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Why is it called "self-propelled artilery"?

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It may sound like a silly question, but what the heck.

What is the difference between artillery fired from a vehicle or that fired from a stationary position (like a cannon).

Does it have to do maybe with the actual propellant that makes the shell fly, or what?

Just wondering.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Murph:

It may sound like a silly question, but what the heck.

What is the difference between artillery fired from a vehicle or that fired from a stationary position (like a cannon).

Does it have to do maybe with the actual propellant that makes the shell fly, or what?

Just wondering.


SP guns can move around fast. Guns are stationary or pathetically slow


No bastard has ever won a war by dying for his country. They won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

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Self-propelled artillery is artillery that is self-propelled. I.E. it propels itself. By propelling itself it is able to move about the battlefield without being propelled by somthing else. So it is said to be self-propelled. Here are some everyday examples to further clarify: A car is self-propelled while a rock is not. A motorcycle is an example of somthing that is self-propelled. A bicycle is not self-propelled. A horse is, a dead horse is not. Although living cretures are self-propelled when we think of things that are self-propelled we usually think in terms of machines. To help you define what properties would be present in a self-propelled machine let me offer these helpful guidelines: To be self-propelled the machine must have a self-contained power source. Usually the machine will have wheels or tracks or wings. Finally, the machine must be able to move itself without any help. If it meets the above criteria it is most likely self-propelled. Anyhow, that is my definition of self-propelled artillery. I hope my explanation didn't go over your head. In the future you may be able to glean helpful hints about the meaning of a phrase by examining the words themselves. For instance, the phrase "automatic transmission" my give you trouble at first but if you read it carefully and think hard you may realize that it is actually two words that you probably already know the meaning of. I won't tell you what automatic transmission means because I think you can figure it out using the clues I have provided. If you have questions ask anyone with common sense.

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Add a gain of salt.

Artillery pieces used in WW2 had wheels but they did not have engines to move around by themselves. They need to be towed by horses, trucks, heavy movers, or half-tracks.

The same happened to PaK (or AT guns). First they were towed, then we have Tank Destroyers.

To improve the mobility of the artillery, the gun piece was mounted on trucks or even tracked vechicles. This is done so for various reasons, I can think of 2:

1. Artillery is needed to keep up the advncements of the troops as they move "faster" than before.

2. Counter-battery-battery (CBB), this is not modelled in CMBO but in other titles like World at War and Tiger on the Prowl/Panther in the Shadow. Once the shells are fired, it is necessary to relocate your artillery to avoid CBB. Ask the Iraqi how damaging CBB are as they lack SPA during the Gulf War.

Nazi German were one of the first to place SPA into actual combat use.



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

"Can't get enough Tank?"

[This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 01-19-2001).]

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Another example:

A "robotic tech" is a robot who has been programmed to behave like a technician. This may be deduced from the adjective "robotic" modifying the noun, "tech", though some might think that it is a technician who works on robots (which would be a "robot tech"). It is not easy to program these robots as they lack the surly but pedantic traits of the dour humans they replace.

Cybeq, you may want to stop by the Peng thread one of these days. You may have the Right Stuff, and even if you don't, the lads haven't fed in a while.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Subvet:

Cybeq, now you're just being cruel! mad.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I agree. That's perfectly legit question from someone that may not know anything about military hardware. We also don't know the age of the person asking. Good thing your parents didn't treat you the same way when you were trying to learn about the world Cybeq. I suppose you knew what a recoiless rifle was without any explanation or reading?? Come on, I mean it's just two simple words together. Anyone should be able to figure it out right?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StellarRat:

I agree. That's perfectly legit question from someone that may not know anything about military hardware. We also don't know the age of the person asking. Good thing your parents didn't treat you the same way when you were trying to learn about the world Cybeq. I suppose you knew what a recoiless rifle was without any explanation or reading?? Come on, I mean it's just two simple words together. Anyone should be able to figure it out right?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You're not serious are you?? Cybeq's parents used to throw him in a burlap sack and beat him with corn husks if he asked a stupid question. I knew, I used to live next door to him when I was growing up. Of course, compared to what my family did if we asked a stupid question, he was lucky. I had a brother once.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cybeq:

Blah - Blah - Blah - Some Zen inspired notion having to do with movement - Blah - Blah - Blah<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So then, my kind fellow, could you enlighten me as to the workings of perpetual motion and cold fusion? These two subjects have had me in a twist for some time now...

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I guess I'm not well known enough on this board. I would never intentionally try to be cruel. I was just trying to be funny. Albeit at someone's expense. We all know the only stupid question is the one not asked. I apologize for my remarks. They were certainly not meant to offend. So, in the future when you read a post from "Cybeq" you would be well advised to take it with a grain (or two) of salt for I'm not widely known as a serious chap.

And just so you know I am, indeed, robotic.

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To Cybeq's two grains of salt I would proposed the addition of one lime and one ounce of tequila. biggrin.gif

Dittos to StellarRat's comments: until I actually saw a recoilless rifle, I thought it was something a guy fired from his shoulder . . .

Remember that our little hobby here has its own arcane language just like any other specialization.

(but it was VERY funny, and Cybeq probably ought to be confined to the 'Pool from now on!)


"The Secret of the Empire was revealed: an emperor, it seemed, could be made outside of Rome"

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