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Best Mod for R/G Color Blind?

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Like between 10 and 20% of the male readership of this board, I am red/green colorblind. This can make "reading" the terrain of a CM map somewhat difficult. Can anyone suggest which of the modded grasses would be best for me (and the millions of others around the world who suffer along with me with this debilitating condition which is worthy of your support. Please send donations in cash to me and I will see that they are forwarded to the deserving. Thank you).




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Originally posted by JoePrivate:

Perhaps your 10 - 20% estimate is a bit high and unsupported by the facts, ie no responses to this thread. Do you have any evidence you're not alone? biggrin.gif

Maximus has a new 'mud' mod, may be worth trying when it's available. Good luck.

I'm red/green - grey/brown color blind. So we are out here.

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I think this is very interesting. I am not color blind but my curiosity is sparked...when you say red/green colorblind, do you mean you see a shade of gray for each of these or do you are they toned down but still having a hint of red and green?

Does adjusting your monitor help? (ie: gamma settings, etc)

How about playing with the monitor turned to black and white or something closer to it?

(The first question is probably the most useful in helping someone create a mod...)


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Originally posted by buddy:

I think this is very interesting. I am not color blind but my curiosity is sparked...when you say red/green colorblind, do you mean you see a shade of gray for each of these or do you are they toned down but still having a hint of red and green?

This is a common misconception about RGCB. I can see green and red on their own (as in traffic lights) w/o problem. The problem comes in blended colors, esp. blends of red and green, e.g., maroon, fuschia, etc. which appear muddy or are sometimes difficult to stare at for two long.

There are people w/no color vision at all, but that is a much rarer condition.

Does adjusting your monitor help? (ie: gamma settings, etc)

How about playing with the monitor turned to black and white or something closer to it?

Changing the monitor settings has not helped me, but I'm not an expert on what changes might be done. My monitor won't act as a b&w monitor, so unless someone wants to do a b&w mod (WW2 just like it was in the newsreels), I don't see that as a solution. Of course, grey scale terrain elevation would probably work very well.




"We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech." -- Dr. Kathleen Dixon, Director of Women's Studies, Bowling Green State University

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I'm with ya Hakko!

I'm RGCB too like my grandfather before me. The reason you can tell traffic lights is because they put blue in the green lights and orange in the red lights just for people like us. They don't want us causing wrecks I guess. biggrin.gif

With CM my only real problem is the bases of the British units. I can't see them at all. What is it exactly you have trouble seeing? CM's really not too bad on me, while I couldn't even play Alpha Centauri until they actually came out with a RGCB patch! I'm still amazed they did that.

I've never passed a color blind test in my life yet I see just about everything everyone else sees. I can't tell some reds from some greens is all. Rainbows only have a few colors to me too. I've heard there is supposed to be more.

I think warm greens with lots of yellow in them are the easiest to mix up with many red shades. Have you tried DD's grass? I still have trouble but it's better with that. I don't need any Brits sneaking up on me, ya know what I mean?


[This message has been edited by Treeburst155 (edited 02-09-2001).]

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Since nobody else have come up with any constructive suggestion, why not give my Fastmods a try?

They're not very pretty, but the colours are clean and it should help you a bit in defining what's good and what's not.

All grass textures, for example, are green only, with different brightness for each elevation level.

If it helps you visually it's not very difficult to do a better looking version.

I can send you a set to try if you want.




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My understanding is that 10% of the male population is, at least, partially colour blind.(yes i spelt colour with a u, I am Canadian). I am colour blind, and have had problems with anything beyond the primary colours. I remember reading a book,years ago,(cant remember title,or author), that indicated that the RAF, or US Air force used colour blind soldiers on Aerial reconnaissance

to identify positions of German Units.I believe that the camouflage netting could not deceive them-(they would see shape,not colour). I ve wondered if colour blind hunters have an edge- can pick out prey more easily than those with perfect colour vision.

If so, i m guessing that colour blind hunters have won a lot of hunting competions?

Any bird hunters out there that have some comments?

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Originally posted by JoePrivate:

Perhaps your 10 - 20% estimate is a bit high and unsupported by the facts, ie no responses to this thread.

Hi Joe -

I believe the estimate is pretty accurate.

I manage a software development team that writes several applications used by a global technical support organization of more than 600 (mostly males). We often get requests to use color on some of the applications' forms to highlight certain records/values on lists. If we use color, we usually end up using it in conjunction with non-color queues to ensure we convey meaning to folks that can't see the colors...

As an interesting counter-point - one of our more talented in-house graphics guys that occasionally does some images for us is red/green colorblind. He will sometimes produce an image that is a <u>little</u> "out there," but it doesn't happen often and he's really quite good at subtle color details.


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Hi all

I am an Optometrist,working in a local Hospital.

7 % of all men have a colour disorder.

There are 3 sorts of colour disorders:

- Red

- Green

- Blue

Red/green is indeed the most common colour disorder, blue is very rare.

There are 3 degrees of colour disorders:

- First degree ( mild )

- Second degree ( medium )

- Third degree ( strong )

So, not everybody with a colour disorder has the same problem. Real colour BLINDNESS is also very rare.

Monty aka Moose

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Originally posted by Monty:

Hi all

I am an Optometrist,working in a local Hospital.

7 % of all men have a colour disorder.

There are 3 sorts of colour disorders:

- Red

- Green

- Blue

Red/green is indeed the most common colour disorder, blue is very rare.

There are 3 degrees of colour disorders:

- First degree ( mild )

- Second degree ( medium )

- Third degree ( strong )

So, not everybody with a colour disorder has the same problem. Real colour BLINDNESS is also very rare.

Monty aka Moose

Is the color-disorder gene carried on the X or Y chromosome? In other words, do you find that half of one percent of women have a color disorder, or no women at all?

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Originally posted by crepitis:

Its nice to see that joeprivate was big enough to re-post and acknowledge his premature judgement of the number of CMBO players who have some degree of colour blindness.What was that about "evidence" being required before making a statement?

That's too funny. Having noticed the thread languishing with no response, I attempted a *humourous* post to bump it and get people's attention. It even had a smiley to indicate it's non-seriousness, followed by a suggestion to help a guy out. I guess that flew over some heads, whatever...

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Count me in. On that Ishihara test I get 1 out of 6. I live in Japan and in Tokyo there's a clinic that utilizes some sort of procedure to temporarily relieve color blindness, can't remember exactly how they do it. What was a real shocker for me was the first time I had my eyes checked by a Japanese optometrist, he said that I have a slight degree of double vision!

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I too have Red-Green-colour blindness. Well, that's just handy when war breaks, so I won't be shocked by blood when it blends so nicely into my camouflage uniform... biggrin.gif

Fortunately CM is not a American Independence War game, spotting those Brits could be laborious. Well, actually I do have problem with finding British troops right now, because they have brown bases which seem to blend nicely to the green background. And I think those base colours are hard-coded.

It would be nice if in CM2 base colors could be user-defined, ESPECIALLY if Soviet units have red bases!

I have read about a research which indicates that R/G-blinds have better night vision than normal, which could be the reason why the feature hasn't disappeared.

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