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Map Issues

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A problem of CM is IMO : the maps are to small, especially for realitic tank battles. Even the biggest maps are not really big enough. Part of the problem is IIRC : the bigger the map, the more polygones and textures must be processed, and big maps with lots of units are already tough for older PCs in CMBO.

Maybe it would be a good idea to add a 2D map view with simple 2d icons for the units? The view mods '7' and especially '8' are anyway absolutly senseless, it's just not even possible to use them for a general overview, cause you can't distuingish or even see your own and the enemy units. 2d maps can be real big, I guess it's no problem for everything above a Pentium I, and it helps to take an overview and move units over larger distances.

In the 3d mapview, the real viewrange is used - the rest of the map disappears in 'fog' - so the visible 3d area is 'naturaly' limited, and the older computer can work with it. Instead of the static viewrange we have now, the player can better esimate the general viewrange of the map. And this could also allow more realistic weathereffects - the viewrange don't have to be static for the scenario - intensity of rain/snow/fog or the daylight influence the viewrange and can change, even within the timerange of a CM battle.

BTW, cities must be much bigger.

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I don't think that will do any good. If a human has a lot of units to command, he simply will not do it. I tried myself to play Clash of Eagles but I just couldn't do it. Instead I made myself a map 4 days ago with very small forces (2x Stuart, 2x Greyhound, 2x Halftarck, 1x Sherman + infantry vs. 2x Lynx, 1x Puma, 2x Halftrack, 1x Flame Halftrack + 2x Panzershreck, 1x 50mm AT gun + infantry) in a small city. That map me and my brother still play this map and we do not get bored.

The whole experience is based on the 3d close combat so adding a 2d element IMO will not do any good.

Fell free to say that I'm wrong.

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If you want to use the 7 and 8 views, turn on unit bases. You can't distinguish much detail, but you can get a good idea of the general pattern of advance. This is especially important for maps that aren't fought in a streight battle line. If you are defending against an attack originating from two different corners of the map, you'd better have a good overall plan, or you're likely to leave a hole in your lines.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:


The feature to reduce the visible area of a map to save resources already exists, it's called "Horizon range" and you can define it in 500m increments...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

...yes, and it looks like bull****, because it simply cut the map.

BTW, don't missunderstand me - I run CM on a 1000MHz machine with a 64mb Geforce2 GTS and 512 MB RAM. I don't have a problem. But not everyone has my PC power. The viewrange issue should be an additional feature.

[ 10-17-2001: Message edited by: Scipio ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kingfish:

I've seen a few maps that cover an area several kilometers long. How big a map do you need?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think he is refering to the "standard" smal medium and large auto generated QB maps, even the largest of which does not give tanks much range to manouver for long range shots as the combat usually begins early in the scenario sometimes (often times) with combatents with LOS to each other from the first turn.

I think this is an issue and sincerely hope the QB maps in CMBB will be longer and wider.

-tom w

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I don't really see the problem here. Franko's August Bank Holiday has plenty of long range action if the Allied player allows it. A decent very large map can be made in just a couple hours. Forget QBs. Purchase in the editor. Fight better battles on nicer maps. It's worth the extra effort. Just my opinion.

Treeburst155 out.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Treeburst155:

I don't really see the problem here. Franko's August Bank Holiday has plenty of long range action if the Allied player allows it. A decent very large map can be made in just a couple hours. Forget QBs. Purchase in the editor. Fight better battles on nicer maps. It's worth the extra effort. Just my opinion.

Treeburst155 out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sure, but you need always someone to do the purchase secretly (I play only PBEM). Maybe it would be if pregenerated maps can be used for QBs? I guess that's only a simple technical problem.

And yes, I want bigger maps then 4 x 1.2 km. This is not big enough for a tank battle

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