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Peng, I take your Challenge to HOLLAND!

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Guest Rommel22



Fun posting here!!!

Can say anithin' i want, yeeaaaaaaahhhaaaaaa!!!

lets see here..... hmmm, you all suck!


that should do it!

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I don't know what that little outhouse dwelling mensch is talking about, so don't do whatever the hell it is he was mewling about some non-existent game that I supposedly am not playing him. I don't recall any such game, have no mensch games saved on my computer. If said file does exist, he hasn't bothered to send it to me and therefore I claim victory because he is quite obviously lying about the entire situation.

Furthermore I suggest that you, Lorak also should be awarded a victory over mensch because of his cowardly and fiendish attempt to trick you into giving him an unsdeserved victory.

Game Update:

Kitty win - mensch loses and dons the Bees

Lorak win - mensch loss



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The McNoldy Group

[This message has been edited by Kitty (edited 03-20-2001).]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


I've noticed that we all have our little "pet" names for the group as a whole ... or even as a hole. Elvis has his Wankers and of course I think you're all Swine (though I really wish some of you were either Muslim or Jewish so it could be REALLY offensive). So what do each of you (no damned Newbies either, Knights or Squires only) think of the rest of us? And Seanachai we don't need a forty page dissertation with relevant quotes from stuff only you have read (or, more likely, that you've made up). A simple one or two word description should suffice.


Worthless sodding gits

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Achtung! ÜberLizard Update

Things have progressed along well enough in some of the new matches to provide some early insights on what will undoubtedly be glorious triumphs for the forces of scalyness and crushing defeats for all who oppose them, leaving several requiring years of counselling and prescription drug addictions.

First up is Joe Shaw who is showing that he can display as much ineptness on attack as he did in gamey defence. In fact, the University of Mormon Wives is considering adding a PhD of Ineptitude with Joe as the chartered candidate. His facile attack up the centre wooded area has provided the requisite entertainment for my troops, and he has now begun grumbling about “other assets” which will make me “rue” at some later stage. Sorry Joe, but the only rue around here is the recently renamed street in town, “Rue de Kickin Joesass”.

Rematches with Berli and jd have also progressed to the serious bloodletting stage. In fact, if I didn’t know of their mutual loathing of one another, I would seriously suspect that these two were in cahoots when planning their attacks. Both chose to come in hard on their right with a token force on the left. In due course, both were greeted with copious amounts of well targeted party favours which rained down like a pinata of death upon them. The lucky gamey bastard jd managed to escape with all of his armour assets intact by first-shotting an AT gun waiting for him, while Berli has had less luck and lost 3 tanks to a gun that will now begin working its way through his HE allotment on the remaining infantry.

Early days indeed, but Peng’s lead infantry are already dancing for my delight to the tune of a MG42 crossfire, and his supporting mgs are finding that hedge on the hilltop to provide concealment, but little cover from the incoming howitzer fire. Eat hot lead you stinking POD! A copy of FM-90-10-1 will be forwarded to him upon receiving his surrender.

It’s a tedious lot I have to deal with in the match with Elvis. Green troops on the attack, raining, uphill, into the wind, handful of cold gravel for breakfast. The whole deal. But we are methodically securing VL after VL and will surely grind him into the mud until he stops squirming.

Speedy has run into a spot of trouble on his Sunday drive across the map in Exit Stage Right. He has now parked the full convoy in the first low spot available while the lieutenants decide how to read a map and whether there might not be a less treacherous road to ply to the east. Boy what I’d give for a TRP and some 210mm rocket fire right now.

bauhaus has decided to follow up my failed attempt to take his nipple* away with a body wave of his own on one of mine. An unsupported attack such as this is destined to founder and my boys will just have to keep their feet up to avoid being splashed with the gore from below. No way, he’s getting this nipple, it’s the one with the ring in it.

Stealth and sneakiness are the order of the day against MarkVI and Moriarty. In the former, I expect to take sever of the VL’s without firing a shot since it is a well known fact that he is afraid of the dark and will have placed all of his defenders as close to the nearest wood stove and biscuit tin as possible. In the latter, I have already secured all of the VLs without firing a shot and am simply waiting for the distant rumblings to materialise into AFV’s which require summary destruction.

Hamsters has decided that a foot race is his best chance at a victory in our ME which gave him most of the advantages. The rodentia have, however, chosen to infest a building which has a meeting scheduled with the wrecking ball this very minute. The meeks may have inherited that VL, but let me assure you that the meeks won’t want it.

Lorak you are on. How does Rune’s “Tasforce Baum” sound? Expect it tomorrow am your time.

