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Im afraid to ask...but what the heck is PENG

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PENG used to be funny.

He used to be a guy.

But he didnt have the stamina for the grind.

He lives on.

Like Colonol Kurtz in Apocalpse Now.

Only he just got boring instead of bald and fat and sweaty and crazy.

The PENG-dom is a swirling cess-pool of PENGaholics.

They honor the memory of PENG and what he once stood for.

Or sat at the computer and typed for.

He lives on through them.

(Except ,of course, not one of them is the least bit funny.)

And so it goes.

He was funny.

Or maybe drunk.

Or sad.

Not sure.

Dont matter.

But he WAS something.

Thats a given.

And he didnt like me..

Go figure.


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Just an update:

It now ends up that he IS sweaty on the baldest/fattiest of parts.

The flaccid parts, of course, are still in their origional sickly translucent greenish-oily near gangrene state.

His yellowishly-greying stringy hair is as frizzled and flake riddled as last reported. Since his finger nails have fallen off, the open sores in his scalp have finally scabbed over and covered 1/3rd of his scalp. They (the scabs) actually appear to model the earths surface land surface area (cause the rest of his face/neck is a macabre blue). His minimum wage care-takers have adopted the affectionate name "Hey! globey head" to call him to dinner.

A pleasant surprise is that the Discovery channel is filming the eco-system that is nested in his naval area. Seems the lint-monsters arent such a hallucination afterall. Huh.

Good for you Mr PENG! An army of idiots cant be let down so you keep up the bandwidth-eating culture of post happy near-adults.


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God, I am really not in the mood to deal with where I know this thread is headed.

In short, Peng is, well I dont know either what he is, but his name is synonymous with the Peng threads aka The Cesspool aka the Mutha Beatuiful Thread which at its very core is where a group of people (to be generous) swap insults back and forth and have a hell of a good time playing Combat Mission against each other. Enter at you own peril.


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