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Opening A CAN OF WORMS - War quotes and sayings

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This could be a dangerous thing to start but after a few beers I can't help it. This is few War saying,famous qoutes and even good gaming quotes. Let the madness begin!!!!

CM is is known to improve your sex life.

"God I love to see the arms and legs fly" Patton

"No fair you are using the rules" quote form a ww2 miniture game at local club.


"A whole world at war and I am left out of it.GOD will NOT allow this to happen" Patton

"Always assume your enemy will act in good judgement unless you have information to the contrary" Napoleon

"Get there first with the most" Nathan Bedford Forest Confed cav commander usa civil war.

"Mystify,mislead and surprise the enemy"

Stonewall Jackson

In war the one great incalculable is human resistance.

"The art of war is to create your strength at your enemies weakness" Napoleon

An attack on the enemy's rear has grave psychological effects on enemy soldiers, but especially on the enemy commander.

Retreating in order under attack is the most difficult of military tasks.

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Nothing is certain about war except that one side won't win.-Ian Hamilton

Political power comes out of the barrel of a gun. -Mao Tse-Tung

Soup-y, soup-y, soup-y! Not a single bean!

Pork-y, pork-y, pork-y! Not a streak of lean!

Coff-y, coff-y, coff-y! Not a drop of cream!

-Mess call

The engine of a tank is as much of a weapon as it's gun. -Heinz Guderian

I have a whole book of military quotations. Anyone want a quote by a particular person?


The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, Classic threads, and more!

Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

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"We need to save seats for the Command Element of 2 Platoon."

Spoken by a Warrant Officer in my regiment whilst boarding the bus to Wainwright. Apparently, he constituted the command element of 2 Platoon, since he was very comfortably stretched out across two seats, while the private recruits who had initially tried to sit there where shooed away onto another bus.

Another chestnut from a warrant officer I served under, when asked why we salute officers - "To remind them of their responsibilities."

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Originally posted by bluemx:

This could be a dangerous thing to start but after a few beers I can't help it.

The Fighting Hamsters of Calontir

Words by : Chrystofer Kensor & Andrixios Seljukroctonis

Tune of : "Ballad of the Green Berets"

Fighting hamsters from the sky

Some will live and some will die

Hamsters have nothing to fear

The fighting hamsters of Calontir

Silver tape upon their backs

A broadsword is all they lack

Fifty hamsters fight a war

They won't win without fifty more

Trained by jumping off a roof

Trained in combat tooth to tooth

Hamsters fight both far and near

The fighting hamsters of Calontir

Riding high upon our helms

Their war cry it overwhelms

All opponents become weak

At their fearsome squeaky squeak

Back at home Paval waits

His fighting hamster has met its fate

He has died while drinking beer

The fighting hamsters of calontir

Once again its off to war

This time we number a dozen more

We will fight for those in need

so this year it's with Caid

Fighting hamsters jump from planes

Fighting hamsters fall like rain

Some will live but most will die

Stupid creatures cannot fly


Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice Doggy", until you can get a good sight picture.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

"We need to save seats for the Command Element of 2 Platoon.".... Spoken by a Warrant Officer .... Another chestnut from a warrant officer I served under, when asked why we salute officers - "To remind them of their responsibilities."

Heheheheh.... this reminded me of a story from my time at Schwabischalle (190'th Med. Helo Co. {CH-47's}, Dolan Barracks). We were giving our young WO section leader a hard time about his ability to lead us, disparaging him as a 'hillbilly' mechanic because he had graduated from A&M with his degree in AG Mech. Engineering... he was taking it pretty much in stride, but after a little bit he jerked his thumb over his shoulder and said in his best West Texas accent "Why them Gawd damn things is nuthin' more then great big threshers..."

Even today when I see a big bird fly by I think of that....


"This is better than cotton candy! It's made out of real cotton!" MM

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Originally posted by Wildman:

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Fort Lewis College administration: "We will continue to reduce the quality of the cafeteria food. Eventually, we hope to find out why 60% of our students leave after one year."


The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, Classic threads, and more!

Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

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Does anyone know if all the Patton quotes we see floating around are accurate? The movie changed things to fit itself on more than one occasion and if quoting the movie, I wonder if attributing it to George C. Scott or Francis Coppola might not be more accurate sometimes.

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Compassion- here are a few Patton quotes. I'm not looking at what I'm typing, so sorry about any spelling errors.

