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Priest. Nothing personal just a question.

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I have been following your attack on the Peng thread for several topics now. May I just ask why you hate us so much?

As I recall I invited you to the thread after our game together. I told you that there were some really good players there and that they were also fair in thier dealings. No gamey tactics, historical setups, even going so far as creating maps for each other on the spur of the moment.

I also remember telling you that there was a lot of hazing. Yes we defile and ridicule each other, but we also know that none of it is personal.

As I recalled you showed up, slung some bile and were even accepted.

Hell you were even taken as a squire by Meeks, and atarted recieving games.

Your record is still posted on our squires page. So obviously we are as open as we say. We accept all in due time, but sort of like a frat there is a bit of hazing that goes on for the new guys.

So while I can understand you playing a game and deciding that the taunting was just not your thing and leaving. I don't understand your decided to ridicule and post hatefull things about us and try and make them personal.

I would have sent this via e-mail but I do not have access right now. If you would like to reply in private a link to my address is in my sig.

I really do not get upset at things on the forum (hell I don't get upset at crap at work). But I do find it puzzling and was wondering if it was something I have done or find out what was done that was so bad.


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No need to make this private. It is not an all out attack and I did enjoy our game and I have played a few of the players in the PENG thread and I agree that there are quite a few really good players. I also believe that all or most of the PENG folks really care about BTS and CM (in all of its flavors future and present). That being said there are also a few that grated on my nerves so I left. No flurries of emails or posts. I just silently left. I still browsed the forum and occasionally posted but for the most part was content with other CM duties i was asked to perform outside of the forum. I joined another forum recently (on a totally different subject not related even to reality much less a historical simulation) and it is horrible. I mean really really horrible. So for some sanity and discussion i opted back for some time in the BTS Forum but alas many bad things had been set afoot. Still not nearly as bad as the other forum but still when you expect to get greatness and all you get is above average it is frustrating. Also I am an ardent Tiger supporter so to some extent I am biased. More importantly though I hate to see someone of worth (we can all agree on that) leave the forum. I am sure it was a misunderstanding and I wish it could have been solved with a virtual handshake. As for the attack on the PENG thread it unwarranted on my part as I just perused it some and must admit there are some pretty good chaps and "chapettes" (how is Kitty these days?) in the thread. So I humbly apologize because (pardon the pun) I practice what I preach. My point should have been directed at the individuals that I meant to use as example and not the thread as a whole. Of course that would have caused more problem than it would be worth but I digress. Regardless you had nothing to do with it and both you and Meeks were and are excellent opponents and I would hope to receive a game from either or both of you (IIRC I still owe you a beating in retribution for the one you gave me!). Maybe I will even stop in on the PENG thread sometime. Anyways once again I apologize for anybody I slighted in my comments about the PENG thread. No that that is settled how are you doing LORAK? (ANSWER QUICKLY MATT IS BOUND TO LOCK THIS ONE UP NOW THAT WE ARE OFF TOPIC)

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I am doing fine Priest. Glad to see you back and moving about the forum. I am just sad that you showed up as things were getting heated.

I think the biggest problem now is that most topics have been discussed to death and people are a little bored. Bored people usually have to much time on their hands to read into things parts that may not even be there. Hopefully things will calm back down and return to normal. I think thats why a lot of us pengers vary rarely venture into the main forum anymore. Most of us have been here long enough to have heard the official answer on most topics and are tired of re hashing the same old things.

As for us playing a game.... perhaps.

Hopefully you signed on for a full tour of the CMMC and I'll have a chance to smash you where it really matters ;)

baring that, when I have some room I might just take you up on the offer reguardless. smile.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Priest:

