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I'm new... a few questions

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Hello everyone. I am new to this fabulous "game" and I have a few questions.

I have the latest version and I am re-educating myself to forget everything I have ever learned about strategy gaming. I have pored over the manual and have missed a few things.

First, is there a way to get an overview that shows troop disposition in something akin to a birds-eye view? I find myself getting very confused as the battle progresses because I cannot tell, especially on the larger maps, where my remaining troops are.

Second, is there a way, short of ctrl-click, to "auto center" on a unit when using the + - keys to scroll through units?

Third, I want to download new scenarios and models, but I am unsure what to do with them after I download them. I am most interested in how to safely install the new models without messing anything up.

Finally, how stable is the TCPIP gaming?



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Welcome to forum!

YOur asking about views? If so then there are what 8 diffrent onces.

Use the Tab key to lock onto a unit.And get all the mods you can there all good.THe best ones are at CMHQ.TCP/IP is good.

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With regards to finding you units - in the orders phase, click and drag, and you will have all the units framed by boxes - as if you were giving a group order. Click again to prevent yourself from giving the same order to all the units. You can also either turn the bases on, or else increase the scale of the units to +4 for giving orders, then scale it back down (or leave them big, for that matter - it doesn't affect gameplay).

All the models are on the CD - if you ever make a mistake you can always reinstall individual files from the CD simply by copying them out of the BMP folder. I don't think adding new scenarios can harm what came with the game, unless someone was careless enough to give them the same title and file name, which is doubtful - anyone clever enough to design a battle or operation would know better.

I have played over the internet (one game only) and found it very enjoyable. There was a slight bug when we tried the first game, and had to switch it to my server, but since my computer was faster than buddy's, it was a good thing. Others with more experience can comment further, but its a great way to play the game as far as I can tell.

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Welcome aboard! New guy buys the drinks biggrin.gif

CupOHemlock said:

First, is there a way to get an overview that shows troop disposition in something akin to a birds-eye view?

View modes 5-8 are top-down views from various distances, with 5 being very close for detail movement of single units, while 8 can often show you the whole map. While using each of these view modes, you can issue interface commands via the hotkey list to make certain types of units more visible. Bases have been mentioned, but you can also make the units appear bigger and can turn various types of terrain and units off and on. All those trees in the way, for example? No problem, just turn trees off temporarily and have a look at what's under them.

However, there is no "OOB" screen like in SP.

Second, is there a way, short of ctrl-click, to "auto center" on a unit when using the + - keys to scroll through units?

If you hit the TAB key, you are "autocentered" on that unit. As long as you don't move the mouse enough to change your angle of view and break the autocentering, this autocentering remains in effect. Even if you change view modes or use the + and - keys to change units.

For example, you are in view mode 6 (short-medium range top-down view). You click on a unit and hit the TAB key. This centers your view down on top of that unit. Then when you hit the + and - keys, your view autocenters over the next units in sequence.

Third, I want to download new scenarios and models, but I am unsure what to do with them after I download them. I am most interested in how to safely install the new models without messing anything up.

No new models that I know of, but simply "skins" for the old ones and the terrain. Being .bmp files, I don't think they can contain viruses but in any case, I haven't found any in them yet. The only problem is that some models use the same texture as other models for certain parts of them, so you can get some strange-looking things if you mix texture mods up too much. However, most mods come with a text file outlining any such potential problems, so you can steer around them.

The scenarios are also virus-free so far.

Finally, how stable is the TCPIP gaming?

Very. No problems stemming from the game, just your connection. And even if you get disconnected in the middle of a game, you recover the game and keep going once you reconnect.



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WOW! Thank you ALL for your generous replies. This only makes me that much happier that I got the game. I can't remember the last time I posted as a new player and received so much helpful advice.

Thanks a million to you all and I look forward to corresponding with you again!


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First, is there a way to get an overview that shows troop disposition in something akin to a birds-eye view? I find myself getting very confused as the battle progresses because I cannot tell, especially on the larger maps, where my remaining troops are.

Hence the need for some sort of roster. We're still waiting on this one.

::Crosses arms and taps foot impatiently::


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To add a gain of salt, many have voice the need for Table of Organization and Equipment (TO&E) chart for CMBO just like Steel Panters and Panthers in the Shadow. It is useful to keep track of the resources and their status.

In the meantime, turn on the troop base, or enlarge your troops helps. Also, try to use "+" and "-" keys to scroll through the units you have on-board. If the scenario designer is kind enough, you can scroll them in order : "A" HQ first, "B" platoon and the rest of the foot soldiers, then "T" group of supporting elements and finally "V" group of AFVs.



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