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I Saw a Beast Rise Up Out of the Sea, and Upon His Heads the Name of Peng Challenge

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joey SUCKS

I checked, not a drop of scum anywhere to be found. No fecal matter, nothing. You can eat off the floor and every other surface with complete safety. joey joey joey, you are such a cowering, toe jam SUCKING refuse heap. Not really an update but an absolute truth that just plain needs saying as often as possible.

Agua Perdido

You owe me a feckin turn boy! In fact your slackerdly pace for our little conflict is beyond reason (I guess I didn't really expect more). Check page 17 of the manual you Pengian pessary, perhaps a re-read of that section will help you along.


Maybe number three will be the charm? Naw I doubt it. I seem to have come up with the terrain. Say do you still have your nose rammed up Stuky Puky's arse? You little squires are so cute that way. Maybe you could send him copies of the turns and plead for advice. Then again advice from that scum swilling butt pirate would probably cause your computer to crash or at best be worthless.


The piss drinker form down under is claiming he stuck to the rules this time. I believe it when I see the end game map. In any case I cheated like crazy so I'm sure I'll be bowled over by that back-biting bitch, lady luck.

When the Whuppin' boy speaks, gather round and hearken well. Pain is humanities most eloquent mentor.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Here, you little pillock, I keep looking for the thread where that unbelievable git Fieldmarshall accuses you of having started the Peng Challenge Thread, but I can't seem to lock it down. Could you let us know where this rather droll and empty-headed post is located?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

here it is:


unfortunately the braindead snail edited his post, so there is not much to be seen now.


Lindan, you horror. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's me. Use Anführungszeichen the next time you quote my mother.


In the style of Penggrog, let me just say:

incomprehensible gibberish


Yes, I think I can agree. On second thought.. no, I think I disagree.

But the part about torturing nuns and converting them to the Church of PENG was quite nice.

BTW: look at what happens if the cesspool doesn't eradicate the fieldmarshalls of the world. give them some more years which they don't deserve and you get this:


my oh my. I didn't know that Stalin's Orgel is called CURRY by his whores.



[edited for authors stupidity]

[ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: Lindan ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

BTW: look at what happens if the cesspool doesn't eradicate the fieldmarshalls of the world. give them some more years which they don't deserve and you get this:


[ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: Lindan ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I..I...I may never be able to sleep again without screaming.

Stuka! Take note, lad, this is where your attitudes might lead you. I would hope for better things from you.

Thank you, Lindan, as I had just come here from the Outer Boards where I somewhat lost my temper. I would like to say I feel better now, but I mainly feel horrified and queasy.

Still, that's an improvement over angry and prejudicial.

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BTW: look at what happens if the cesspool doesn't eradicate the fieldmarshalls of the world. give them some more years which they don't deserve and you get this:




in the middle there is a link labeled "Tiger", leading to a quicktime video. This is a MUST SEE for all Tiger sluts. :D

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Elvira - have you forgotten so soon? Why it was jsut yesterday that you said to all and sundry:



I don't see how numbering ensures that you send a file. It only ensures that you numbered it not that you sent it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Your lack of memory is more evidence that you have too few brain cells to allow to breathe!

Oh, and Lemonade, were you talking to me you poor old fart - perhaps you should turn your megaphone up, or get new batteries for it??

Until then feel free to go away, or sod off - anything just as long as you shut up!

[ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

[ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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Send Me a Fecking Turn, Aitken! I'm ready to continue crossing the river and spanking your liver-spotted arse!

Send the turn!

(Edited because the Universe, for just a small infinity of time, came to an abrupt standstill).

[ 07-22-2001: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Stuka! Take note, lad, this is where your attitudes might lead you. I would hope for better things from you.



Ugh! I need to scrub my monitor now. It feels so.......infected.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:


I think Elvis has an 8" shell that disagrees with you...hee hee!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Quite correct.

I am gagging on the repercussions of that shell as we speak.