In landing operations, retreat is impossible. To surrender is as ignoble as it is foolish... Above all else remember that we as the attackers have the initiative... We must retain this tremendous advantage by always attacking: rapidly, ruthlessly, viciously and without rest. -General order to the 7th army befor eSicily landings 27 June 1943

Battle is the most magnificent competition in which a human being can indulge. It brings out all that is best; it removes all that is base. -Also before Sicily landings

War will be won by Blook and Guts alone.

-Remarks to the officers 2nd armored division, Fort bEnning, Georgia, 1940. From this talk came Patton's nickname.

In battle, casualties vary directly with the time you are exposed to effective fire. Your own fire reduces teh effectiveness and volume of the enemy's fire, while rapidity of attack shortens the time of exposure. A pint of sweat will save a gallon of blood! -War as I knew it, 1947

The greatest weapon against the so-called "battle fatigue" is ridicule. -War AIKI

It is sad to remember that, when anyone has fairly mastered the art ofr command, the necessity for that art usually expires- either through the termination of the war or through the advanced age of the commander. War AIKI

There are more tired corps and division commanders than there are tired corps and divisions. War AIKI

The most vital quality a solkier can possess is self confidence, utter, complete, and bumptious. Letter to cadet George S. Patton III USMA, 6 June 44

No sane man is unafraid in battle, but discipline produces in him a form of vicarious courage. -WAIKI

There is only one sort of discipline- perfect discipline. If you do not enforce and maintain discipline, you are potential murders. -Instructions to 3rd army corps and division commnaders, 1944

If I do my full duty, the rest will take care of itself. -Diary entry before the North African landings, 8 nov 42

Fatigue makes cowards of us all. -WAIKI

That was about half of the Patton quotes in "Dictionary of Military and Naval Quotations," 1966, compiled by Robert Debs Heinl. I'll type up the other half if anyone wants.


The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, Classic threads, and more!

Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

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Originally posted by Compassion:

Does anyone know if all the Patton quotes we see floating around are accurate? The movie changed things to fit itself on more than one occasion and if quoting the movie, I wonder if attributing it to George C. Scott or Francis Coppola might not be more accurate sometimes.

I agree. I have a URL at home that shows a speech he actually gave in the UK, and compares it to the movie version. If I remember I will post it (or email me and I will send it on to you). The movie version was considerably sanitized. I believe the website copies the speech directly from a book I once read whose name has been long forgotten, which discusses the two speeches in detail.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I agree. I have a URL at home that shows a speech he actually gave in the UK, and compares it to the movie version.

THere area couple sites that have text of the speech (or rememberences of the speech with slight differences).

That's exactly what prompted me to write what I did. I read too many "quote" type quotes attributed to him that were clearly not his (even though the gist is the same).

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

I agree. I have a URL at home that shows a speech he actually gave in the UK, and compares it to the movie version.

I don't have the movie version, but here is the original - I think its better than the film one, even if it is loaded with more obscenities.


Actually, what I find most interesting about this speech is his comments about teamwork, and how everyone is valuable, from the frontline soldier to the truck drivers. Thought it fascinating in light of the Army's recent black beret controversy and their (in my eyes, stupid) "Army of One" advertising campaign.

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Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

War will be won by Blook and Guts alone.

-Remarks to the officers 2nd armored division, Fort bEnning, Georgia, 1940. From this talk came Patton's nickname.

Where do I get me some o' that Blook? I bet I could win me a few CM battles with some o' that there stuff!


"Boy, don't go tryin' none o' that fancy Kung-fu fightin' on me! You just opened up a whole can a whupp-ass!"

---Randle "Tex" Cobb

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Lucke- I found it in a cardboard box of my dad's abandoned books. It's called "Dictionary of Miliatry and Naval Quotations."

Author- Robert Debs Heinl, jr

Copywright 1966 by the United States Naval Institute, Annapolis, Maryland

ISBN: 0-87021-149-8

Good luck finding a copy, it's a great book, and I've used refrences to it a couple times on this forum. Also, you'll have a lifetime supply of sig files.

Here are a few more quotes:

"He was a true sailor, every finger a fishhook." -R.H. Dana, Jr.

(I know the feeling, couldn't straighten 'em all summer.)

"War is an act of violence whose object is to constrain the enemy to accomplish our will." -Clausewitz

"{Hitler} had created a spider's web of communications, but he forgot the spider." -Winston Churchill: Their Finest Hour, 1949, on Hitler's failure to provide adaquate reserves for the defense of Europe.

"Bringing up forces piecemeal... amounts to throwing drops of water into a sea." -Ferdinand Foch

"No plan survives contact with the enemy." -Attributed to Helmuth von Moltke


The Last Defense- Made any scenarios? Send them here!

Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

[This message has been edited by 109 Gustav (edited 03-24-2001).]

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