließen Sie oben Feigling. I expect your terms within the fortnight.


Winning is why we play!

[This message has been edited by DekeFentle (edited 03-07-2001).]

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Originally posted by Mace:

According to our own Macquirie Dictionary, it's Whingeing. (aside: I am surprised to find that Australia's own Dictionary has more than just slang or swear words - and thus IMHO is not worth referring to any longer)

btw DorkFentle (may I call you Dork?), Kitty is correct. I am in fact the Aussie version of the Porn God Ron Jeremy, albut better built, better looking, and far better equipped!


I have seen a few Ron Jeremy films in my time (In fact we had a weekly gathering in college to watch his flicks) and you sir are no Ron Jeremy.

Until you can show to this pool that a healthy rug of hair covers your back, besmirch his name no longer with references comparing him to your manhood.


*A loyal Ron Jeremy fan*



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

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Mace you craven despot of falsehood. Call me anything that festering conglomeration of fecal matter you use for synaptic transmissions can come up with. It does not change the fact you are running in fear from the challenge I have offered.

I would expect a kiwi to rise to said challenge. Maybe you have a problem with getting anything to rise? Step to the plate (or the wicket) and have go.


Winning is why we play!

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Originally posted by DekeFentle:

I would expect a kiwi to rise to said challenge.

I thought it was common knowledge that kiwis belong to the invertebrates? Spineless creatures they be. Yes, sir. My flaccid johnson has more backbone than a kiwi. Ha!



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Why am I stupid?

You useless feeb! Did it ever cross your insignificant brain that your ISP sucks?! I have received NO said file from you and if you had half a brain you would have realized that and resent. But apparently you are completely devoid intelligence. Do you sit agape at the monitor, drool slowly building inside your mouth until it reaches ample volume to spill into your lap, while you ponder endlessly the conundrum of WHY YOU DON'T GET RETURN FILES??! You ape!

Now resend the fricken turn!



When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

[This message has been edited by jshandorf (edited 03-07-2001).]

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serious mode

Ok, for those who have not been around here long:

The nature of the Mutha Beautiful Thread is light hearted. It has, in the past, gotten out of hand and Madmatt told us to police ourselves. So with this in mind...

Comments about gender, religion and family are almost never taken in a light hearted manner. Taunt can quickly become flame and then the Peng thread ends. Try to think about what you are posting. /serious mode

Now piss off!

[This message has been edited by Berlichtingen (edited 03-07-2001).]

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What's with the damn Hamsters alias, again? Did your fricken meds wear off? Or do you wanna be some Mathew Mathers/Slim Shady wanna be?

"Oh, look! I am the good Meeks! Oh wait! Now I'm baaaaaaaaad Grrrr... I'm scary!"


When nuclear weapons are frozen then only freezers will have nuclear weapons.

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Originally posted by jshandorf:

Help, I'm confused, please explain.

The other account 'sploded and we can't be troubled to fix it, assuming it's fixable. Fortuneately this handy, backup persona was available, so we's dusted it offs and threws on some new rhinestones ands gaves ourselves a tree or two and poof, here we are. You don't like it? Too bad, just return the damn file and start posting like you've got a pair. Oh wait, we lopped off your pair in that last battle, didn't we? Well, we keep them in a jar around here somewhere, maybe you can still use them.

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Well I see the jack booted Big Brother thugs of the fascist state (for any lame-o's this is an ironical reference to recent American politics and since the thread is basically anrcho-syndicalist what do you expect) have decreed that "this' is the muthabeautiful thread. Hmm I think it's origins are suspect and the industrial-military complex is trying to set precedent to determine orthodox lineage.

To the barricades, mes enfants! Power to the 'POOL! In fact we need to rise and show those in power what they can do with their feckin' la-de dah "will let you play here" attitude Arise brothers and sisters, You have only your Shackles to lose! Let us take back the power from those Pi...........[due to technical difficulties the remaining portion of this post has been cleansed of any taint or infection of incorrect ideology]




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Originally posted by Hamsters:

We are the hamster. Resistance is futile.

Bite me, rodent-boy. If you recall our last game, the TCP/IP game, I handed your furry behind to you well kicked and bloodied, but of coarse you forgot didn't you?

Hey look, your over-sized water bottle is almost empty. Better rattle your wheel and alert your master to refill it.


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Lufty oh Lufty....here Lufty Lufty Lufty...come here you disgrace to all menkind!!!!

Matt inadvertantly gave me permission to use a 100th of my average brain power to school you on simple ethics and behavior on life not to mention this board. And while Kitty has proven herself a valuable (and funny) asset on this board you have quickly proven (in 7 posts I might add) that you have no worth whatsoever. Next time either contibute constructively, post to the PENG thread, or shutup and lurk like the heathen you are you backwards SOB.

Note: I do not know Kitty or Mary. I have never met either of them. The point is that stupidity in its rawest form (racism,sexicm, etc.) is my greatest annoyance and you just became the focus of the anger it causes me pal!


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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Alert Alert Alert

We have a containment breach in sector 7

Repeat, a realworld™ containment breach, sector 7

Idjits from the outside have penetrated the pool. They are to be exterminated on sight.

That is all

**Damn it Matt, don't send your problems here!


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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Originally posted by DekeFentle:

Mace you craven despot of falsehood. Call me anything that festering conglomeration of fecal matter .... nothing else of import worth repeating

Sorry, you have me confused with someone who gives a sh*t!

Go play with one of the squires and I may consider a game afterwards.

Btw, do you have a fascination with a certain form of bodily waste since it seems to be mentioned in almost all your posts? smile.gif

Originally posted by jshandorf:

I have seen a few Ron Jeremy films in my time (In fact we had a weekly gathering in college to watch his flicks) and you sir are no Ron Jeremy.

That's right, if you bothered to read carefully I inferred that I was better (besides, I don't go around with a welcome mat glued to my back like Ron does)!

btw, shouldn't you be studying?


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