No need to make this private. It is not an all out attack and I did enjoy our game and I have played a few of the players in the PENG thread and I agree that there are quite a few really good players. I also believe that all or most of the PENG folks really care about BTS and CM (in all of its flavors future and present). That being said there are also a few that grated on my nerves so I left. No flurries of emails or posts. I just silently left. I still browsed the forum and occasionally posted but for the most part was content with other CM duties i was asked to perform outside of the forum. I joined another forum recently (on a totally different subject not related even to reality much less a historical simulation) and it is horrible. I mean really really horrible. So for some sanity and discussion i opted back for some time in the BTS Forum but alas many bad things had been set afoot. Still not nearly as bad as the other forum but still when you expect to get greatness and all you get is above average it is frustrating. Also I am an ardent Tiger supporter so to some extent I am biased. More importantly though I hate to see someone of worth (we can all agree on that) leave the forum. I am sure it was a misunderstanding and I wish it could have been solved with a virtual handshake. As for the attack on the PENG thread it unwarranted on my part as I just perused it some and must admit there are some pretty good chaps and "chapettes" (how is Kitty these days?) in the thread. So I humbly apologize because (pardon the pun) I practice what I preach. My point should have been directed at the individuals that I meant to use as example and not the thread as a whole. Of course that would have caused more problem than it would be worth but I digress. Regardless you had nothing to do with it and both you and Meeks were and are excellent opponents and I would hope to receive a game from either or both of you (IIRC I still owe you a beating in retribution for the one you gave me!). Maybe I will even stop in on the PENG thread sometime. Anyways once again I apologize for anybody I slighted in my comments about the PENG thread. No that that is settled how are you doing LORAK? (ANSWER QUICKLY MATT IS BOUND TO LOCK THIS ONE UP NOW THAT WE ARE OFF TOPIC)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is a very fair, and gentlemanly reply, and saved me from posting...well, not an attack on you, but certainly a demand for a stiff accounting.

Thanks to Lorak, a straight-up and gentlemanly player, for broaching this in a friendly way.

That said, Priest, and taking in to account what you've said in this thread, which is to your credit, I think it only fair to point out to you that if you have issues with individuals, then make them with those individuals.

I will not accuse you of such, but the way of cowards and instigators is to choose a group of 'others', and make them the target for all that is wrong with how they want the world to be. So your original choice of attacking the Peng Challenge Thread, and everyone who posts there, rather than taking up your issues with the individuals that you had issues with...well, think how that appears, both to those who post there, and those who don't, not to mention those who don't even know what it's all about.

So, a contributing and respected member of this community went into a huff over remarks addressed to him about an oft-discussed and decidedly hot-button issue, and you pick out some names of people who'd psoted, and then attacked an entire group of people.

That is not the action of a gentleman, and the Peng Challenge Thread accepted you in as a gentleman.

The posts of the people there are meant in a humourous vein, and we work to keep it humourous. Sometimes, it can be a lot of work. There will always be fools and arseholes who can't make the leap, but I'm here to tell you that I have been there from the beginning, and the vast majority of the posters, both as opponents, and as people, are gentlemen and ladies.

Some, of course, in their own special way.

But almost none of them had any responsibility for your little tin god jumping to his feet and complaining because they weren't being licked in the way he was accustomed to.

Address your remarks to actual people in the future, and refrain from designating groups of 'enemies'. You'll do yourself and the community more service.

I apoligize if this has come off as rather angry, but you never once considered how many people you were defaming when you posted not one, but several posts.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

The vast majority of the posters, are gentlemen and ladies.


Like me, I am an absolute gentleman. If I were any gentler, I'd be a lady.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

So your original choice of attacking the Peng Challenge Thread, and everyone who posts there, rather than taking up your issues with the individuals that you had issues with...well, think how that appears, both to those who post there, and those who don't, not to mention those who don't even know what it's all about.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh come of it Snootypie. Not that I have the time to read the tripe you peddle (or is that piddle?), as I never had, because it is little better than watching a re-run of a particularly bad episode of 3rd Rock, but either of us knows that anyone who ever even looked into the Peng Thread is not worth bothering with, and let me not even start on the regular posters there, present or past. As I full well know they are best kept in a cage, fed decaying bananas (that's how we deal with Peter anyway) and should be poked with pointed sticks at random intervals, although attacking them with an over-ripe Mango would probably go too far. So just monkey back to the cage, and chew on the bars, or somefink.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

Oh come of it Snootypie. Not that I have the time to read the tripe you peddle (or is that piddle?), as I never had, because it is little better than watching a re-run of a particularly bad episode of 3rd Rock, but either of us knows that anyone who ever even looked into the Peng Thread is not worth bothering with, and let me not even start on the regular posters there, present or past. As I full well know they are best kept in a cage, fed decaying bananas (that's how we deal with Peter anyway) and should be poked with pointed sticks at random intervals, although attacking them with an over-ripe Mango would probably go too far. So just monkey back to the cage, and chew on the bars, or somefink.


