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Some comments about QB point changes

Guest Big Time Software

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Guest Big Time Software

Simon wrote:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>They just arrogantly ignore what I have to say, poo pooing my opinions in the most heartless fashion. Don't they realise I'm right?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh boy, I saw this one coming smile.gif As I have told you in countless emails Simon, you are an Australian. As such, how can I take you seriously? I mean... gosh, look at all those funny animals you have around. And don't even get me started on how you talk. Oh, KwazyDog, I am only talking about those OTHER Australians. You're OK in my book smile.gif

Jeff, just one more point which I hope at least others will think about:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As far as the game itself, I think it is outstanding. It is far from perfect, and has some problems, but at that it is still the best tactical wargame to come down the line in a very long time.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Do you think it is possible for us to only listen to a select group of "bootlickers" and come up with such a game? I mean, if that were true we could ban about 98% of the people on this BBS and still have just as good of a game, since we only listen to 2% of the people here anyway. Hell, we could actually shut down the BBS 100% since these bootlickers only tell us what we want to hear, and therefore have nothing constructive or critical to add to the game's development. Man, what am I doning wasting my time here?

Or... there is another possibility...

We listen to anybody that presents a good case. We might not agree with it, or might not be able to do anything about it (now or in the near future, if ever), but we do listen. And we take the time to engage people in debate and discussion. When we agree, great. When we disagree, that is fine too. Provided that it is done respectfully and without the expectation that the customer is always right.

It can't be both of these things. So if it is the latter, and not the former, then much of what you have ripped into me about doesn't really stand up, does it? And if the former IS the case, and you can back that up, I'll shut down this BBS and we can all be happy knowing that nobody is wasting their time discussing things here. Obviously since I feel the opinions of people here are valuable, I will disagree with you if you try to build a case that we don't care. Ironic, isn't it biggrin.gif

Oddly enough, if we don't listen to criticism, and yet still have "the best tactical wargame to come down the line in a very long time", Charles and I must be pretty damned smart to have done this all on our own. Hell, I would even go so far as brilliant! Either that or we are pretty smart and use constructive criticism and ideas to make the game that much better. Again, if you believe your own accusations Jeff, you are in no small way making me out to be a lot smarter than I think of myself as being. So thanks for the round about compliment, I guess.


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 01-22-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

Oh yeah, and was that before or after your "Cultural Imperatives of Basket Weaving 101" lecture. I suggest finding a group of like minded individuals to test your hypothesis, 10 should be sufficient for a pilot study. However, you may have trouble finding a "normal" control group by the sound of it.


Oh yeah, this from the medical community whose motto is "when your results show dick, swicth to nonparametics."

Anyway, the world is still waiting for the results of your colonics study Simon. You play way to much CM I guess, and only stare at a few backsides. smile.gif

(What what, is this the cesspool escaping in some strange fashion?)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

Man... no personal attack here... but this takes the cake. If we make the game more realistic, but it happens to detract from the German über tank desires, then it is bad. If we fix it so the Jumbo's turret is weaker, Tungsten is FAR less effective, and the Tiger mantlet is thicker... this is all good. But don't ever make any realistic change that does not favor the Allies.

Jeff... you reading this? Perfect example for you to note.


The cult of the "Uber Panzer" is alive and well, no doubt about it.

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Guest KwazyDog

"Oh boy, I saw this one coming As I have told you in countless emails Simon, you are an Australian. As such, how can I take you seriously? I mean... gosh, look at all those funny animals you have around. And don't even get me started on how you talk. Oh, KwazyDog, I am only talking about those OTHER Australians. You're OK in my book "

Hehehe, you just want that T-34 Ive been making all morning Steve wink.gif

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Anyone else think Steve and Slapdragon are one in the same, posting under an alias? biggrin.gif

The only complaint I have is against the most gamey Allied uber-tank of all: the little Greyhound. This thing regularly takes out Panthers, Tigers, et. al.; sometimes with front turrent shots no less! Someone check the code dammit! smile.gif


ps~ isn't Austrailia a province of Canada???