*For those of you not familiar with the Nipple Wars, I encourage you to speak to Berli about a map, unless the UN sanctions on providing such an unmitigated piece of snowy foggy crap to anyone else have kicked in.

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Guest Rommel22

AAAAAAAAAAND..... more crap!!!!!!!!!

crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!

crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!

crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!

crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!

crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!crap crap!!!

crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!


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Originally posted by Rommel22:

AAAAAAAAAAND..... more crap!!!!!!!!!

crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!

crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!

crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!

crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!

crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!crap crap!!!

crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!!


That is total crap!

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Originally posted by Stoffel:

enough about my country,there is more here than drugs,whores and wooden shoes......

makes me...sick ,lock this one up!!!!!

Aren't there windmills, as well? Think on the windmills in Don Quixote; what a lovely passage. Of course, the Spanish did quite horrible things to the Netherlands during that period when they held sway. Ah, well, all friends now, eh? Silly Dutch person, this is the Peng Challenge Thread, and, like Evil Mardi Gras, it's come to your dear little nation. Best to go home, sit by the fire, brood on the injustice of being constantly referred to as 'the Low Countries', and plot some sort of appropriate revenge. Like Amsterdam! That'll teach 'em! Make every major airline fly through, so that every tourist arriving at any other point in Europre arrives ripped to the gills!


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by David Aitken:

Someone tell Stuka that I've been on the Peng Thread since before his wife was born, and when I bore him with several paragraphs of mind-numbing prose it's because he's a moron and not because I'm the bastard child of Jeff Heidman and TeAcH.

May you all sleepwalk down the road tonight brandishing a hunting rifle and yelling "Come out, ye Kraut/Jerry bastards so I can introduce ye all to the joys of die-a-lot!!", and are subsequently gunned down by police marksmen. Good night.

Here now, David. Except for some the bitter parts, this is amongst your best prose bits. Oh, and Stuka, you loveable but extremely dim Aussie, David's been with us for donkey's years now. I remember when he first showed up, and I thought 'here, sod that for a lark, isn't that Aitkin? Strike me as stupid as Rommel22 if it isn't. I never thought we'd see an artist in here, sod me for a sheep else' I said to meself. But you know, it was Aitkin. And we've been enjoying the man's artwork ever since. Mind, he seems a bit unstable, in some ways. But most of it seems attributable to sleep deprivation, caffeine abuse, and the odd other chemical.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Croda:

Because I Kick ASS!!!!

I would like to ask that you add the indicator ! after the names of the people I've beaten (Mensch, PawBroon, Hiram, Dalem, and ArmorBalls) that denotes Lost To Croda. Please do so as I intend to add many bodies to the pile and care for them all to wear that scarlet letter for life!

Stop that! You do not "kick ass". You barely scuffle about with one foot, eyes downcast, and mumbling. Behave yourself.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Oh, and lads, I see that Rommel22 has shown up (again? I can't recall. Many useless ****es drop in periodically because their lives are so empty and otherwise meaningless that causing annoyance to others is more exciting than actually achieving something). This particular defective fancies himself some sort of 'aryan exemplar', and periodically stands up on his hindlegs and brays for recognition while defending the rights of some of the lower-life new arrivals to posture and abuse and demand that others admire them and acknowledge their right to be morons. He's almost never had anything of value to say, that I've read, but much abuse to load on others, and fancies himself enough that he probably doesn't need any other partner. Having gone to greater lengths than he deserves to catalogue him, I'd ask all the lads and lassies here to ignore him, and not respond. I'm sure there's a bridge quivering at the thought of him crouching below, and he's apparently too dim to consider that his choices are either be ignored and move on, or make a nuisance of himself to the point where even in these more relaxed precincts he's required to move on. Let him go. He works retail.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Originally posted by Kitty:

[bI don't recall any such game, have no mensch games saved on my computer. If said file does exist, he hasn't bothered to send it to me and therefore I claim victory because he is quite obviously lying about the entire situation.

typical woman...look lady! if you can hold up such a title... our game was if you forgot a nice valley.. I was germans and you had the fecking HILL!!! anyhow.. it faded away when you lost intrest for some strange reason..maybe something sparkley was in the room and distracted you.. who knows... BUT!!! the challange still stands.. if you ever able to accept.. so miss I HAVENOIDEAWHATMENSCHISTALKINGABOUT.

simple answer.. there are two choices.. can you count to two?

answer A: Yes mensch I accept your new challange to try to put you to shame!

answer B: No mensch I decline because I'm scared of starting to loose then never send back a returnfile only to hide the fact I was playing you before and try to paste some silly bees on him to hide the fact I AM A COWARD!

now go wash your hair, take a brownie.. relax heres a free ticket to go take a tour at a dimond factory.. and think of your BLOODY ANSWER TO MY FECKING CHALLANGE.

