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Cromwell mod

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No fair popping up a pic w/o giving it to us!!!!!!!

So far I'm STILL waiting on DD's winter uniforms... The new Sherman set... and patch 1.12!

Now I'm also waiting for this mod...



"Fear is for the enemy...

Fear and Bullets."

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Guest Lord General MB


Very nice work! When and were is it?



Lord General Mr. Bill

Supreme Commander

1st Army

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Great work on the treads. Never knew how hard they are till I tried them myself.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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Great work!

A question for ~Tiger~:

Do you plan to make a Comet, since both

(even with different bmp numbers) uses the same hull layout ?



Alle Maschinen voraus Große, Ruder hart Backbord. Neuer Kurs wird Zwo-Eins-Null.

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by MikeT:

Tiger, have you considered a desert tan version, would you consider a desert tan version? I can email you some info if needed.


Cromwells in the desert? Which units were they issued to?



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Guest Mikey D

NUCH improved roadwheels!

When I did my own (more humble) personal Cromwell mod, I found darkening just the front face of the turret and vertical bow plate gives the thing a nice 3-D effect, like one face of the box is in shadows. A dramatic effect.

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Guest Germanboy

Very nice mod BTW. I was just thinking, would you consider putting unit markers on there? I have a number of pictures with fully visible unit ID on the tank, in the theatre, so it would be realistic. I think it adds a lot, especially with Commonwealth tanks, their triangle/square/circle squadron ID system and the unit insignia (my favourite is the 11th AD's Black Bull) look really nice.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Germanboy, I do not have any info on where the triangle/circle/square markings go. Hull side? turrent side? I have the snorting bull on yellow background and the white letters on red square and it looks ok, though I'm not sure if I have them placed correctly. The info I have from a single reference bmp of squadron markings says the unit & formation signs go on the front and rear hull plates. Any info you could provide would be most helpful.


ps~ here's what I came up with so far:


[This message has been edited by Tiger (edited 02-05-2001).]

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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Tiger:

Germanboy, I do not have any info on where the triangle/circle/square markings go. Hull side? turrent side?

The markings would go on the sides and back of the turret AFAIK. The Bull would go on the track cover. I will dig out some pictures tonight and post them here. There is also a good thread by Forever Babra on unit ID in which he and Michael discuss this stuff.

Great work already.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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Guest Germanboy

Okay, here we go. Please excuse the poor quality of the pictures.


A Firefly from C Squadron with a clearly visible circle on the back of the turret, herding German POWs.


Placement of divisional insignia and number on the front of a Comet. Insignia on the LEFT LEFT (d'uh) (seen from the driver's perspective)


Placement of divisional insignia and number on the front of a Priest during victory parade in Kiel.


Placement of tactical markings on a CS Cromwell.


Churchill of A Squadron 3 Troop 9 RTR (named Impetous) May 1944, the second non-theatre picture of these.


Hmm, caption says 13 Troop Leader's tank - shouldn't that be 14? 'Indomitable' in the Ardennes. Note the name painted on the side, vehicle registration and tactical marking. It seems all 9 RTR tanks had their name painted on the sides. My favourite is 'Ich Dien'.

Hope that helps, let me know if you need more, I'll go and dig.

Edited because I can not tell left from right...



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

[This message has been edited by Germanboy (edited 02-06-2001).]

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Thanks Andreas. Unfortunately putting names on the turrent/hull side is not feasible. The lettering will come out backwards & reversed on the opposite side. Not sure but I think there are 2 turrent side bmps for the Churchill. It looks like what I have in the pic above is correct, except for using a letter in play of a number inside the box on the turrent side. Hopefully BTS will allow a seperate bmp for each turrent side in CM2 so that we won't get lettering/numbers reversed on the opposite side.


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Guest Germanboy

Originally posted by Tiger:

Thanks Andreas. Unfortunately putting names on the turrent/hull side is not feasible. The lettering will come out backwards & reversed on the opposite side. Not sure but I think there are 2 turrent side bmps for the Churchill. It looks like what I have in the pic above is correct, except for using a letter in play of a number inside the box on the turrent side. Hopefully BTS will allow a seperate bmp for each turrent side in CM2 so that we won't get lettering/numbers reversed on the opposite side.


D'uh - I always forgot that. In CM2 they will almost have to do that, in order to portray the slogans written on the turrets by the Soviets. Hmm, have I have not got a picture of the KV-1 at Bovington. Had a great slogan.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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The alternative is to use palindromic names, but there aren't very many decent ones -




etc. - nothing you would expect to see a tank named. I think a lot of tank names started with A, B, or C also, so as to distinguish A B and C squadrons from each other - beyond just the shape of the turret markings.

You are restricted to the letters A H I M O T U V W X Y

I saw one of the Stuart mods had a lower case "n" to spelle AnnA - quite clever, that!



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