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I Started A New Peng Thread And All I got Was This Lousy Hunk Of Cess.....

Guest Madmatt

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When a moderator starts a PENG thread you know the world is at it's end. (of course i thought the same thing when someone made a MOD based on the PENG thread! Nice Kitty)


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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Bloody stupid Pool groupies. Packed, shipped and reposted from that ugly mess known as the east coast.

Originally posted by doo-doo head:


Thanks for that comment, doo-doo head. We believe in equal rights for doo-doo heads and will now happily enter into PBEM with you, dear doo-doo head. Croda, also owes us a game but he is an imbecile and cannot be trusted to operate his computer properly. Now to the updates:

Armonuts: Hasn't sent a turn in weeks, which doesn't really matter as it's not a real game.

jd: We loves playing jd, he's so damned earnest. His poor Germans are learning that AA guns run out of ammo quickly and Brits run out of infantry slooooowly. He may have curbed our recent jabo fixation, though.

Seanachai: Nothing. We're sure that ol' Seanachai is to busy with the ceremonial duties required as Pontiff and Vicar of Christ on Earth to properly order his troops around.

Goanna: Owes us a game, not MarkIV. US, do you hear!!!! If'n we don't receive a setup, we'll perform ritual nipple-ripping and ear-stuffing! We don't care if you have neither nipples nor ears, lizzy, it can still be done.

Jefe: He's still a big sissy and even more earnest than jd. He probably talks to his little pixel men and weeps when we slaughter them unmercifully. This will begin as soon as the sissy sends his turn.

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Guest Madmatt

Yeah, that would be that same mod that neglected to include my face in it... frown.gif

Sheesh, I get no respect from you people.

Hell, there are pics of Steve and Charles's ugly mugs floating around to you know....


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Latest Updates:

Lawyer continues to throw away good hardware just for the hell of it, seemingly. In a 50m firefight one of his M3s halftracks sporting the feared Ma Deuce was turned into swiss cheese by a slovenly, frantically reversing SdKfz 251/1 and its piddly 7.92mm. HA!!

Herr Oberst ran out of heroin I guess, because he actually sent me a turn this month. I'll post another update from him in June perhaps...


"The common ordinary SS soldier was just following orders from their superiors..."- Maximus

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Originally posted by Kitty:

... snot stuck on my face when Stuka sneezed. Producing a handkerchief from his pocket Matt tried vainly to . . .

..wipe away the foul stuff, but before he realized it, He had wiped his head compleatly Bald and his....

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Originally posted by Lorak:

Lookee, lookee, I'm telling a stoooorie!

Cut that worthless vomit out this instant! Not only are these story threads base, disgusting excuses for entertainment but this is the Mutha Beatiful Thread, not the bloody FAQ. So faq off, you lousy '...' people and get back to taunting!

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Damnit Lorak if you can post then you must be home. You want some come get some!!!! here comes your turn.


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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now hamsters. There is nothing vile or disgusting enough I could say about you, that people haven't already thought of. Your insane rambeling of useless drivil ,takes all the imagination out of taunting you.

People come here, read your post, and already draw conclusions about you lack of manhood and intelligence. So for us to point out this rather obvious fact is just overkill.

So please just keeping posting and showing the world what an idiot you are. Saves us the trouble of typing it out.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Peng! Seanachai!

As the Elder Gods, I feel we must do something about this infestation of hamsters. Seanachai, your plot with the Brick™ failed miserably. The Pod Illuminati has failed multiple times in their assassination attempts. It is with much regret that I propose this final solution...

Consult the Book of Armaments!

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Originally posted by Priest:

Damnit Lorak if you can post then you must be home. You want some come get some!!!! here comes your turn.

Ahh tis so nice to see the youngsters show such energy. And far be it from me to call a Priest an idiot.

But.... a little explination for his well being.

I Lorak am at work. I work nights, and can post from work. Sadly CM will not run on NT so I can not play from work.

So be a good little chap and send your file on to my house. If your lucky I may even acknowledge recieving it.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Originally posted by Madmatt:

Yeah, that would be that same mod that neglected to include my face in it... :(

Sheesh, I get no respect from you people.

Hell, there are pics of Steve and Charles's ugly mugs floating around to [sic] you know....


Don't blame "everyone," I'm the one who made it. You weren't included because I only used pictures that were posted on Lorak's site. Since "your" picture was one of the last posted all spots were already filled. I also have suspicions that the person in said picture is really Martha Stewart and not you. Also, when do you ever post here except when to rap our knuckles with your virtual ruler and spank our tender bottoms with your perforated virtual paddle, "The Board of Education?" Run along now, please. We've done nothing wrong.

Steve and Charles have not their pictures posted on Lorak's site and were therefore not included. I am willing do a mod of CM's designers and associates for a price. Let's say . . . a job w/BTS (CEO, President, CFO, or similar would suffice, (salary to be negotiated later tonight; is about sevenish ok?), company car, unlimited expense account, powers to hire and fire without reason anyone I decide needs hiring or firing, control over what is released as a final product CM2 and to whom we sell it. I also want shoes, wardrobe, cosmetics, and other items I deem as necessaties for myself provided free of charge by BTS, unlimited supply of VB for myself as well as any Aussie who owns CM that I deem to be a Top Aussie . . . oh, and elvis gets anything he wants as well.