Still, it makes a change for Elvis to be dropping his shells on my lads instead of his own.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Heave-ho wrote:

Send Me a Fecking Turn, Aitken!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I did, you spoon!

Now, for the benefit of Elvish:

I sent you file #59 @ 10.23pm (5.23pm Yankee Time) on Thursday. Simply complete this easy questionnaire and return it to us in the reply-paid envelope provided:

[ ] YES! I received turn #59 and returned #60 to you! I shall resend it immediately as my mail server (or, more likely, my family lineage) is highly dubious and has doubtlessly pocketed said file on its way to you.

[ ] NO! I did not receive turn #59! Please resend immediately as my mail server (or, more likely, my family lineage) is highly dubious and has doubtlessly pocketed said file on its way to me.

There, that wasn't too difficult, now was it (stop cackling Costello!)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

you get this:


my oh my. I didn't know that Stalin's Orgel is called CURRY by his whores.


You've damned near bought a tear to my eye Linda, not by drawing my attention to a website that by URL name appears to be bondage related and thus worthy of my attention, but by associating it with my 'favorite' Kiwi.

I would almost go to say that you are now further up my people worth knowing list, but don't get too excited, there's a few billion ahead of you.


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Yes, I will surface again some day. I will rise from the depths and smite you all!!!

especially the perfidious LEEO and the dastardly STUKA!

even may the mythic MEEKS rise upon yee once more and lay you waste...

life takes precedence for me at the moment.

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Guest Babra

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

BTW: look at what happens if the cesspool doesn't eradicate the fieldmarshalls of the world. give them some more years which they don't deserve and you get this:



I say we set get these two together. Unfortunately, the pictures have been removed, but let's just say they were just as "good": http://www.geocities.com/lonely451_2000/me.html

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Harpy old Cock, have you stolen Meek's PC again?

Shame on you lad, now I will have to box your ears like a Mexican donkey all over again.

And Seanoochy, you have had your set up for 2 days now. Are you still administering oxygen to recover from the ominious threat that playing me brings you?

Or have you fallen down the stairs again?

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Hey Macey - I think this bit was meant for you:


Imagine that you are going to a party that starts at eight o'clock. You show up on time, but your pants have dirt all over them, your T-shirt has old tomato sauce stains on it (perhaps also an old dried up piece of spaghetti), your hair is oily and full of dandruff, and you haven't brushed your teeth for days. See? Get it?!?!?! EVEN THOUGH you are being "good" by showing up on time, no one is going to want to talk to you! And not only that, you will also generate a long-lasting negative impression on people, which is really bad.


No do you see what you're doing wrong - you REALLY need to check this guy out and take some his advice!!

[ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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Ha! I say. I'll say it again.


They said it couldn't be done, they said it was impossible, they said several other stupid things too but I proved them all wrong!

I killed the SMG gap thread! I shut tero up!

In that battle I did not wield my Sword of Sarcasm +3, nor did my Awful Mace of Irony +4 make an appearance. Nay, I cast the ultra-powerful Globe of Minor Understanding at him and Lo! It worked.

Donations (organs, money, tourist souvenirs (that meant what you hope it didn't) or Really Big Tanks) are accepted instead of payment.

However, there is a fly in my milk, a wasp in the ointment, an inbound 76mm tungsten round toward my Panther. My damn damn graphics card require strong magic to function and I'm running out of young nubile (straight from Nubilia) virgins. But I believe I shall ignore the cards cries for other IRQ channels and its refusal to accept that nVidias new ref drivers are better than the crap it uses now. Someday it will see the error of its ways and accept that it is using AGP and not PCI too.

I will ignore this calamity and simply chug along and send out the files tonight.

The ones who I am playing, you have my sympathy.

Not really.

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It seems that Jesus does indeed love Mrs Robinson more than he will ever know.

The miserable gamey son of a cockroach and a slimeball managed to squeeze 44 points out of Rune's stupid Oberluge-damned-river-crossing scenario thingie.

That entitles him to a draw bugger it, 'cos I only got 52!

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