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This Peng's not Challenged, He's Bleeding Demised!

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This Peng Challenge is no more. It has ceased to be. It's expired and gone to meet it's maker. This is a late Peng Challenge. It's a stiff. Bereft of life, it rests in peace. If Madmatt hadn't sanctioned this thread, it would be pushing up the daisies. It's rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This is an ex-Peng Challenge!

Now that that's over and done with, the Rules (IVth Edition):

There is but one rule) Sound off like you got a pair.

Everything else is commentary, but no doubt some smartass will post them anyway.

I hereby declare this Peng Challenge Thread open.

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<big>Now</big> you've put me off onto a theme. Bastards!

I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK

I sleep all night and I work all day

He's a lumberjack and he's OK

He sleeps all night and he works all day

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lavat'ry

On Wednesdays I go shopping

And have buttered scones for tea

He cuts down trees...

He's a lumberjack...

I cut down trees, I skip and jump

I love to press wild flow'rs

I put on women's clothing

And hang around in bars

He cuts down trees...

He's a lumberjack...

I cut down trees, I wear high heels

Suspendies and a bra

I wish I'd been a girlie

Just like my dear papa

He cuts down trees...

He's a lumberjack...

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Ha! Herr Oberst, you made your little dash, and it was puffed away like a dandelion head in the breeze!

Actually, it was a bloody good Thread title, but because of your anarchism and generally dubious, if not totally hypothetical, intelligence, it never bore fruit!

I despair of you, truly I do.

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Herr Oberst: Hello, I wish to register a complaint.

Hakku Ichiu: Ah, sorry... we're closing for lunch.

Herr Oberst: Never mind that, my lad! I wish to make a complaint for this thread, what I opened not five minutes ago from this very forum.

Hakku Ichiu: Oh yes, the Peng Thread... What's wrong with it?

Herr Oberst: I'll tell you what's wrong with it, my lad. It's dead, that's what's wrong with it.

Hakku Ichiu: No, no, it's...it's been approved by Madmatt, look!

Herr Oberst: Look, my lad, I know a dead thread when I see one, and I'm looking at one right know.

Hakku Ichiu: No, that's not dead, it's, ehm, resting.

Herr Oberst: Resting?

Hakku Ichiu: Yeah, resting. Remarkable thread, the Peng Challenge, ain't it? Wonderful thread. Just when some think it is dead, or others declare it to be dead, it springs back to life. IDIC you know...

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Anyone wanna bet sir Joe Shaw is spastically, hurriedly, trying to post a comprehensive set of legalesed rules to this page? What a maroon…

{edited to bold Joe Shaw's name (as if it's worth it)}

[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Everything else is commentary, but no doubt some smartass will post them anyway.<hr></blockquote> Damnit Hakko Ichiu, that negligence on your part will come back to haunt you ... and I'll be here to say I TOLD YOU SO!

Mind I did like the title, makes me pine for the fjords it does.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ha! Herr Oberst, you made your little dash, and it was puffed away like a dandelion head in the breeze!

Actually, it was a bloody good Thread title, but because of your anarchism and generally dubious, if not totally hypothetical, intelligence, it never bore fruit!

I despair of you, truly I do.<hr></blockquote>

T'was never intended to be the real Peng thread title you know, though the Angel of Darkness (no, not Berli) commended it, and I quote:

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Madmatt:

Great title, but too late, keep this one for next time.<hr></blockquote>

I would not waste such a wonderful title on the likes of the Cesspool denizens. It was simply an intellectual broadside. I threw it out just to show you what a little bit of insouciance can do.

You loathsome, verbose, intellectual poseur, that title for the MBT was spawned from my own sig, which in turn was poached from a truly wonderful source... Star Trek.

Oh yeah, and I got all my appreciation of classical music from watching Bugs Bunny cartoons. That Barber of Seville routine with Elmer Fudd was a riot.

[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Herr Oberst: Hello, I wish to register a complaint.


I'm sorry, this is ABUSE, you pencil-necked, illiterate baboon.

If you want to make a complaint (or silly little self-satisfying noises), then you need to bend over and prostrate thyself before Sir bauhaus.

{edited to add the 's' to noise, as I know that Herr Oberst cannot limit himself to just one.}

[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

You loathsome poseur, that title for the MBT was spawned from my own sig, which in turn was poached from a truly wonderful source... Star Trek.



And I suppose the whole "He tasks me, he tasks me..." soliloquy was just another bit of extempore Khan prose, as well?!

You loathsome boil on the buttocks of humanity. If I was anywhere near where you live, I'd drive over to your house right now and beat you to death with a goddamn Malibu Barbie. Which I would acquire by shoplifting in the name of Justice.

Rather like what you pay aging cafeteria ladies to do to you on weekends, but much more terminal.

[ 11-28-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]</p>

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Who is this wag Oberst? And why is the MBT suddenly RIFE with his droppings?