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The McNoldy Group

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Funny thing is I thought you were younger than me! By the way i agree to tomorrow.

Alas the times of fate sweep up the old making way for the young!


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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Poor wittle Worak, did we hurt your wittle boy feewings? Awwwww. Listen, you masticated munchkin, you can take your jolly, 'I've got two 21" monitors' butt along with your boring grog-friend and march them both right into a setup of your choosing where we will happily wipe the floor with ya.

Since we like you, you can have your bloodcurdling agony with or without severed nipples. we'd recommend some place in the snow, so that the stumps that were once your severed limbs don't hurt as much. Of course, being Little Lorak the Princess, you'll probably want it sometime when the flowers are blooming and the hills are alive with the sound of Julie Andrews desperately trying not to hit on Martina Navritalova.

And Priest, since we all know you don't have a pair, if you manage to borrow a pair at any time in the near future, we'd love to have you over for death and destruction as well, you little nancy.

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Hamsters anytime my friend. First off small statements from small minds do little to affect me. Second are you in the CPX trial? If not then you may want to find out who is and what has happened to those who have faced me. Lastly I happily accept any challenge and though I will not lower myself to thourough subhuman rantings that I am undefeatable I will be more than happy to do my best to kick you little furry insignificant impotent ass all around a CM map. Feel free to contact me through email to set a game up. Agian I may not always win but I always play.

Sir I have played Fionn and Hammie you are sure as hell no Fionn!!!


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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Posted by Kitty:

unlimited supply of VB for myself as well as any Aussie who owns CM that I deem to be a Top Aussie

Wow, thanks Kitty!

It's great to know who your mates are...Beauty, time to get a bigger bar fridge! biggrin.gif

Posted by Bauhuas (who was obviously standing up at the time):

Is that why the goat sucker hasn't sent a turn recently. Why doesn't he have a PC, I thought the inmate just got a new puter. Now it's not working?

And you said "thingy."

Stuka Puka Pants is currently down in Mace territory (ie Melbourne) away from his beloved PC (which is at the top end of Oz).

As for the thingy reference, Stuka can't post here so I've stepped in to make sure that inane references to that (probably well atrophied and quite small) part of his anatomy continues!

It's what he would have wanted.

Posted by Berlichtingen:

Peng! Seanachai!

As the Elder Gods, I feel we must do something about this infestation of hamsters. Seanachai, your plot with the Brick™ failed miserably. The Pod Illuminati has failed multiple times in their assassination attempts. It is with much regret that I propose this final solution...

Consult the Book of Armaments!

Why don't we just have Hamsters neutered?


[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-06-2001).]

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Ok Priest,

Tomarrow sounds good. I should get off work here at midnight EST then a 30 min drive home.. Should make it around 9:30 your time.

I'll continue your lessons in the death dance then. Oh, and as far as that news you were going to tell me, I think I already know.

Oh and try to keep your AAR taunt honest. I get so tired of people throwing around personal propaganda to make themselves look good.

Good luck and Die a lot now.

Lorak the loathed


"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats



and for Kitty's sake


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Lorak my taunt did not include you due to the fact that we have yet to even make contact yet. The one serious statement above was that I DO NOT always win and never state that I do. I was having fun with hammie who has answered the challenge. funny thing is that outside of the PENG thread I doubt i would be so boisterous. The second you stop respecting your opponent is the second you start losing....


Sir are you sure you want to go to red alert...it would mean changing the bulb

-Kryton of Red Dwarf

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Ahh well Priest.

That is the diffrence between you and I.

You see, I always win. The only times I have ever "lost" have been to an oppenents gamey use of tactics. Like shooting my guys ect...

Lorak the loathed

[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 03-06-2001).]

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OK, this thread is splitting faster than a plutonium isotope, so I repost the salient info from one of the soon-to-be-stillborn other threads:

Mark IV, Terror of the Internet: 80

Moriarty, modem-fodder: 20... This actually would open a slot for a loathsome gamey cheating pissant convict scum, if anyone knew such a beast... but surely none such would sully such halls as these...

Lorak has done fine work updating the stats already, and a better fellow than I would be grateful.

I felt that the last bit needed boldening up, as any such riff-raff might have eyes like little expatriate raisins from the desert sun.

I may also have been challenged in some form by some sort of rodent collective. How tedious, to whittle all those kitchen matches into tiny wooden stakes to drive through all their squirming little hearts, pinning them to a stained old mattress, loading it on the pickup, and speeding down a bumpy California freeway until it falls off to join all the other stained old mattresses until it is run over by vacationeers in a Winnebago resulting in a fluffy, delightfully textured Compote Rodentine for the benefit of the filthy crows. Unfortunately the challenge was incoherently worded and may not have been for me at all, in which case, my deepest apologies to the crows.

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