I couldn't resist: biggrin.gifwink.gif


[This message has been edited by Tiger (edited 01-23-2001).]

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Talk about beating a dead horse! This horse is about a skeleton now. Can't we move on to something more important than the QB point balance? I think it's just fine the way it is. I win with the Germans all the time, sometimes even when I give the Allies +200% points. Until I see a detailed unbiased statistical study that proves German have some "disadvantage" I fine with the current system.

[This message has been edited by StellarRat (edited 01-22-2001).]

[This message has been edited by StellarRat (edited 01-22-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panther131:

Also, as slapdragin mentions, there are a few people asking BTS to prove the change. I am not part of this. I was simply asking for the actual discussions prior to the change, as BTS had mentioned taken place. Nothing wrong with this.

In prior posts (Dont know if you have read them Dan E.) but I never asked BTS to prove anything. I have always taken the stance as to try and understand something with more clarity and soemtimes I like to ask questions to clear stuf up. So STOP with your "stop making a stir" b.s. at least aimed at me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


My bad. This post should not have been directed towards you. I guess I became frustrated after reading some of these posts and unfairly throw you into the "never-ending cycle" group.

Hopefully no hard feelings.



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As one of these ugly Australians pointed out by Steve (Except for Kwazydog, of course, but then he's probably a Tasmanian like me wink.gif)

How about we leave this flogged-to-death, and-stripped-to-the-bone horse with Tiger's brilliant little cartoon.

To use a bit of Aussie Slang:

Strewth mate, my arse (not 'ass' as you ungrateful former British colonists say) is getting sore on my ringside seat at this little blue, So how about we call it day as I'm sure we've all got better things to do (like either design CM2 or play CM1).

Frankly, let's give v1.1 a fair go. For those people who do have a problem with v1.1 I suggest two avenues:

A. Do your research in a scientific manner, write up your findings, contact BTS and then using an appropriate positivist or interpretivist standpoint, explain your findings and make suitable recommendations based on those findings.

B. If you think A is a bit too hard, then I suggest you throw out everything you know about CM and start again . Read Fionn's AAR's and posts about doctrine and use of infantry. Then play 10 combined arms meeting engagements as the Axis against reasonable opponents and see how you go. I reckon you will win more than 50%.

take care everyone and be nice

otherwise the not-so-cuddly, entrail-loving, nails-on-whiteboard screaming Tassie Devil will get you wink.gif

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Originally posted by Beer_n_Pretzels:

As one of these ugly Australians pointed out by Steve (Except for Kwazydog, of course, but then he's probably a Tasmanian like me wink.gif)

How about we leave this flogged-to-death, and-stripped-to-the-bone horse with Tiger's brilliant little cartoon.

To use a bit of Aussie Slang:

Strewth mate, my arse (not 'ass' as you ungrateful former British colonists say) is getting sore on my ringside seat at this little blue, So how about we call it day as I'm sure we've all got better things to do (like either design CM2 or play CM1).

Frankly, let's give v1.1 a fair go. For those people who do have a problem with v1.1 I suggest two avenues:

A. Do your research in a scientific manner, write up your findings, contact BTS and then using an appropriate positivist or interpretivist standpoint, explain your findings and make suitable recommendations based on those findings.

B. If you think A is a bit too hard, then I suggest you throw out everything you know about CM and start again . Read Fionn's AAR's and posts about doctrine and use of infantry. Then play 10 combined arms meeting engagements as the Axis against reasonable opponents and see how you go. I reckon you will win more than 50%.

take care everyone and be nice

otherwise the not-so-cuddly, entrail-loving, nails-on-whiteboard screaming Tassie Devil will get you wink.gif

One of the best beers I ever had was from Tasmania. Boas or some such odd name, with the picture of some down-under animal or other massacred by the Aussies and sadly extinct. It was a classic. The only better was the beer we drank during college, called Arrtic Bay, from Canada, each bottle had a bottle opener on the bottom, to open the next one.