And what's up with YOU Mrspkr? This clown sent me an email today, no subject, just "Have you played such-and such?" What a cad! How the hell am I supposed to know who Stephen Hines is anyway? I thought you were some FREAK or something until I happened to notice some other crap with your name on it -- I think it was one of those local Saturday papers that lists all the people drunk in public, picking up whoo-oors and stuff:

"Stephen 'Mrspkr' Himes Caught Pants-Down behind LBJ Statue"

Was that some kind of crap-ass (my word of the day, BTW) challenge? Pshaw! Come in here like a man you git and sound out like ya got a pair. Man I wonder about you sometimes.

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Tha dank, glistenin' bluestone o' the gloomy cistern, tha steady drip an' trickle o' tha putrid effluent seepin' aintae tha MBT, tha regular gaggle o' droolin', cock-eyed floaters moochin' aboot - *sniiifff* - smaills lak haim tae mae laddie!

Noo, speakin' o' tha bobbin' wee floaters aboot tha place - StukaNukaPukaPants! Where's mah feckin' turrn ye pinky curlin' gimp? Mensch, ye interrupted crrrap! Cud ye noo manage more an' a turrrn a week? Ah didnae care af'n ye are gettin' ye sorry arrrse smacked aboot lak a runny nosed schoolboy! Ante oop ye closet poot sniffer! Dalem Get ye priorities straight Jimmy an' send a stankin' turrrn noo and again! Speedy, Ah'm lookn at yoo mon!

Meeks!!! ye cold bowl o' toe jam stew! Ye owe mae a turrrn fraim last December!!!!

Thas as wha' happens whain Ah win conclusively an' consecutively! Ye backslidin' cracks on a weasels nipple!


Saind a feckin' turrrn!!!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Who is this wag Oberst? And why is the MBT suddenly RIFE with his droppings?


You, Mr. Johnny-Come-Lately, are beneath contempt. Do my eyes deceive me, or is that pitiful member number in the four thousands!!

You are a virtual Pooh-bear hugger when compared to those of us who have been here since near the beginning...

You may have heard of us...

  • Those of the One True Faith.
  • Those who pre-ordered from BigTime Software based on a Manifesto, a Forum (no, not that kind), and an Alpha AAR.
  • Those who can proudly say that we were Refresh Monkeys who plucked the first Demo from the site before BTS's hard drive slowed after writing the file.
  • Those who have a fine black and white Panther drawing framed above our monitors, just to remind ourselves to sneer at you newbies with every chance we get.

THAT is who I am.

You, however, are an insignificant pimple on a flea on a hair on a wart on a frog on a bump on a log in a hole in the bottom of the sea.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>You, Mr. Johnny-Come-Lately, are beneath contempt. Do my eyes deceive me, or is that pitiful member number in the four thousands!!<hr></blockquote> Yes Herr Oberst these ... children ... with their member numbers above 300 are pretty pathetic, in fact anyone with a member number above 280 is just a wimp, hell any number bigger than 260 is the mark of a real loser if you ask me.


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Listen Herr I love Cycling lastly, I know that frog song, and you sir, are NO frog-song singer.

Firstly, if you think I can be intimidated by your puny member number, even if it IS one of the most excellent sdkfz's ever made, then you are a sad sad git. I do not measure myself by how LONG I pined away on this cerulean field. Nor do I measure myself by the GREAT length of my own member status, which happens to be WAY longer than yours, as I'm sure you've been told by far prettier (well, probably not pretty, but at least fairer) people than myself.

No sir, I measure myself simply by how many miles I'd walk for a camel, and let me tell you, I'd WALK for not, not [sneer]cycle[/sneer]

Now, off with you. Go hang out on the GICombat forum, where you can still score a SINGLE DIGIT member! Oooooh.

[ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

Tae mae, ye vacuous gits!!


Er...this almost strikes at a visceral level, and I'm not even completely clear on why I think this, but I believe we're supposed to rally on OGSF, and then strike out with a right good will at anyone who approaches him, while preserving our banner from being sullied, even if it requires our own death.

At least, and I'm still pondering the origins of the feeling, that's how this post strikes me.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

To me, fellow imbeciles!!


Damnation, so that's who he is!!!

I drove past this OGSF character just the other day, as he was standing on the street corner.

He was wearing a funny little skirt if I remember correctly (yes I could have been more succinct with IIRC, but it would have gone over the heads of more than half the Cesspoolers).

Oh, and he had this live cat slung under his arm, and he was squeezing the poor animal so hard that it wailed with a sound so horrible I had to close my windows and turn up the Techno CD I was listening to.

Last I saw, the National Park Police were chasing him across the Reflecting Pool down in front of the Lincoln Memorial...

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

At least, and I'm still pondering the origins of the feeling, that's how this post strikes me.<hr></blockquote>

Thain at didnae strrrike ye harrd enuff, noo dad at?

Mah feckin' span'l returrns turrrns faster than yoo snot encrusted skink giblets!! An' tha ainly wun she kin beat as Leeo!!

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