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Originally posted by mensch:



But we both know such a file doesn't exist, don't we. *smiles patronizingly* I think maybe you need some rest. You do look awfully tired.

Produce this mystery file or shutup, mouse fart.



Hamsters at War!

Chicks With Tanks

Lorak's FTX

"I'd rather the Bees than your Mask of Shame." - Stuka

The McNoldy Group

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no problem fluffkat.. that file I have... but after requesting for it from you some months ago I ended up lost for words... I'll set you up good on a new battle.. if that last responce was an acceptance to my challange.. you see.. maybe they do things different in Cali but the rest of the world goes like this..

a challange is given (verbal, oral, physical - no mace this is not a porno) the challangee then says "oh i am called a coward am I?, I accept your challange my sir waste of space"

the challanger then goes on to huff and puff and follow through the challange.

not like your example where the challanger (that be me) calls you lame, looser and coward and you the challangee ignores this for months years decades on end.. only to show up after the four comming of Benny Hill and say "whats this you twit? he is lying..etc.."

so using my only usable braincell I will fire a synaps and assume that was an acceptance to my challange.. email with the challange and loves and kisses are on your way at my day end.

*smooch* don't cough up a hair ball.. you were ignoring me like i had a barney suit on.

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Originally posted by Lorak:

...Croda...Losing to you is like losing to the AI, only worse.

Then prepare to be beaten by he who is Sub-AI. Please choose your poison and I shall see that a generous helping is poured in your ear.

The fact of that matter is that the list of those who have Lost to Croda is steadily growing. The world shall have an ! by it to signify my domination. None shall be spared, and you are next on the hitlist.


Woot! - Maximus2k

Stick around while the clown who is sick does the trick of disaster.

The New CessPool

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Oh Iskander, come out and plaay-ayyyyyy, oh Iskander, come out and plaay-ayyyyyy....

Ya Knee-knocker.

Iskander slowly uncoils himself from around the toilet, crawls to the computer and taps...

...for three days now I have been doing my duty (ulp! ghaak! no... don't think about it...) as a loyal yet unattached-Squire by making sure that the level of cess stays high enough for all present...

... hands fall off keyboard... few shallow breaths... try not to think about bacon... hands back up...

...thus while I may be five or six pounds lighter and the sewer system five or six heavier, I'll thank you all in general, and you, Leowithnospellcheck in particular, to stand downwind of me for a few more days until things... er... work themselves out in the end...

...taps "send" and crawls back to the toilet

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Originally posted by Iskander:

...thus while I may be five or six pounds lighter and the sewer system five or six heavier, I'll thank you all in general, and you, Leowithnospellcheck in particular, to stand downwind of me for a few more days until things... er... work themselves out in the end...

...taps "send" and crawls back to the toilet

Terribly sorry, old chap (waves hand in front of face, holds nose and turns head). Really, I am. You just go on back (fights gag reflex) to, ahh, well, you know. (taking several steps back) I can wait to taunt you further until you're (eyes watering) smelli.., ahem, feeling better.

(edited to correct mistakes induced by olfactory overload)


It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow

than to spend tonight like there's no money!

[This message has been edited by Leeo (edited 03-20-2001).]

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Originally posted by Iskander:

Iskander slowly uncoils himself from around the toilet, crawls to the computer and taps...

...for three days now I have been doing my duty (ulp! ghaak! no... don't think about it...) as a loyal yet unattached-Squire by making sure that the level of cess stays high enough for all present...

... hands fall off keyboard... few shallow breaths... try not to think about bacon... hands back up...

...thus while I may be five or six pounds lighter and the sewer system five or six heavier, I'll thank you all in general, and you, Leowithnospellcheck in particular, to stand downwind of me for a few more days until things... er... work themselves out in the end...

...taps "send" and crawls back to the toilet

Good to see you are taking my admonition to "blow it out your ass" quite seriously. However, we will require a note from your doctor as proof.

Obviously, this is God's revenge for your failing to send me the last turn in our game. Either that, or you'd rather suck vomit than experience ultimate justice at The Hands of the Law. Bring out the smellin' farts, and peel some more paint off the wall.


There are good reasons why the movie was called "Patton" rather than "Hodges".

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