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Originally posted by Tiger:

Anyone else think Steve and Slapdragon are one in the same, posting under an alias? biggrin.gif

Actually Jeff and I are the same person with a really bad medication schedule. I cannot be Steve because Steve is up to his arse in snow and I sadly have not seen the stuff since I lived in New Hampshire.

The only complaint I have is against the most gamey Allied uber-tank of all: the little Greyhound. This thing regularly takes out Panthers, Tigers, et. al.; sometimes with front turrent shots no less! Someone check the code dammit! smile.gif

Yep, one took out one of my Jagdpanthers at 2400 meters with a front shot, then killed 200 of my infantry, finally finishing up by doing wheelies on a victory location. Those things are the best killers in the game.

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To use a bit of Aussie Slang:

Strewth mate, my arse (not 'ass' as you ungrateful former British colonists say) is getting sore on my ringside seat at this little blue, So how about we call it day as I'm sure we've all got better things to do (like either design CM2 or play CM1).

Hey aren't you Aussies also "ungrateful former British colonists" - or is it convicts instead?


(BTW that's a JOKE - for anyone tempted to have a pop)



I don't sing. I don't dance. I ain't blue. Anything else you need to know?

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Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

sorry, but could anybody please explain to me what the phrase "having a chip on the shoulder" means?

Erm, highly idiomatic expression. Best explanation I can come up with is 'a grudge,' or 'a preconceived notion about a subject which precludes rational thought on it.'

No idea what the etymology is.


Soy super bien soy super super bien soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super

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Thanks for the Calvin & Hobbes spoof, Tiger. That little cartoon sure brought back some memories----like a day when the Sunday comics were actually funny (IMO).

I've been hanging here in lurk mode, but hell, this topic is hard for my feeble brain to keep up with. redface.gif

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Originally posted by M Hofbauer:

sorry, but could anybody please explain to me what the phrase "having a chip on the shoulder" means?

It means to walk around looking for trouble; literally, one would put a piece of wood on his shoulder and walk around daring people to knock it off.

Actually a guy did that to me when I was 12 -I knocked the chip off his shoulder by bopping him on the nose, the only time I ever won a fight. After that, I got a reputation as a tough guy by staging judo fights (Karate was still unknown where I lived but I got the Judo book from a newstand) on the beach with my friend, which mightily impressed the masses who didn't have a clue as to what Judo was, and didn't realize that the fights were fixed (have you ever seen a Judo match where one opponent throws the other ten feet away?).When we were locked in close combat, we would whisper our next move.Oh how I wished I could fight like that for real...


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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

One of the best beers I ever had was from Tasmania. Boas or some such odd name, with the picture of some down-under animal or other massacred by the Aussies and sadly extinct. B]

Mr S,

It is Boags Premium and it is nectar of the gods. I have the odd one or two wink.gif every Thursday night when I have a few mates around to play World In Flames (for the newbies, a board wargame).

As for the animal, it is a Tasmanian Tiger. At the moment there are some plans to use recovered DNA to recreate the species... which is fine by me as I can throw a Tassie Tiger steak on the barbie while I'm having a beer! wink.gif

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If anybody is interested, I have CM v1.1 QB Points Allocation of the different battle types vs each of ME, Armor, Infantry and Mechanized tabulated in MSExcel97 format (zipped = 5KB).

Very helpful for PBEM if you want to quickly scan each pool's allocation points for the Battle Type you have in mind for you opponent.

If interested, e-mail me and I will oblige.


Charl Theron

BTW BTS, thanks for putting forward your reasoning for the point allocation change in CM1.1 - It is this support/response that will make CM2 even a bigger success. Keep up the excellent work.

-- Charles and Steve, your Pinotage due to arrive in March.

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Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Erm, highly idiomatic expression. Best explanation I can come up with is 'a grudge,' or 'a preconceived notion about a subject which precludes rational thought on it.'

No idea what the etymology is.

An English professor friend quotes an entymology. Lumber workers in the US early 19c would place a billet of wood on their shoulder and challenge anyone to knock it off and thus get into a fight with them. Someone who walked around all the time with a chip (billet) on their shoulder would be someone who desired to fight for unreasonable to silly reasons, someone who is ready to fight when no one is insulting, or someone who has an issue (silly, good or otherwise) to which they always spring to a defense.

