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Have you no Challenge, Peng? At long last, have you left no Challenge?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Geier:

Hakko Ichiu. Resend. To my new addy. And I want you and need you on icq too.


I closed down ICQ because I got half a dozen messages a day like that from hot, young Russian teens who will do anything. You got something better? I'm occasionally on AIM, so try me there. Turn is in the mail, you fecking great waste of lutfisk.

And in other news...

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Mace bleated out:

I think the Just-a-mode-of-transport Joe Shaw suffers from Australia envy.


So you're saying that your country is just a dry, under-used penis with an attitude problem? Sounds right to me, cobber.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

So you're saying that your country is just a dry, under-used penis with an attitude problem? Sounds right to me, cobber.<hr></blockquote>

No, that it's firm, erect and ready-for-action.

btw attitude problem? When does a.....oh I see, you do your thinking with yours!


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Game Updates!

PShaw! We are manhoovering around a central location in an undisclosed city in the dense fog. He has gamily set fire to many of my things {and one of his own Priests! HAR!) with those nasty little flamethrower thingies. I have ineffectually dropped all my 105s. It looks like we will waltz around until the last few turns when there will be a bloodfest in the big building which is the single VL. Prediction: No survivors - Draw.

Moriarity We are playing PrussianLad's Claustrophobia. It is a gem. Against any other player I might be having trouble, but it is against Moriarity so things are not going too badly. No spoilers in case you are interested. So far a very exciting game.

Geier Just sent me a thing, I think another GB game. We will see.

MrIV I have the latest thing, from the thing we wre playing. A Goannymess attacking up hill in the snow. If you are ready to get back in the fray, let's go.

Seanachai We are STILL mucking around with the dreaded chrisl's dreade SciFi mess. Looks like I am going to take this one. Not that winning and losing matter.

Other outreboarders not worth mentioning, I won't mention.

Oh yeah, Vegas this week. Turn sending may be spotty, depends on what kind of internet connection I can get going out there.

Piss off the lot of ya, and die a lot now.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I must admit lads, I never thought I would see the day that one of the Olde Ones would forsake the traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread, the Mutha Beautiful Thread, the CessPool merely for the sake of REVENGE!

What say you Peng and Seanachai? Are we to let this assault upon all we hold dear go unchallenged? Or shall I take up the cudgel of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread and settle this matter like a CessPooler by thrasing Berli to within an inch of his life?


Well, Joe, I don't know that there's much that can be done, really. I mean, he's already been cast out of Heaven, so I don't know what you think we could come up with.

After all, we can't cast him out of the Cesspool. Besides the fact that this is exactly where he belongs, and that his negative energy is one of the countervailing forces that maintains the very existence of the Old Ones, the cribbage tournaments the Old Ones indulge in while sitting around the Wasteland would go completely to ****e.

I think perhaps you should play a game against him. Be careful, though, because, like Rune, I believe he now has an NDA, and it makes him cranky.

Besides, Joe, when Berli is being petty, and cruel, and dismissive, and vicious...well, he's really just doing his job now isn't he? To make the statement that he's committing atrocities against the order of things for revenge...I mean, do you want to think about that for a moment? What else, actually, would he be doing?

Besides, you started it with the whole biblical thing. If you're going to use the Bible, stick with some of the nasty bits, like Revelations or something. That whole bit about the Apocalypse doesn't seem to put him into a mood.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Cest bon:

Hello again scum,

I must say I do enjoy reading this thread. Helps pass the time and provides a laugh or two. Only problem is the amount of typing you guys do between my visits. You guys do have jobs, right?

Oh and Seanachai, I really liked you guinness theory. I'm just not sure the formula is in his head. I believe it is contained more in his blood stream. In fact I think instead of bone marrow, he has bone hopps

Till next time,

Take care

Cest bon


Well, yes, Cest bon, many of us do have jobs. But the Peng Challenge Thread is more like a calling, and so it is more important.

And you're right, of course. If the formula for Guinness were lost to the world in an attack, it would be recreated by drawing blood from Lorak and putting it through a quick analysis. Thanks for the info on Lorak, and say hello to the lad when you hear from him. I've put the game he and I were playing on hold until he's in a position to play again.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Seanachooie, I'm not sure if any one else has told you this, but putting the latest issue of

Maxim on the barstool next to you does not constitute a date with the cover girl.<hr></blockquote>

Don't be ridiculous. Did I say it was a date? Did you not see the picture of me posted by Berli?

She's a friend of mine. I was visiting her at work, so she can't even escape. Silly bugger.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Elvis:

I don't need an answer from Seanachi because I will never have time to read a whole post by him.<hr></blockquote>

And as a result will remain forever a low and useless fellow. Elvis, in the name of science I ask you to go dancing on paper thin river ice.

Having passed on your genes to a new generation, we'd be interested to see if your son, shorn of your influence during his formative years, would turn out to be of worth.

Basically, it's the old 'nature versus nurture' thing.

Short of that, you dismissive pillock, you could send me a setup. But no bocage, you bastard. And no joke scenarios! Peng and I are arranging our time off next season so that we can go out to Kalifornia together to hunt down chrisl and teach him the error of his way.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


Seanachai, you sir claim greatness... but really you are no better then Peng! You are over boiled cabage!<hr></blockquote>

Better than Peng? You silly arse, we are coequal. We are both Old Ones of the Peng Challenge Thread.

And cabbage has two b's, for choice. And you shouldn't over boil it, it will have a terrible consistency, and lose much of its taste and nutritional value.

Young people now-a-days.

