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CM Not-So-Superbowl II

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Originally posted by Boru:

I am a "numb nut newbie." In fact, I am THE "numb nut newbie" as my recent autobiographical post clearly illustrates.

As evidence: Big Ron is currently kicking my newbie natal cheeks in Pbem.

I offer my credentials as an applicant who has seen more of his own men die from friendly fire than at enemy hands.

Hallmark has even named a new line of "Sympathy cards" after me. Count me in and you will surely soon be able to count me out.

LOL...oh my heavens

Beware of combat with those who exhibit incredibly detailed renditions of self-effrontery....it could be hazardous to your troops health.



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Sorry Cubes, any other entries will be bench players, incase of dropouts due to illness, personal problems, etc.. which will leave another player hanging without a score. frown.gif you lads will be the fillers if you don't mind.

right.. still doing technical stuff to hard to explain here but look for an update in the next days.


here what we got.. have fun drooling, laughing or crying.

Division (Nord)


Jadayne (douglas.kaufman@keysystem.com)

Ace (knoechel@interchange.ubc.ca)

Lt.Reaper (no email avaliable)

Philistine (a.philistine@verizon.net)

CupOHemlock (raven@staffnet.com)

Croda (creelmans@panetwork.com)


von shrad (stuka@jcn1.com)

Boru (boru@concentric.net)

Panzer Leader (jbarnes7@kc.rr.com)

Private Pike (private_pike_da@yahoo.co.uk)

mike8g (mike8@lycos.com)

Cubes (gbell1@bigpond.net.au)

Division (Süd)


von Lucke (blane2@flash.net)

mensch (gregory.mudry@mailcity.com)

scooleen (scooleen@steelservice.inc.com)

SuperSlug (bevans@home.com)

Big Ron (neil.mcdowell@btinternet.com)

Tiger (jshki@bellsouth.net)


stevetherat (therat@thelair.co.uk)

Terence (tnelan@greyinteractive.com)

Michael Dorosh (madorosh@home.com)

Wolfpack (SphaV@aol.com)

Ksak (ksak@adelphia.net)

Arien (arien@ladybugnet.net)

Reserve Division (Ost)

ECHO ost

Speedbump (jeffersonm_44060@yahoo.com)

THumpre (aewert@home.com)

Pacestick (pzima@bigpond.net.au)

Egbert (tbradley@2-penny.com)

Cleavis (ferret_706@yahoo.com)


<h3>*</h3>remember if there is enough people to make a new division before monday I'll put in a new division.


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-03-2001).]

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 03-04-2001).]

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Originally posted by Cubes:

Mind if i join 3rd string NSSB group


You have to have a aussie playing smile.gif


Hey Cubes you were moved up from "Reserve Division (Ost)" to full status in the "BRAVO Nord"

congrads, Ted had other things he had to take care of.. his time is streched at the momment (I'll put ted on a reserve status, just incase)

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Originally posted by mensch:


stevetherat (therat@thelair.co.uk)

Terence (tnelan@greyinteractive.com)

Michael Dorosh (madorosh@home.com)

Wolfpack (SphaV@aol.com)

Ksak (ksak@adelphia.net)

George** (arien@ladybugnet.net)

Well Mr. Dorosh, looks like we'll be facing off before any action in the campaign going on...now you'll get to see exactly how badly led the Germans really are. =)


Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.

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Originally posted by Wolfpack:

Well Mr. Dorosh, looks like we'll be facing off before any action in the campaign going on...now you'll get to see exactly how badly led the Germans really are. =)

It will be good practice. And my grandfather was Mr. Dorosh, I wish you guys would just call me Mike already!

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Point taken.. and mothballs going back in the closet.. =) (wie peinlich)

Lt.Reaper you have been upped from Reserve Division (Ost) to active duty in Division (Nord) ALPHA Nord, I'll be needing an email addy from you.

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Originally posted by Jadayne:

could I have Boru in my group so I won't have to spend any points on artillery? wink.gif

My dear Jadayne,

I'll have you know that ALL of my artillery spotters have just spent a glorious week of training in Washington DC, USA, being drilled with unceasing vigor in the art of actually getting your target.

It does worry me that all the instructors were from the Republican committee to impeach Bill Clinton. And it also seems a bit odd that their new enemy seeking weapons come equipped with Self Addressed and Pre-stamped return envelopes. But nonetheless, they have come back with lots of vim, vigor, enthusiasm and excitement.

Bring Jadayne on! Hear the new battlecry of Boru's Batteries - "When you see the whites of their eyes.... THEN call for artillery!"

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Originally posted by Speedbump:

Still in the reserves, but have a quick question. I haven't seen rules, but how do you play with divisions of 6?


thats easy.. wait for da rules =D they be comming out on Sunday midday (my sunday midday) heh..

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If it is possible, add me if the third division grows large enough.

I have these new parachutes I'd like to try out. The manufacturer guarantees them to open on impact. My veterans love the concept because it is a real stress reliever (one of the paratroopers told me their greatest fear is that their 'chutes won't open). What they don't have to know is how much money we saved over the last model.




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