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Originally posted by Chupacabra:

Erm, highly idiomatic expression. Best explanation I can come up with is 'a grudge,' or 'a preconceived notion about a subject which precludes rational thought on it.'

No idea what the etymology is.

And if you're an Aussie like me, we are generally regarded as a very well balanced race... having a chip on EACH shoulder!


Jim R.

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

This is one of the reasons why people who want BTS to prove why the game is the way it is, or to prove negatives like proving Shermans had no tungsten in a particular month, is absurd. Everytime you see this sort of argument come up, usually some German tank is perceived as too weak, German tanks cost too much, or German somethings are getting some sort of shaft (but once in a while you will get surprised with an Allied bitch session) it usually includes a demand that BTS prove why things are the way they are.

From the point of view of getting the game changed, it needs to be the other way around. We need to not only offer the grip, but offer the evidence and the solution. Look at ethe point costs thread http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/015328.html, the freedom of choice thread http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/015348.html, or any of about 20 German tank thread to see this thinking.

Not that I think many people who think this way are evil or deluded or stupid, just that they are use to complaining and getting without having to present and prove. CM of course is not a democracy in any sense, although on a chat room we are all equal and our money all spends the same.

You are so dead wrong, Slap. If people want to question the game they have every right to. You see, they paid for it and they are playing it and their confidence and loyalty will to the game and the company in general will go a long ways towards ensuring the future of CM and BTS.

So when enough customers get together and say, "Hey, for what reason did you change this?" They are more than in their rights to ask.

This isn't a democracy.. your right. It's capitalism and the money goes where it is deserved. So far Steve and Charles have done and excellent job in proving they deserve the money but it is a constant relationship that needs to be maintain and reinforced. If they were to follow your advice they would eventually alienate every customer that ever asked a question or wanted an answer. To me that would be just plain dumb.

But then again you're never wrong...



First of all, David, you stupid sot, if names were meant to be descriptive, everyone would have the, culturally appropriate, name of, "Ugly little purple person that cries and wets itself." -Meeks.

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Slapdragon wrote:

Yep, one took out one of my Jagdpanthers at 2400 meters with a front shot, then killed 200 of my infantry, finally finishing up by doing wheelies on a victory location. Those things are the best killers in the game.

LOL, ROFL biggrin.gif


"Gentlemen, you may be sure that of the three courses

open to the enemy, he will always choose the fourth."

-Field Marshal Count Helmuth von Moltke, (1848-1916)

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Guest Big Time Software

Jeff wrote:

So when enough customers get together and say, "Hey, for what reason did you change this?" They are more than in their rights to ask.

You and Slapdragon are saying the same thing. Slapdragon is only pointing out that there is a fineline between asking for reasonable change and whining for unreasonable change.

I don't care if 1000 people come onto this BBS asking us to change the penetration power of this or that weapon if all they are using for an argument is "it just doesn't feel right" or "change it or you are a poophead". We will not make the change. Period.

But then again you're never wrong...

Well, in this case is very much correct. People are welcomed to present requests for change. But some of the emotional and abusive ways these requests are presented are not welcomed here because they are not helpful in any way shape or form. Requests for changes that aren't based on solid logic and research are also not welcomed, at least until logic and research are introduced into the discussion.

So unless you are saying that we should listen to, and in fact encourage, a bunch of jerks with off the wall requests just because they come out in record numbers... you and Slapdragon agree completely. If you think that we should treat such feedback as nugets of gold from our paying customers, then you and Slapdragon do in fact disagree. But not as strongly as I would disagree with you smile.gif


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Originally posted by jshandorf:

But then again you're never wrong...


Boy oh boy -- that is a great way to end it. The childish retort at the end of a comment seems to be the standard when no good argument can be given. When I send my neice to bed she calls me a poophead.

Jeff, you are a childish poophead. Nyahhhh. So there.

Steve "Never Wrong" Jackson

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