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Locking Threads

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Let's see - Steve locked a thread (that maybe was people learning how to debate a topic, or maybe was people just talking about the difficulty of debating/discussing using email, or maybe was just people chatting purposlessly), but anyway, locked it because it was, '..a misdirection of energy that could be better spent elswhere'. Thanks Steve, I always wanted a big brother. Got to save that bandwidth ya know. And also, thanks for jumping in on the 'Tiger' thread to let us all know that it was mostly, if not all, Tiger's fault - and that you didn't find the 'flame' all that big a deal. And the line about inviting anybody else to leave who might be of a similiar disposition to... what? Tiger? I didn't really get that part, but I knew I'd better not mess with you. (No smiley intended) To drop the sarcasm - I think (just my opinion about your behavior on your board) you need to be 'above the fray' so to speak, esp. in areas that have so much gray. (You did note that at least some posters felt Tiger had been treated poorly, right?) I guess I hold you (as BTS) to a higher standard, the voice of bringing together rather than taking sides. Perhaps unfair of me. Just wanted to give some feedback on how that all looked and sounded to a regular reader/lurker, and a fan of the game. (Sometimes called a 'customer') Oh, if I have to resign from the board, because my thinking isn't PC, can I still order CM2?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> If you are bothered in ANY WAY by people who have strongly held beliefs, who can and do express them here, then please do not post here if you can not refrain from getting personal with such people. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

-Steve, in the last locked whinefest.

Do you really think this tone is going to influence anyone, to anything except more flames? Or is this your way of "bringing us together"?

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Several of us are lurkers, and have always joked that we were the silent majority of the thread. I can assure rlh1138 that we feel quite the opposite. This Steve guy seemed to have it under control, and he was not far off on how he called things.

Now, if he is really twisting things, just call his boss. BTS is a company isn't it? But I think many of us enjoy reading the so-called "intellectual" stuff. It would be a shame to loose it just because a few people did not like these discussions.

I hope that the gang does not jump on me, I am just expressing an opinion held by a small group.

PS-- How about instead of the topic you chose, trying to make peace? Peace is always better than flames.

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Come on guys, enough is enough. I don't intend to irk anyone here, but all that could be said has been said. There's no reason to start another one of these threads is there? How many threads did the dead body thread spawn? Like 3 or 4 I think. And did any of them solve anything? No. I know it probably wasn't your intention to start another one rlh1138, but I get a sneaky suspicion that this one will end up locked too. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, LET THE MADDNESS END!!! :(

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Richard, Hi!

Maybe it is more like taking a pack of matches from a person who is sniffing gasoline and closing up the can. I have only lurked for three months, my friends longer, but it seems the threads are locked up because people can't take criticism. And you could tell that no one was reading the other posts. So if the place just becomes a place where people are gunning for each other, why not shut it down?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bucsman:

Richard, Hi!

Maybe it is more like taking a pack of matches from a person who is sniffing gasoline and closing up the can. I have only lurked for three months, my friends longer, but it seems the threads are locked up because people can't take criticism. And you could tell that no one was reading the other posts. So if the place just becomes a place where people are gunning for each other, why not shut it down?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Can't argue with lurker logic. :D I swear, sometimes I think the really intelligent ones are the lurkers to tell you the truth. They don't say much, but what they say says alot. Not like me. :(

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bucsman:

This Steve guy seemed to have it under control, and he was not far off on how he called things.

Now, if he is really twisting things, just call his boss. BTS is a company isn't it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Does anyone have Steve's dad's phone number? smile.gif BTS is a company, but it has four employees - actually two co-owners and two employees. Steve is one of the owners. He can run this site any way he wants to. If you or I don't like it we can leave. But I know BTS would prefer that we not keep bringing up essentially the same topic after they have locked a thread.

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Everytime there is a problem like this, which happens once every few months, threads are locked up. And everytime one or two people gripe about the padlocks. *sigh* Threads are locked up only after people have had time to vent. But if we don't lock 'em up the venting turns to full bore whining, the whinging into flaming, and then we are back to wasting our time controling people who have (even if temporarily) lost their self control.

Call me Big Brother if you like, but I call myself a Moderator. The word is in the dictionary if you don't understand its meaning. Being a Moderator doesn't mean that you are to hold no opinion. Quite the contrary. To be an effective Moderator you need to make stands and set examples. I have been Moderated this BBS, of some 300,000 messages, for 2.5 years. I think I know what I am doing smile.gif

RCHRD wrote:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>By continually locking threads aren't you doing what you critisize Tiger for doing? Taking your toys and going away?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No. Closing down the BBS and telling you all to get bent would be doing the same thing. Locking up threads, on the other hand, is a way to stop the useless expendature of energy on topics that have been beaten to death or, in some other instances, are in some serious way a violation of the BBS rules. I don't see a whiny flamefest as being a toy to be taken away, rather unnecessary and useless prattle that has no place on this BBS.

Again, experience has shown me that the only way to move on from an episode like this is to lock up the threads, otherwise it just goes ON and ON and ON. Our BBS, our rules, our right to lock up threads. I know that the majority support this since the majority want to discuss history, warfare, and Combat Mission and NOT have an endless whinefest.

And with that, I lock up this thread...


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