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Who IS this Lard Generic MB and what does the MB stand for ... Mega Butt, Massive Bore, Missing Brain? Did he neglect to read the much maligned first post? Did he, far more likely, read but NOT UNDERSTAND? Hmmm ... on second thought ... I don't think anyone cares! This has all the earmarks of a short shelf life.

Seanachai you are, as usual, a day late and a dollar short. When I needed the advice and consent of the Olde Ones they were not there and my offer is hereby off the table. You'll have to deal with Berli's assaults upon the traditions of the CessPool all by yourself.

As for me ... I'm off to join a new cause. I shall be assisting those who would save the California Redwood ... I shall be aide de camp to the women calling themselves "Goddess based, Nude Buddist Guerrilla Poets" who went topless to prevent the logging ... I've found my calling ... now if I can just ignore the chanting, poetry, Goddess worship, ...


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Be careful, though, because, like Rune, I believe he now has an NDA, and it makes him cranky.<hr></blockquote>

Given that it's a subversive secret society that permeates the CM community, You would be surprised who got the NDA!

Further, I think it would be safe to say that the MBT is well represented in this group.

Of course, this is conjecture on my part.....or is it? ( Warning - PENG, avert your eyes, smiley following ;) )


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

Given that it's a subversive secret society that permeates the CM community, You would be surprised who got the NDA!

Further, I think it would be safe to say that the MBT is well represented in this group.

Of course, this is conjecture on my part....


Oh, don't prance about, Mace. We all know that you're on the beta-test team as well. As an Australian govenment worker, who else would have more sodding time on their hands to make sure that CMBB comes out perfect?

Through the good offices of Berli, I even saw your original 'checking it in here, boss' post on the Beta tester forum. I was pleased to see that the Mother Beautiful Thread was well represented.

Oh, and on that note, I want to point out, if I haven't already, that Berli is a Prince, even if it is Prince of Darkness.

When he left Minneapolis (the spiritual and geographic center of the Universe; we even have a plaque), he left with me his "Kelly's Heroes" DVD. Now is that a Prince, or what?

Sadly, Berli will not say ****e about the game to come. Of course, that is probably what the NDA is all about. It's disturbing when the Evil One takes to heart this sort of thing. Sigh.

Now, Mace, make your useless self useful and go work on getting more Australians to reveal themselves on the wanking 'Australia' thread. I want a full list of names.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB:


Seanachai, you sir claim greatness... but really you are no better then Peng! You are over boiled cabage!<hr></blockquote>

LGMB, you are an idiot. But at least you are not a newbie idiot. At at times you do have some humor about you (but of course, looks are not everything).

Still, I still think, despite the soft place I have in my chest cavity for you, that you should sod off immediately.

Slapdragon, Ronin-Yojimbo Knight of the Peng Challenge Thread

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Wha hey tha noo! Dance mae a jig an' Ah'll stand ye a wee dram! At's bin a string o' glorious victories fer tha hoose o' MacOberGruppenbloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy!

Tae recall, tha recent abject admission bah Moriarty o' a spotty arse spankin'. Noo foller'd bah a handsome whippin' o' tha fiend o' tha bocage Goanna. An' nae tae bae laift oot - Leeo has bin slapped aboot lak a drunk midget ain a Bruce Lee movie ("Ye ha' ainsulted mah sister an' tha Shoalin Temple...Aaaiiieeee! Icky Icky Mac-THWACK!! CLOBBER! BOOT!!)

Dalem ha' clearly gwin tae groond ain fright - noo turns fer ages.

Mace as hopin' Ah've fergotten hais rash acceptaince o' mah challainge last week...noo setoop yet.

Mensch as gettin' tha crispy snot kicked oot o' hais laddies - wha's laift o' them. Anoother abjaict capitulation shud bae ain shortly.

StukaNukaPukaPants as dwin at hard afore hae gets hais second wind.

Speedy has gwin tae groond fer tha weekend. Refer Dalem.

Nijis - (Remember haim??) - as managin' aboot a turn a month - af'n Ah'm lucky. Must bae tha paralyzin fear.

Lawyer, ye rancid heap o' steamin' bat droppin's, were ye gwintae belly oop fer a slappin' or wha'????


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

Wha hey tha noo! Dance mae a jig an' Ah'll stand ye a wee dram! At's bin a string o' glorious victories fer tha hoose o' MacOberGruppenbloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy!

Tae recall, tha recent abject admission bah Moriarty o' a spotty arse spankin'. Noo foller'd bah a handsome whippin' o' tha fiend o' tha bocage Goanna.


You squeaked by on that one, laddie, an' you know it. Your little band o' wankers were cryin' fer mercy when time ran out.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Moriarty:

You squeaked by on that one, laddie...<hr></blockquote>

Tha "squeakin'" were tha draidful squeakin' o' mah tank tracks squishin' ye forlorn hopes fer glory aintae tha mud an' slush, Jimmy! Flingin' ye troops aboot lak a mad woman wi' a knicker load o' poop, ainly tae look oop ain dismay whain tha clock ran doon on ye.

At were a horrible drubbin' an' Ah'm noo surprised ye wish tae cast at ain a favourable light. Ah find at a common trait among them tha' ha' dashed their pride agin mah "thin red line".

Ah let mah wee tanky things di mah talkin'!

An Lawyer, ye soppy daft twit, Ah'm lookin' at yoo, Jimmy!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

You know, if Beli and Mace are in this secret society, then they will likely let anyone in. We should all immediately apply for entry and hope we get issued our lodge pins and buffalo hats before CM:BB is released.<hr></blockquote>DAMN! Lodge pins and buffalo hats ... that's what we need around here.


p.s. RE: Your new sig:

Description of Slapdragon's new sig ...

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