Good Gods! Andreas? We thought you were dead!

What about my last turn, you pillock? Did you think I wouldn't keep the game file?

And the Peng Challenge Threads are the ultimate repository for all that is best and most worthy about the Combat Mission Forums, you Germanic deportee.

We, at least, choose to belittle each other personally, like gentlemen, and actually spend a bit of time over it.

And, while others might denigrate us, and others yet might dismiss us, yet we will actually read what you have to say about us, and object to the death what you've said about us.

As far as I can tell, those who dismiss the Peng Challenge Thread have never accorded us the same right.

[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Damn created a leakage!!!! ;)

Sorry Maddmatt and crew smile.gif

On a serious not Seanachia I did apologize to the whole PENG thread (including the non-mentioned annoyances) twice.

OH WELL! Start the B-52's LOVESHACK and wait for Matthew I suppose.

[ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]

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Originally posted by Priest:

Something about a dreary place in France


When did I say that?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Priest:



Originally posted by Priest:

Something about a dreary place in France


When did I say that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Shush! Anything you can or may say will be held against you. The helicopters are on their way now. If you co-operate, you won't be hurt too badly, maybe. Please stay where you are.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Sorry Andreas, the helicopters broke down, so we are sending a farm lorry. Wont arrive for 16 hours because we have to paint it black first.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'll ask Priest to stick around and wait. Being a model citizen, he won't mind.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Good Gods! Andreas? We thought you were dead!

What about my last turn, you pillock? Did you think I wouldn't keep the game file?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Pillock, Schmillock. I may be back, but I am still on a pay-per-minute 31.2k connection, meaning that any game with more than 1,000points total is a non-starter. Off to France for a week anyway, so there.

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Me a model citizen (pumping up air Nike's)? Look GermanBoy it is Madonna (GermanBoy turns head)

<Priest has left>

<Thoughts as Priest is running>

"I would have stayed if the cool copters where coming but who wants to ride in a lorry?"

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My doctor said I should get out more see the world. get away from that Cesspool.. so here I am I have my wallet (no money) my car keys (I don't own a car but I liked the red one from that guy over there so I took his keys) my medicine (which came from Seanachomons locker) and a new pair of fresh underwear.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

My doctor said I should get out more see the world. get away from that Cesspool.. so here I am I have my wallet (no money) my car keys (I don't own a car but I liked the red one from that guy over there so I took his keys) my medicine (which came from Seanachomons locker) and a new pair of fresh underwear.


Corporal Hicks: "Ferro, copy this. I say we take off and nuke the whole site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.."



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Wont arrive for 16 hours because we have to paint it black first.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thats what you get for painting the lorry in enamel.

Next time try acrylic, it'll dry faster.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Priest:

Me a model citizen (pumping up air Nike's)? Look GermanBoy it is Madonna (GermanBoy turns head)

<Priest has left>

<Thoughts as Priest is running>

"I would have stayed if the cool copters where coming but who wants to ride in a lorry?"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

We'll take Madonna for a ride then.


Mr. Orange

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Thats what you get for painting the lorry in enamel.

Next time try acrylic, it'll dry faster.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is a government job. We are doinng it in spray paint speced to the lowest bidder.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

This is a government job. We are doinng it in spray paint speced to the lowest bidder.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Don't forget to bring the tape with the menacing chopper soundtrack. I doubt the old Kenwood car stereo will hack it, but needs be, I am afraid.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

I say we take off and nuke the whole site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

"I say we bug out and call it even man."

"Stop your grinnin and drop your linen, I´ve found em."

Bill Paxton, the actor who died in (almost) all his movies, at least the first ten. Wotta guy.

andreas. You can be Mr Orange and I'll be Mr Pink.

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