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For fun only: What's CM and CM2 worth?

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Let's see some creativity here! C'mon, I need laughs! Entertain me!

What's CM (and upcoming CM2) really worth to you?

Consider "worth" in whatever terms you want--multiple concepts encouraged.

For example:

*Bill Gates wants your copy of CM, and you can't get another one if you give it up. What would you take for it?

*Your howler monkey ate your copy, and there's one left in the whole world. What would you give?

*We've experienced nuclear holocaust and money no longer has any value. You're holed up in your basement with a lifetime's supply of potted meat, and there's one copy of CM2 available on ebay. What would you barter for it?

*Satan is willing to deal for your copy....he wants your mom's soul. And your girlfriend. Do you do it?

No, I an not in the employ of BTS's marketing department.

Yes, I do believe this is relevant and appropriate CM forum material.

Cranky-pantses, please ignore.

Ready? Go!

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Ok..I'll take a crack at this:

Mark Messier shows up at my front door. Tells me he will show me everything I will ever need to become a NHL star. He says that all it involves is chanting, burning of herbs(!), and pinching this area on the bottom of your left foot just right and WHAMMO..you're an all-star and you can start bitch slapping Jagr around (like you've always wanted to...cmon..admit it).

All of this, he reports, for the low low cost of handing over your copy of CM.

Do I do this?

No...'cause Messier's a pansy. And all of his chanting and herb burning(!) was probably a ploy to make me a Rangers fan. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww.

[ 05-12-2001: Message edited by: vcents ]

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What..lost my cred?!? Man..I got proof Messier is a girl in breezers.

Did you ever see that potato chip commercial, the one where the guy lays out Messier like the girl he is? Now, I realize that it was only a commercial..but come on..does Scott Steven's even allow himself to be filmed in a commercial like that?

Actually, now that I think about it, I guess I was wrong. Messier's actually a huge pansy.

[ 05-12-2001: Message edited by: vcents ]

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No way Bill gates will get my copy. And I really hope he doesn't get one of those misguided mailings from BTS ;)

On the other hand, maybe then he doesn't have time to develop interesting strategies in the software^H^H^H business field anymore.

Assuming that ebay survives a nuclear war makes me frighten. I wouldn't have a problem to give a year of food, CM eats a year of my life anyway.

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If the Gestapo came abustin' in, all abrupt-like and whatnot demanding that I either:

A. Turn over my copy of CM forthwith,


B. Massage my glans with a turpentine drenched wood rasp... vigorously.

I would, uhmmm, well, I'd think twice before I handed CM over. But come on man. For the love of God. A wood rasp.

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ok ok

If Monica Lewinsky (felatio artiste of the First Order) burst into my bedroom and offered me the hummer of my life for my CMBO disc, I would tell her to nuff off.

How's that?

Not good enough you say?

Ok...Alright...If Laetitia Casta AND Heidi (Boom Boom) Klum did a slow striptease while disassembling and cleaning my Ak-47 for me...would I give them my CMBO disk? Nooooo sir.

If they pointed the rifle at me? Well....seeing as how they might hurt themselves because supermodels don't know from assault rifles...I'd think about it.

[ 05-12-2001: Message edited by: harpooner ]

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Here's one for you fanatics:

You are thrown in jail (for sexually harrasing farm animals, no doubt!) and meet the friendly convicts.

Thankfully, before being thrown into the cell you managed to grab your CM disk, knowing that prisons now-a-days have free access to Cable Television, a Gym, and a P4 1.5Ghz computers.

The convicts, having been bored of watching Sopranos and pubmping up their biceps to the size of canned Hams, want alternative entertainment.

You can either give them your CM disk (and you can't order a new one, mind) or "entertain" those prisoners in *ahem*, uh, another way. There's big Bubba already opening his zipper, in case you choose the later.

What do you do? What DO you do?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar:

There's big Bubba already opening his zipper, in case you choose the later.

What do you do? What DO you do?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Please take my CM, NO you can't have both....

NNOOOOOO, that HURTS damn it, its not ment to go there you dumb convict. :eek:

Moral is, never trust a convict. ;)

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Now we're talkin'!

From Harpooner: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ok...Alright...If Laetitia Casta AND Heidi (Boom Boom) Klum did a slow striptease while disassembling and cleaning my Ak-47 for me...would I give them my CMBO disk? Nooooo sir.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Interesting. The "Supermodel vs. CM" situation. Hmmm....

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If they pointed the rifle at me? Well....seeing as how they might hurt themselves because supermodels don't know from assault rifles...I'd think about it. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

For fear of THEIR safety?! I'm shocked. Your Cm disk in order to protect THEM? I'm not sure there's any use for chivalry here. Well, hey, I'm not here to judge dedication to CM, only the use of warped imaginations.

Nice use of the old "jail" scenario by The Commissar:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You can either give them your CM disk... *snip* There's big Bubba already opening his zipper, in case you choose the later. What do you do? What DO you do?


The jail scenario is a classic, and never a bad choice, though you lose a bit for originality.

More! More!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar:

Here's one for you fanatics:

You are thrown in jail (for sexually harrasing farm animals, no doubt!) and meet the friendly convicts.

The convicts, having been bored of watching Sopranos and pubmping up their biceps to the size of canned Hams, want alternative entertainment.

There's big Bubba already opening his zipper, in case you choose the later.


It's easy to see the writing on the wall...

... now where's Bruno, trying to pawn off his lawnmower??

Hi Mom.


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